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2.1k · Apr 2014
I speak to the trees about my qualms; knowing they will keep them rooted and hidden from the world above.

I cry with the rain about my dysphoria; so that it's curved drops might cleanse me and wash away any anguish.

I whisper to the burning fire about my desires; so that they may ignite and transform into something unquenchable.

I confide in the wind about my loneliness; so that it might blow someone onto  my path so that I would be given a reply to all the things the trees, rain, fire, and wind have heard but could never give me an answer.
1.3k · Jul 2013
Till the last thought
I try to tell myself that I am in control this time
Hoping that you will feel some kind of wonderment or downhearted, one second thought about me
I will not call you
I will not give in
I will not get my heart broken again
I want to use you to show you how I felt
But I can't
Because despite all the disappointment and letdown I could never hurt you
I could never ignore you

Although while I am over here over analyzing and nearly overloading my cranium with what if's and thoughts
You have the air of nonchalance and disinterestedness while you pop into my life again without warning
Can you tell that you get me all frazzled?
Is this purely for your own amusement?

Why can't I figure you out.
Why do you interest me so?
Why do I feel like my connection to you is the strongest thing I have ever felt.
No I must be naive and disillusioned

Till the day I completely cease sparing my time and thoughts to you
You will be the winner
Even if it is a bad thought you are still consuming my mind
Confusion and Love
Spite and Wonder
They all are the same
Same being you
1.2k · May 2013
The color of our skin is fading
Our earth being negated
Praying on blind eyes and deaf minds with no chance of shouting out
we are omniscient  having this
god complex i wont ever miss it

You can never stop us because we are here and we dominate we are above all
We are the race that pulls forward. ignoring being boring consuming everything else thinking we are superior to all

Collecting stuff we don’t need

We no longer have animal instincts

We are jack and the jelly bean mixed with cetirizine

no more a beauty queen

because all she is , is masked by the layers and layers

of liner and foundation

We are all now made up of fake tans, anorexic hands,
botoxed lips, enlarged ******* and hips

Turning into lumps with each earth rotation

Ill just keep running and running and talking and talking because that the only way to spread the word
1.1k · May 2014
Again it's pouring in Switzerland
The sounds of wet footsteps hitting the pavement
I am starting to feel something once again
So I'll extend my hand
and shake it in achievement just to realize I have no hand to shake
So here I stand in the pouring rain only just to notice the inclined plane
Not finished
1.0k · Jul 2013
Morse code messages
I was biking home tonight and took the long way home through a school

Everything was so perfect
The song that was playing fit  like a puzzle piece

So I stopped

And laid on the asphalt,  looked  up into the sky to see the stars dimmed by the city lights

Though their light looked faded you could still make out constellations

While the stars, who are million miles away and are nothing but gas mainly hydrogen and helium I could swear they were sending me messages in Morse code

I felt so peaceful and at ease

Then in a moment it was over when a bright flashlight got pointed at me by a security guard saying." hey,  you okay? "

I was fine of course, thanks for asking though

Oh well, i'll wait for the moment to be right again
929 · May 2013
Why is the world around me shaking and trembling
However it seems its only me
Maybe I'm just in love with the idea of love the notion of having someone beside me
A Smokey mind an ether infecting my blood
While ghost tears cause me to feel my face and wonder if its the past or current state.  
State of mind of heart, of time
In the end I'm just a cliche love heartbreak and wonder poem

A child robbed of her innocent soul
A tank of propane ready to blow
A girl trembling with doubt curled in a ball
Silently screaming inside
For I might  not be beautiful or smart funny or charming adorable or perfect
Why can't anyone understand and look into who I might be
I am a shape-shifting demon
Morphing into what is wanted and ignoring who it really is
Answer honestly, I beg would you miss me?

Would you miss me if I fled?
Remember me if I was dead?  
Forgotten easily I must be so i'll just cry and sing and fade into the darkness and disappear in the end
I don't mean to be down but these thoughts just come around.
Nighttime they seem to manifest and in no means digress adding to the stress
The Mind is a two way street causing one to abandon sleep
At 3am the universe enters your head
Since Everyone knows crying puts you to sleep
I'll commence to weep
844 · Jul 2013
Are you
I am my poems
   Embodying my essence
        Creating images
Tasting my nostalgia
     Recalling the taste of my journey
             Feeling the colors

This is my painting
My painting filled with words
The short novel and sneak peak

Unscrutinized, irrevocable, conjuring estimation towards the plain notions of idioms
779 · May 2013
Magic is a lost art form
It crawls through your mind like a worm
So many papers written about it for the end of the term
All striving for once single goal to learn learn learn
It might make you get a perm
Causing a riot and making you turn
Give that monkey a new bread crumb
Or he'll succumb to being obnoxiously dumb
But it will probably happen anyway
Because the monkey listens to the fray

While his mother goes home to pray
That his father doesn't travel far away
From his family or his favorite friends
But on his job it all depends
On which locations are best for him
Going by the name of Edward Tim
Who use to frequent his home gym
He Crushed on hot girls named  Kim
Kim loved to crash Tim's wonderful parties
Shooting up with a pack of Smarties
Tim wanted her to be a lady

Tim wanted her to be a lady
Because she was pregnant with Tim's baby
Although her mother wanted her to give it up maybe
However Kim wanted to name her baby Sadie.

