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4.7k · May 2016
My Mother, The Fighter
She has fought through illness and heart pain.
She has seen tragedies, time and again.
She risked her own life so I could be born.
Not listening to the doctors who said to abort.
She has stood through life's trials,
and has come out stronger.
She is my Mother, the Fighter.

She has questioned God.
But her faith has not faltered.
She has placed herself in His hands,
for however long He gives her.
She is my Mother, the Fighter.

She is gentle-spirited, yet a warrior.
She is quiet, yet bold.
She is my Mother, the Fighter.

And she is still fighting.
She has endured long.
And continues to endure.
Whatever comes.
Her story will be told.
To future generations.
I will tell her story.
Her legacy of faith.
For I am her daughter,
and I love her.
She is my Mother, the Fighter.
With her Faithful God behind her.
---dedicated to my loving mother on this Mother's Day.  I love you, Mom.
Thank you for teaching me to fight the good fight of the faith, and to persevere in prayer and through trial, without giving up. You are truly a blessing to me.
4.6k · Nov 2016
Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To come alongside.
In words of comfort.
Words of love.
To the divorced.
Who feel like they've failed.

Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To the mentally ill.
Whose tormenting thoughts are a living hell.

Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To the lost teen caught up in the downward
spiral of addiction.
Where escape from life is so appealing to them.

Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To the homeless man without a dime.
Whose every moment is a struggle to survive.

Will we not even try to understand?
To hold out our hand?
To the child in the classroom who doesn't fit in.
Who needs an aide to settle them.

Will we not even try?
To accept.
To comfort.
To hold out our hand.
And then...
watch God heal.
The broken hearts.
Of the marginalized.
From the pain
Of those who don't fit in.
4.5k · Sep 2016
Mustard Seed
Lord, all I can offer You  is a mustard seed of faith.
For I am so full of fear, and doubt, and unbelief.
So addicted to walking by what my eyes see,
I fail to remember that You are the God of impossibilities.
For so many years I've prayed the same prayer,
and it seems as though it remains unanswered.
I falter.
I faint.
I lose heart.
As what little faith I had,
begins to depart.
I fall on my knees in desperation before Thee,
I cry, "Lord, I believe!  Help my unbelief!"(Mark 9:24)
Then You tenderly speak to my soul and remind me of this:
All it takes to move a mountain is a mustard seed of faith.

I hold out my hands to You as I pray,
"Here is my mustard seed of faith, Lord.
Take it, for it is all I can offer Thee.
Lord, have mercy, and grant my request.
Even though all I have left
is a mustard seed
of faith."
4.0k · Jun 2017
A House Full Of Memories
I hear the echo of my own voice.
In empty rooms.
Rooms once filled with the
tears and laughter of my children.
Rooms which once held the loving
arms of family.
A room which once held the intimate
love of a husband and wife.

I hear the echo.
I hear the echo of my own voice.
In empty rooms.
Among boxes packed.
Boxes awaiting the unfolding.
Of a new chapter in my life.

I hear the echo of my own voice.
In empty rooms.
I see the For Sale sign on the lawn.
I think of the memories.
In every room.
The memories.
Of our family.
Now broken.
And my heart breaks.

I hear the echoes.
Of a house haunted with memories.
Of both joy and pain.
I remember.
I smile. I grieve.
I ponder...
Let go.
And walk into the future.
With my hand in the Hand of God.

I hear the echo of my own voice.
I hear the echo of my own tears.
In empty rooms.
In this house full of memories.
I bind each moment to my heart.
And say.
He promises her he will be true to her forever.
As they seal their covenant with golden bands.
But he is only a man.
Imperfect and fallible.
Empty words and broken promises.

He promises her he will be her friend forever.
They will write and call and share life together.
She thinks he will always care about her.
But he is only a man.
Imperfect and fallible.
Empty words and broken promises.

He promises her that His love for her
is Eternal and Unchanging.
That she is forgiven,
and His precious gem.
He promises He will never leave
or forsake her.
For she is His child,
and He is her Father.
He is God.
Perfect and Loving.
Who keeps His Word
and fulfills His Promises.
Can you hear the voice of God?
Can you hear Him?
Whispering through the tall trees.

Can you hear the voice of God?
Can you hear Him?
Calling through the sweet song
of the chickadee.

Can you hear the voice of God?
Can you hear Him?
In the hushed silence of a
clear night sky full of stars.

Can you hear the voice of God?
Can you hear Him?
In the quiet flapping of a butterfly's
gentle wings.

Can you hear the voice of God?
Can you hear Him?
In the lazy hum of the honeybee's
as she ascends and descends upon
blossoms in summer's radiant light.

Can you hear the voice of God?
Can you hear Him?
In the lion's mighty roar.
Can you hear Him?
In the waves of the sea which
crash upon the shore.

Can you hear the voice of God?
Calling out to your inmost soul.
"Come to Me,
  come and rest.
  Receive forgiveness.
  Let My love heal you.
  Open the door of your heart to
  Me .
  For I stand at the door and knock."

Can you hear the voice of God?
O weary traveller upon life's way.
He longs to comfort you in His Love.
And chase your fears away.

Can you hear?
Can you hear?
Will you say,
"Speak Lord, I'm listening."
For then...
You will hear.
The voice of God.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him,
and he with Me." Rev. 3:2, Holy Bible

"And it shall be that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."  Acts 2:21, Holy Bible
3.2k · Jun 2016
The Rescue Boat
Out on the ocean,
our boat breaks down.
Thankfully, we aren't too far from land.
The rescue boat is on its way,
but now the wind comes up
and it's pouring rain.
I know God is with me,
so I am not afraid.

The broken down boat
is tossed by the wind and waves.
It collides with the big rocks
along the shore.
While grizzlies hide within the forest.
When will our rescue boat appear?

The rain pounds down harder.
We get colder and colder.
And then off in the distance...
we spot her.
The fast boat gliding upon the water.
To rescue we the stranded.
From threatening danger.

I think of my life.
And the storm that has come to be.
Like a boat in trouble on the sea,
I need a rescue boat to come and save me.
For I can get so scared and weary.

Only God can be my Saviour.
He is my rescue boat,
when I break down in the storm.
And the waves of sorrow engulf me.
He is my rescue boat who comes to me,
when I am stranded on the sea.
In the storm and in the rain.
When I'm out on the ocean of life,
and my boat breaks down,
He will come for me.
And bring me to safety.

(C) Elizabeth T., 2016
The lizard is alone.
The lizard is small,
looked down upon.
By some.
the lizard is unafraid.
The lizard leaves her comfort zone.
She leaves it all behind.
An enemy comes.
And removes her tail.
She does not struggle
to hold on to it.
She leaves it behind.
The lizard is...
Looked down upon.
But the lizard is unafraid.
She leaves her comfort zone.
And enters the King's palace.
To dwell in the Presence of the King.
She is small and wise,
and lives in the King's palace.

I am like the lizard.
Looked down upon.
By some.
I am afraid.
To leave my comfort zone.
I will,
I must,
leave it all behind.
I will leave the tail
of my past sins and regrets behind.
If that is what it takes.
If that is what it costs me.
To enter the King's palace.
And dwell in the Presence.
Of my King.
Inspired by Proverbs 30:28, Holy Bible
2.7k · Oct 2017
I Give Thanks To You, O Lord
In the spring and in the autumn,
in the calm and in the storm.
I give thanks to You, O Lord.

In my sorrow and in my joy,
in times of bounty and times of uncertainty.
I give thanks to You, O Lord.

In times of darkness.
In times of sickness.
In times of abundance.
In times of youthful vitality.

In times when I do not understand why.

I give thanks to You, O Lord.

In days of rest; and days of stress.
In days of struggle; and days of hopefulness.
I give thanks to You, O Lord.