Tim wanted to name it after his mother.
Kim wanted to name it after her brother.
Both of decided because of each other that it was getting quite dim
With such fuss between Tim and Kim they settled on a name that was another
And prayed that their son would not be dumb
Then he wouldn't be any fun for Kim or Tim

The fat rat sat flat on may's bat
While the sun shined you'll find some fun before the day is done said the trees which they mimed and chimed
748 · Jun 2014
Cold showers on Hot days
Laying naked in this Indian haze
As beads of sweat glide down my cheek
I hope I black out, so that I might sleep,
to drift me off to a better place
Through the debris of outer space
Floating through the nebulae
Searching for someone to connect retinae
Igniting that spark we all yearn to find
Both body, soul, and mind  
A connection that feels prehistoric
Searching for that one human that makes us feel euphoric
722 · Jul 2013
Chatty Kathy
She talked and talked without ever having to stop

Needless to say

All she said was novel and splendid,

If you really paid attention and listened closely you’d be astounded

She painted images and idea’s that have yet to be imagined

Questioned the questions that have been left unanswered

But people grew bored and her voice was muted and drowned out

Chatty Kathy then shut her mouth

And presumed to take on fake and uninteresting small talk

Because no one really cared to listen

Glorious thoughts and notions being forced into a cage, her own mind.

She’s alright with this

Too bad, that Chatty Kathy could have opened your mind to new heights.

Only the people who inquire what she really has to say are on a different level
556 · Jul 2013
unrequited love
I will never posses you my unrequited love
No matter how close I am, I still am disillusioned to the fact that our souls aren't close
I like to think they are, but who am I kidding?
You are in another galaxy only briefly and rarely acknowledging my existing small little life form
You are my blue moon
For eternity you'll be my Achilles heel
So all you have to do is think a thought or whisper a word
And I will hear it loud and clear
But hopefully one day you will hear mine and realize
That you should visit me and stay for awhile and not be a stranger
Because you haven't seen me for a minute or two
543 · May 2013
Colors in my head
I heard colors last night
Drifting in my head
while I happened to be in bed
The colors sang to me in every which way
Vertical, horizontal, and laterally
They all had tones of distinct notes
One sounded like a girl swinging in a tree
the other was the calm rolling sea
and when you mixed the colors
they began to harmonize, and intermingle
creating a painting of sound
if only I would've written it down
for that symphony of colors quickly faded from mind
as I drifted off into my slumber
And closed my eyes
525 · Apr 2014
Subconscious secrets
I write poems in my sleep
Allowing my dreams to speak
When I wake they fail to keep
Resulting in
Scribbles and nonsense splattered on the sheet
One day I'm sure this nonsense will start to form
Rearrange itself
Into bits of coherent sense
I will never ignore the voice of my subconsciousness
So speak on to me  my dreams
Whisper things into my sleep
That only make sense when I dream
For you hold secrets I know for sure
And I am excellent and putting puzzle pieces together
481 · May 2013
Red Sea
We ***** ourselves out to whoever comes along
Prostituting our morals for pieces of paper
The superfluous pieces of paper that seem to rule the world
Lies upon lies to keep the truth under wraps
Nobody knows
Rounded up and slaughtered in what looks to be a serene beautiful place
"It's our culture and our race"  
It's population control, we are doing a service
While they slip you poison in your dinner
Let's disregard all the blood that has seeped into the ground
Those who take a stand, we beat them when they stand
We are the culprits but as well can be the saviors
We are ******* the life we are given, till its dry and barren
And the blood is increasing by the minute and soon the sea will be red
Corrupted and needing to revert
Thousands crying out, but the cries fall on deaf ears
And we don't care
Because haven't you heard?
It's the new fad to be cruel
With red water flowing through the currents
Of this red sea
417 · Oct 2016
Ethereal meetings
In the stages between friends and something more
Is unstable and unsure
Every interest, possibility
Comes with an Expiration date on the bottom
Weather by fate or just being the wrong mate
Im continuing my search
Sifting through the endless faces and hearts
Following the traces
Looking for the stars in your eyes
Maybe we shall meet in the ether
You will find me floating around Mars, weightless and spiraling into the darkness
I'll see you there
389 · Oct 2016
Riding the Wind
Jumping from world to world
Land to land
Surrounded by millions of drones
but standing alone
I spoke and no one understood
They spoke and I was equally confused
Stop Translating, It doesn't compute