In every season.
In every season.
I give thanks to You, O Lord.
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord,
unto me. (Thomas Chisholm, 1923)
I give thanks.
To Thee.
Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada.  I am overwhelmed with gratitude over all God has given me.
I broke a painted *** that was a picture of me.
Then tried to glue it back together.
Piece by piece.
But try as I might,
I could not fix it.
I could not repair myself.
Cracks remained with wide gaps.
A little triangular piece was put in a random spot.
It just didn't fit.
The *** is finished...
but now cracked...
I could not repair it.
I could not fix myself.
But then...
a candle was put inside.
And a beautiful miracle shone
before my eyes.
A lovely, gentle light glowed forth
between the cracks.
Just like the Light of God...
the treasure within...
shines out through my brokenness.
I am a cracked ***,
made even more beautiful,
by God's Light shining through my cracks.
My imperfections.
My brokenness.
I am a vessel...
for His Glory.
Hatred becomes Love.
War becomes Peace.
Sorrow becomes Joy.
Despair becomes Hope.
Loss becomes Gain.
Death becomes Life.
For He is the One who trumps everything.
And turns it all around.
For His ways are not like the ways of man.
All that is evil.
All that is sorrow.
Is turned around for good.
When I turn to Him.
For He is the One who trumps everything.
And turns it all around.
2.4k · Aug 2016
Walls Crumbling
Walls crumbling.
Eyes opening.
Ears listening.
Words healing.
Arms embracing.
Heart melting.
To love.
And let love in.
2.0k · Jan 2017
Winter Moon
Winter moon.
Above snow-covered trees.
A glowing sickle.
In the cold dark sky.
Lighting up the frozen black.
Of this New Year's night.
The Winter moon shining bright.
Casts a warm glow
upon the snow tonight.
Forget the freezing, icy road.
For just a moment.
And lift up your head.
Fix your gaze.
Upon the Winter moon.
Which God has made.
1.9k · Jun 2016
I am finished trying to draw water to satisfy my soul,
from holes that cannot quench my thirst.
I try to draw water from holes of different names.
From friends and family.
From the words and approval of men.
From temporal pleasures and materialism.
But they cannot quench the longing for Love
in my thirsty soul.
I am like the Woman at the Well.
Tired of going to holes that I think are wells.
Trying to draw water.
Walking away still thirsty.
And again.
And again.
My Saviour and the Lover of my soul
comes to me.
And I drink from Him.
My thirst is finally quenched,
and I will never be thirsty again.
For He is the Living Water.
He is not an empty hole which dries up,
sending me away still thirsty.
He is the Love which my parched soul needs.
He is...
the WELL.
Inspired by the Gospel of John 4:1-45.
1.9k · Jul 2016
Morsels Of Life
Day by day,
He feeds me the manna of His Word.
Piece by piece.
Morsel after morsel.
Until I find I am craving more.
For nothing else can satisfy
my thirsty soul,
like the Bread from Heaven
of His Word.
Each word...
each morsel of light and life...
nourishes me in my inmost being.
Nothing else on this earth
comes close to satisfying.
I cry out "Lord, I want more!
For nothing else can save me, heal me,
deliver me, like Your powerful Word."
He answers, "Come, my child, you are
invited to the Feast,
to feast on Me, feast on My Word,
and find true life."
Empty from the broken cisterns
of the world,
I come to His Feast.
He feeds me the manna of His Word,
piece by piece,
morsel after morsel.
Until I find I am craving more.
Until He has filled up
my empty soul.
1.8k · Sep 2017
Be still, O my soul.
There is nothing to fear.
Your God is in control.
And He holds you near.
There is none who can protect thee.
Like the Lord Almighty.
With His angel army.

Be still, O my soul.
There is nothing to fear.
Your God is in control.
Beneath His wings.
You can rest secure.
For He is your refuge.
From all harm and evil.

Be still, O my soul.
There is nothing to fear.
For in His heart.
You are most dear.

Be still, O my soul.
And know.
That He is your God.
Inspired by Psalm 46 and 91, Holy Bible.

"He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may seek refuge." (Ps. 91:4)
"Be still and know that I am God." (Ps. 46:10)
1.8k · Jan 2017
Beautiful Coexistence
Half of the morning sky holds the night,
as the moon in the semi-darkness still gives its light.
But on the other side of the heavens,
dawn is awakening.
With a glorious pink and orange sunrise.
What a delight to my eyes!
Night and day in the same sky.
For all to see.
Darkness and light are sharing the canopy.
Just as trials of life can be bittersweet.
The darkness of grief.
And the light of joy and peace incomprehensible.
Existing at the same time.
Colliding each day within the same heart.
The night of loss,
and the day of freedom.
The darkness of loneliness and regret,
and the light of God's love
and never-ending Presence.
The bittersweetness of trials and suffering.
In this temporal life.
Indeed no one escapes them.
There is beauty.
Beauty in this.
Like the winter moon in the dark,
and the sunrise awakening the dawn.
In the same sky.
At the same time.
Creating a beautiful coexistence.

1.7k · May 2016
New Wine In New Wineskins
Shards of glass lay before me.
Like the pieces of my life.
Of a broken relationship
that I cannot fix.
Perhaps the broken vessel
must be tossed away.
And a brand new vessel
must take its place.
For new wine cannot be poured
into old wineskins.
Lest they burst.
We must begin anew.
We must start afresh.
Can we begin with forgiveness?
And trust the Master Builder
with the rest?
Can we throw away the past?
Throw away the shards of glass?
And drink love new.
Drink new wine in new wineskins.
Me and you.

---Inspired by Matthew 9:17, Holy Bible.
1.7k · Sep 2017
Upon The Immoveable Rock
Shall I deny who I am to gain what will not remain?
The approval of man.
As fleeting as dust in the wind.
Or shall I live for the Truth?
for Him.
Live for the Eternal One.
And His Kingdom's reign.

Shall I live for the love of man?
Which is fickle.
Like the phases of the moon.
Or shall I abide in His Love?
Which is immoveable.
And will never change.

Shall I deny who I am?
Feeling outwardly comfortable.
While my soul is in chains.
Shall I live for the temporal,
which is so short and fleeting?
Like shifting sand.
Like shifting sand.
Or shall I live for the Eternal?
"On Christ the Solid Rock I stand." (Edward Mote, c.1834)
Firm Rock.
Stable Rock.
This is where I choose
to place the soles of my feet.
Firmly planted in His Word.
Firmly planted in His Love.
With my roots going deep.

"On Christ the Solid Rock I stand."
On Christ the Immoveable Rock I stand.
With roots going down deep.
With roots going down deep.
Into the Eternal.
1.7k · Jun 2017
My Mountain Ash Tree
Season after season.
I've gazed upon you
through my window.

I've seen the snow hang low
upon your branches.
With white upon red berries.
I've watched the snow melt away
to reveal new buds,
ever so slowly,
to leaves so green.
In early Spring.

I've watched all the creatures
hop, climb, and fly among
your branches.
I've watched the birds taste
your blood-red berries.
I've seen songbirds...
finches, and chickadees.
Come to the feeders.
That hang from you.
I've seen the squirrels steal
seeds from the birds.
As their little paws unlatch
a little hook.
I've heard the birds sing among your
So sweetly.
I remember when the chickadees
built their nest in you,
and then watched their young fledge.
I remember the year the woodpecker
came knocking at your trunk's door.
As he drilled his beak into you.
And made a hole.
After that.
You were never the same anymore...

I watched your life slowly end.
Another year.
Another season.
More dead branches to be severed.
Fewer buds.
Fewer leaves.
As your story slowly drew to a close.

they chopped down what was left of you.
But I will always remember you.
And I thank the Lord for the joy
of beholding your beauty.
Of watching your story.
You have blessed so many creatures.
Including me.
Beautiful Mountain Ash tree.
1.7k · Aug 2016
The Journey To Forgiveness
Alone she stands...
at the bottom of the mountain.
The beginning of her journey.
Her journey to forgiveness.
She looks at the steepness of the climb,
and wonders where is the strength she'll find.
Especially when her backpack is full of rocks...
The painful memories of emotional abuse and verbal attacks.
But, as difficult as this journey will be,
she knows she must take it,
in order to be free.
Then He whispers to her soul,
"Step by step, with Me,
this is the only way to climb
The Journey to Forgiveness."

She begins her journey,
one step at a time.
One foot before the other.
With the heavy burden upon her back,
which she knows she must surrender.
She makes stops along the way.
The memories surface.
Her wounds lay open and bare.
But she chooses to forgive.
To release them of the debt.
And empties some of the rocks
from her backpack.

She continues on.
The journey is tiresome,
and oh, so long.
She is tempted to give up.
Many times.
But He keeps reminding her of the prize.
Another stop.
More rocks dumped.
More forgiveness given.
And another stop.
And another.
Until finally...
her burden grows lighter.
As her soul unloads its bitterness.
She sees the top now.
Oh bliss!
She climbs faster now.
She empties out the last rock.
The biggest rock.
The largest offence.
The one that was hardest to forgive.
The one that bound her in chains.
She releases it now.
Into God's hands.
And hoists herself up to the top.

She stands now in victory!
The burden she has carried so long is empty!
She has completed her journey.
Her Journey to Forgiveness.
And is finally free.
Until tomorrow...
when begins another journey.
To forgiveness.
Inspired in part by a dear friend's writings.
1.6k · Jun 2017
To The Cross
Lead me to the Cross, Lord.
Where You poured out Your love for me.

Lead me to the Cross,
and crucify every selfish, prideful
part of me.

Lead me to the Cross, Lord.
Oh, bring me to my knees.
That I might surrender my will
to Yours,
seeking only Your heart to please.

Oh, lead me.
Lead me, Lord.
Lead me.
To the Cross.
That in dying to my Self,
I might truly live.
Truly live...
for Thee.