Through games of charade and mime like games
The ball is rolling and I yearn to learn and enhance these words from a foreign land.
An appetite for new faces and special places where my eyes can gorge themselves upon  

Unique words and different herds
Getting past this shyness I have always possessed
Earning this backbone and confidence
I speak without falter nothing hindering me now

I am a land rover and jumper
Winter, Spring, Fall, or Summer
You can't stop me now
I feel the electricity and sheer power of the world as it is changing myself and all around me
Now I am internalizing it all
I'm riding these International winds
To places I have never been
Let's see where I will end up next
327 · May 2014
The eyes
My cheeks betray me
They lie to everyone all the time
I've only had two glasses of wine
They turn a rosy color and stay awhile
"Awe that's so cute" **** that I wish they stop
I find it quite vile
Either my cheeks or my eyes betray me nonstop
I don't like being able to be read so easily
There is more to me than what you see
My eyes betray me, if you look real close
Screaming about what really is
Thankfully most seem to miss this
But ever I would fall in love
those eyes will be my downfall
Yelling about my true feelings
Not being able to hide
I fear for that day
That my own eyes condemn me
143 · Mar 2020
Street sweepers
Through the window of Main Street  the workers tend to the streets keeping them clear.
In the pouring rain, through the snow
Diligently working and always on the go.

Grooming our domain without complaint
Inconspicuous to the rushed passers-by who are glued to those dumb-smart devices, might as well be sewn to their hand

So many overworked and underpaid, slaving away just for minimum wage.

Everyone desperate to get laid
Coping mechanisms to ignore the insesant anxiety mental instability accumulating every day.
139 · Mar 2020
Sage dreams
He smells of the musty and comfort aroma of smoke.
It's not like any other aroma as it is from the desert. A desert filled with life and death held in suspended animation of blissful peace.
Where life and death ebb in harmony and all the city's societal woes drift from the mind
The smoke that transports me to fields of sage and burning wood.
136 · Mar 2020
Lavender blush
Lavender blush bursting at the seams to make our anxious Minds calm. Urging to put it down that guilty pleasure, head home to cast off the restraints constricting your air. Do you remember what the Earth feels like on bare feet? To bury them deep letting them sleep in to your heart soaking in that lavender field. Sinking into the unadulterated Purity it gives me such ease to the Calamity of the city life. A sense of security in the chaos. These cells of mine can finally feed on clean air. Don't make me go back to ******* poison through a straw. Torturing me and making us ill. I'm trapped inside a mental prison and my body cannot handle this claustrophobic glass case that is being filled to the brim. Set it ablaze so the ashes may fall like snow and give way to New Life so that we may nurture and care for what we have destroyed. To have a second chance
118 · Mar 2020
Embers and flames
How does one placate and extinguish the fire of love
The passion that has burned from embers of coals to uncontrollable englufing flames.

These flames once made a home for you
To Nestle in the warmth like a dragon in it's hearth
The flames need air and so to do I when smothered they turn to ash just as we both have

That warmth and flame has shifted every so slowly to a heat that starts to burn.
It hurts
It hurts your body constricting and tightening. Stealing breath from your lungs.
******* tears from your eyes that would make pools of salty shapes.
For those who walk by the trample through

Love you have fueled me like the food in my belly
Love you have burned me
Charring the flesh of mine from nape to navel turning the elesticity of skin into indistinguishable matter.

As the fire reaches it's timeline of life we must not try and revive it.
It has lived it life and had it's time
Nothing could replace the value of that fire of love
But fires do go out and we must be be the fire master of our own fire.
Tending to ourselves and feeding our souls fire because that is the one fire that must never be let to dwindle and extinguish
110 · Mar 2020
As I wipe the lingering dreams from my eyes They're pierced by the light, radiating energy into every object that falls into its spotlight.

Filling the land with vigor, a gentle shake taking you away to the Suns dimension
Stealing you from the Romantic escapades of the Moon.

As you leave it steals a kiss or two urging you to return again tonight.
You'll start to warm by the blinding love of the Sun.

Heat rising from your toes to the top of your head.
The air crisp sharp shocking your lungs, a comforting sensation
As the new dew Drops glissen, so do you.
There are many realms in which to dance through twirling and twisting between what cannot be seen.

These realms are ever spinning Carousels in which you can dismount ‎and return at will.
But each time you do the song the atmosphere changes.

— The End —