Lead me to the Cross.
Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to follow Me,
he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me." --Matt. 16:24, Holy Bible.
1.6k · May 2017
Tiny Miracle
Tiny feathers.
Of black, white,
and softest brown.
Tiny wings fluttering.
With quiet sound.
Loud voice.
Of sweetest song.
Which can be heard.
From miles around.
"Swee, swee,"
calls the chickadee.
Handcrafted by God above,
the little chickadee
is a tiny miracle.
Of His love.
1.6k · Nov 2016
Gazing At the Sky
I lift up my gaze to the sky.
Where does my help come from...
when I cry?
My help comes from my Lord and my God.
Who will not allow slumber to make His head nod.
He is my Protector.
My Knight in shining armour.
On my weakest side,
where I am most vulnerable.
The sun by day will not burn me,
and the moon will not strike me down.
The Lord will keep me safe
from all evil and harm,
as He watches over my life
and keeps me in the storm.
He will watch over me when I
walk out the door,
and when I come back home.
I lift up my gaze to the sky,
where does my help come from?
From the Lord, the Great and Mighty,
Creator of Heaven and Earth.
He is the reason I can walk free from fear.
For He is my Helper.
Who is ever near.
Based on Psalm 121, Holy Bible.
1.5k · May 2016
When I Was A Florist
Creating beauty with beautiful flowers.
Touching soft petals.
Removing dead growth.
Combining colours, shapes, and sizes,
to create dazzling works of art.
The art of flowers.
Beautiful flowers.
Soft petals in vibrant colours.
Scents of sweetness to my nostrils.
Packaged up and sent or given.
To bid farewell to the dead.
To congratulate the newlywed.
To welcome a new baby into the world.
To cheer the sick confined to their bed.
To keep the romance alive to the married.

Creating beauty with beautiful flowers.
Watching how they bring joy to those who receive them.
This is what I did.
When I was a florist.
1.5k · Dec 2016
Invasion Of Truth
His Truth invades

every crack.
"Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think." Rom. 12:2, Holy Bible
1.5k · Jun 2016
Held In His Arms Of Love
You tell me I am beautiful,
with eyes like a dove.
I can feel Your arms around me,
covering me,
as You hold me in Your love.
I can hear Your tender whisper,
to my broken, frightened heart.
As You remind me to live in this moment,
and let my fears of the future depart.
Your love overwhelms me.
I can feel Your Presence so strongly.
That it makes me weep.
You are my Shepherd and I am Your sheep.
I am a little lamb carried on Your shoulder.
Oh, let me become so accustomed to Your voice
whispering in my ear,
that I might stray from You less, and more often stay near.
You tell me I am beautiful.
You hold me in Your arms of love.
You are in this moment.
My tears become a flood.

(C) Elizabeth T., 2016
Inspired by Song Sol. 4-5, Holy Bible.
1.5k · May 2017
The Moment
Sunlight and raindrops
new green leaves.
Pale pink blossoms.
Wave in the breeze.
Birds sing sweetly
in the trees.
Tulips and daffodils,
so colourful and bright.
Drink in.
The sun's
warm light.
is beauty.
is peace.
the moment.
Alone and afraid.
Broken and lost.
She falls on her face
in the dust.
And then she hears His Voice.
Calling to her.
To come and rest.
To come and trust.
She lifts up her eyes from the dust.
She whispers His name, "Jesus."
He comes to her in the dark.
He speaks to her out of a burning bush.
She wrestles with Him each night in the dark...
"I will not let You go until You bless me."
Every anchor has been removed,
that He may be the only One left.
She clings to Him in the dark.
She lets Him hold her in the storm.
Alone and afraid.
Broken and lost.
She journeys through the wilderness.
She stops fighting the wilderness.
She lifts up her face from the dust.
Her eyes behold Him,
and He holds her in His love.
In the wilderness.

He takes hold of her right hand
and says to her: "Fear not."
He journeys with her through her
To the other side.
Where there is a land flowing with milk and honey.
But first,
she must journey through this wilderness.
Until at last.
She has learned.
To trust.
Inspired by a dear friend's writings and encouragement.
1.5k · Jun 2016
Dirt Under My Fingernails
I don't wear gloves when I plant my Spring flowers.
I like to feel the soft, warm soil.
I like to feel where the roots go.
Deep, deep below.
I don't mind having dirt under my fingernails.

I like feeling the sunlight on my hair.
And hearing the birds sing in the air.
While I plant beauty in the soft, warm earth.
I don't mind having dirt under my fingernails.

I like to feel the soft, warm soil.
I don't mind having dirt under my fingernails.
1.4k · Jul 2016
Until I Am Undone
Where do I go...
when I feel so alone.
Where do I run...
when grief's tears overcome.
Where do I turn...
when it looks like the end.
Cling to Him.
Cling to Him.
And let Him love me.
Until I am undone.
---No one can ever love me the way Jesus does.  His love is incomprehensible, eternal, passionate, jealous, and unfailing. I am so thankful that He relentlessly pursues me, until I finally surrender and let Him love me.
1.4k · Sep 2016
Indescribable Beauty
The pond is a mirror.
Of reflections.
On calm ripples.
Orange, green, blue.
With graceful, long-necked geese.
Floating above.
And feet gliding beneath.
Calm ripples.
Leaves dance down.
One by one.
And land on the surface
of the calm pond.
With calm ripples.
In brushstrokes of
orange, green, blue, black, brown.
The beauty of nature in autumn
sings a symphony of colour and beauty.
There is beauty in autumn's death.
There is indescribable beauty.
Which puts my soul at rest.

1.4k · Mar 2017
Speak To Me, O God
Speak to me, O God.
At last...
I'm listening.

Speak to me.
In a quiet whisper.
Speak to me.
In a lion's roar.
Tell me words
that will heal my soul.
Your words heal.
Every wound.

Speak to me, O God.
I'm listening.
Speak my name.
For I am Your own.

Speak to me.
My very life hangs
on every word You say.
Speak to me.
At last...
I'm listening.
Silence every other voice.
Shout loudly to me
above the noise
of the enemy.

Speak into my stormy soul.
And calm the waves of grief,
and the torrents of fear.
That threaten to shut out
Your voice.

Speak, Lord.
For Your servant is listening.
Speak to me.
I'm listening.
At last...
I'm listening.
Speak to me.
Inspired by the Kari Jobe song "Speak To Me."
1.4k · Oct 2016
Quiet Resting Places
Green meadows lush and still.
Quiet waters that restore my soul.
Autumn trees blowing in gentle wind.
Calm music of hope to which I can sing.
Winter's snow falling soft and quiet.
Gentle purring beside me on a blanket.
A soft, warm pillow upon my bed.
Where I can rest my weary head.
His still small Voice whispering to my heart,
"Rest now, my beloved, and let your fears depart."
Inspired by the 23rd Psalm, Holy Bible.
Moses ran from Egypt.
Into the wilderness.
Turned aside to see a burning bush.
God's Presence.
Sandals removed.
Holy ground.
The call.
Argued with God.
"Send someone else.
I'm a bad choice.
I'm too scared.
I can't talk.
You don't know
what You're doing, Lord."
God's patience.
By Moses.
But still He was kind.
"I will be with you,
the entire time."
How long was the gap?
While God worked on the heart.
Of Moses.

A trip to Egypt.
A step back in time.
"Let my people go."
But Pharoah's heart was stubborn.
New Moses.
Shows courage.
"Let my people go!"
But Pharaoh says "No!"
Plague after plague.
Until a King's son lies dead.
Pharaoh said "Go!
And please...bless me."

Slaves set free.
But Pharaoh changed his mind.
Egyptian army pursued them.
Red Sea.
Where is God?
Are we going to die?
Moses' staff.
Stabs the sea.
"Behold His mighty hand."
There will be victory!
God's people.
In the middle of the waters.
On dry land.
With a wall of water to the right and left.
At God's command.
Hurry! Hurry!
See Pharoah's army!
God where are you?
Are we going to die?
Safe on the other side.
Egyptian enemies swallowed up.
By the tide.
God has set us free!

Moses the warrior.
Led God's people.
Into the wilderness.
Of God's Promise.
Moses led.
A stiff-necked people.
And talked with God.
Face to face.
In a cloud.
"Please have mercy on Your people,"
He prayed.

Moses, once a weakling,
became a warrior.
For God's hand was upon him.
Every step of the way.
Until his face shone radiant.
With God's glory.

Inspired by selections from the book of Exodus, Holy Bible.
1.3k · May 2016
There's Always Tomorrow
If today has been filled with discouragement and sorrow.
Don't give up.
Keep looking forward.
There's Always Tomorrow.

Perhaps you wonder if your life will ever come together.
Or if your heart will be broken forever.
Don't give up.
Do not lose hope.
There's Always Tomorrow.

Perhaps today was full of dark clouds
and the dark enemies of fear and doubt.
Perhaps you felt alone and weak,
unable to find the peace you seek.
Don't give up.
Don't despair.
There's always tomorrow.

There's always tomorrow.
1.3k · Sep 2016
Lord, I Give You This Day
Lord, I give You this day.
Help me to seek Your face,
and walk in Your ways.
Let me ever seek Your guidance,
in every step I take.
And to Your Presence,
let me be fully awake.

When guilt and regret
fill my heart with grief,
and when fears of the future
give me no relief,
Let me find You in the quiet moments.
And find rest of soul.
Remembering that only in You,
can I ever be whole.

Lord, I give You this day.
You are the Potter,
and I am the clay.
I give You myself.
I give You my will.
I give You my heart.
I give you...
my life.
Lord, I give You this day.
1.3k · Oct 2016
The youth
carry the burden of school.
Will I pass or will I fail?

carry the burden of work,
money, and sleep deprivation.

carry the burden of the juggling act
of the super woman.

Old folks
carry the burden of a body
that no longer works for them.

And all---and all---
carry the burden of never
being good enough .

"Come to Me," calls the
Bearer of all burdens.
"I will give you rest.
Give your heavy burden to Me,
and exchange it for the lighter load,
which I give to thee."

She lets the backpack fall from her shoulders.
And walks on.
Carrying a lighter one.
Her striving is done.
A journey toward rest
has begun.
Inspired by Matthew 11:28-30, Holy Bible.
1.3k · Mar 2017
They do not worry.
About food.
They do not worry.
About clothes.
They aren't afraid.
Of being abandoned.
They know.
God will take care of them.
They know.
Their Creator will feed them.
They know.
The One who cares for them
will never forsake them.
They know.
His eye is ever upon them.
Oh, may I learn how to live.
From watching the birds.
Based on Matthew 6:25-26, Holy Bible
1.2k · Jun 2016
The River Of Peace
Like a river
         within me.

       every stone,
               every lie,
                       into the sea.

Like a river
          within me.

And then
       the waterfall of joy
            meets the river
                      of peace

And I realize I am complete in Him.
1.2k · Jul 2016
Rocks To Gems
Many rocks.
Small and large.
Rough and smooth.
Sandy and hard.
Multicoloured and plain.
Are spun around for days
inside the revolving bin.
Until all impurities are
worked out of them.
The process is long
but it has a glorious outcome.
For the rocks emerge
polished and shiny.
As treasures they've become.
"The hardest rocks come out the shiniest,"
says the craftsman.
And I think of Christ the Cornerstone.
And His wise discipline.
Like the rocks,
He may turn us with force,
and the process may be long.
With trials threatening to drown.
While He refines His own.
He must use what is necessary,
to cleanse us of our heart's impurities.
Then He polishes us
and turns us into gems of beauty.
And the hardest stones among those that are His,
come out the most beautifully polished.

I fall on my knees as I consider His ways.
And I pray...
"Lord, refine me.  Cleanse me of my impurities.
Polish me. As hard a stone as I can be.  And
turn me into a gem of beauty. For Your glory."

He gently picks me up.
And places me inside the revolving bin...
1.2k · Oct 2016
The Song of the Lamb
My song is a song that is rarely sung.
It is not a popular one.
My song is an unfamiliar tune.
Which very few will listen to.
It is a song of Love.
It is my calling from Above.
My song is a song which will revolutionize the world.
And transform the human heart.
My song took Me to a rugged cross.
My song is the song of Sacrifice.
It is not a popular one.
For it is a song of Love.
A song of the rose.
In a world of thorns.
A crown of thorns upon My brow.
I sang My song to rescue all.
From the Fall.
My song is the song of the Lamb.
My song is the song of the great I AM.
My song is a song of Love.
Which very few will listen to.
Will you?
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."--John 3:16.
1.2k · May 2017
The Wiper Of Tears
With His nail-scarred hands,
He wipes all my tears away.
And sweeps them into the sea.
The Sea of Forgetfulness.
Where He has cast my sins.
He washes me clean through His Blood of Sacrifice.
He wipes the tears from my eyes.
With His nail-scarred hands,
He washes me clean.
He wipes all my tears away.

I am loved.
I am forgiven.
I am free.
He wipes.
My tears.
"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."--Rev. 7:17.
1.1k · Apr 2017
He Took My Sentence
He took the scorn that should have been mine.
The crown of thorns which pierced His brow.
Should have been mine to owe.

The beating which marred Him
beyond human recognition.
Should have been my sentence for sin.

He took the nails that should have been mine.
He carried the Cross which I should have borne.
It should have been I
who was...
To die.

But He chose to take my sentence.
My suffering.
My sin.
My shame.
So I could live.
In eternity with Him.
Oh, how great a Love is this!
That He would suffer such great pain.
For such an unworthy sinner as I.

I bow my knee and worship Him.
With tears of gratitude.
For my redemption.
He carried the Cross I should have borne.
No greater Love has ever been shown.

I bow my knee.
And worship Him.
For He took the sentence
that should have been mine.
And made it His own.
No greater Love.
Was ever.
1.1k · Dec 2016
A Servant's Crown
From the glorious riches of His Heavenly home.
He came down.
To walk among.
Frail man.
For Love,
He came.
To a dark, cold stable,
He came.
Born among the animals.
Laid in a hay-filled feeding box.
As a wee babe.
He came.
In humility.
In frail humanity.
He lowered Himself.
For Love.
was mocked.
By frail, sinful man.
Nailed to a cruel cross.
A sinner's sentence.
For Love.
He came.
In humility.
In frail humanity.
He lowered Himself.
For Love.
He laid aside His glorious Kingly crown,
and put on the crown of suffering.
The crown of thorns.
The crown...
of a servant.
For Love.
He came.
In humility.
In frail humanity.
He lowered Himself.
For Love.
My soul awakens.
To this life-giving Truth...
It is when I lower myself
and become a servant.
That I resemble Jesus most.
For it is only when I wear
a Servant's Crown,
that true joy can be found.
Inspired by Phil. 2:7-8, Holy Bible
1.1k · Jul 2016
Hidden Treasure
Cover the garden.
Hiding all that is under them.
I pull.
I tug.
I endure the noise of the machine.
To get rid of every single one.
I labour.
And then.
I uncover.
Green treasure.
Shiny leaves of green.
Soft leaves of juniper.
As two lovely bushes are exposed,
from under their long-endured
weedy cover.
Is this how it is with the trials of life?
The pain.
The rejection.
The anger and sorrow.
Like the weeds that try to cover.
The hope of tomorrow.
The weeds that try to hide.
The hidden treasure.
Of what God wants to teach me through this.

Hidden treasure.
Hidden treasure.
Of knowing He loves me all through the storm.
The hidden treasure of knowing I am His.
And because of this...
I shall see His goodness.
Because of this...
I shall behold...
Hidden Treasure.

(C) Elizabeth T., 2016
1.1k · Aug 2016
Freedom Is Calling
I see birds overhead.
Flying free.
Once again.
So many!
With white-tipped wings.
In the wind.
And I am reminded...
that God is setting me free.
From slavery.
I am flying free.
More every day.
And someday...
I will be free.
1.1k · Jul 2016
Crashing Down
Crashing down.
The idols in my life.
Long worshipped.
Long trusted in.
Come crashing down.
They lie in shambles at my feet.
So long...
so long...
Have I worshipped one idol after another.
And forgotten my Lord and Saviour.
Rejected my Heavenly Bridegroom.
Who I am betrothed to.
And who is jealous over me.
Because I am His.
And He loves me.

Crashing down.
The idols in my life.
Lie in shambles at my feet.
Just like my life.
My life lies in ruins.
Because of my sin.
Of idolatry.
Oh Lord, I repent.
You alone must be my God.
You alone must have first place in my heart.
Have I ever truly known You?
Or have I been living a lie?
Surrounded by demons of idolatry.
Oh, let me know You more deeply now.
That I might fulfill my marriage vow.
To You.
That I might learn.
To trust You.

Crashing down.
The idols lie in shambles at my feet.
I bow in repentance before my King.
For only in Him am I complete.
And only He can repair
the ruins
of my shattered life.
Shattered by my idolatry.

Crashing down.
Shattered ruins.
I cry out for mercy.
My heart is now His.
1.1k · Apr 2017
You Choose To Love Me
Despite my unworthiness.
Despite my waywardness.
Despite my wretchedness.
You choose to love me.

Despite how many times I grieve You.
Doubt you.
Turn to idols, putting them over You.
You choose to pursue me.

Despite my brokenness.
My blindness.
My weakness.
You choose to embrace me.

Your love is beyond any Love I have ever known.
For it has no end.
It has no limits.
Your Love is compassionate.
It draws me.
It woos me.
To stay close to Thee.
To stay.
Safe in Your arms.
To be the wounded sheep.
Held in the healing embrace
of her Shepherd.
To be healed.
By His Love.

Thank You, Lord.
that despite all that I am.
Despite all that I've done.
You choose.
To love me.
Mother mallard.
Keeps watch.
Over her almost grown young.
At rest.
But then,
after a time,
she waddles away from them.
And goes for a swim.
In the peaceful pond.
She has no worry.
No fear for her young.
She somehow knows.
That their Creator.
Is watching over them.
She somehow knows.
That they are in His hands.

"Yes, Lord, I'm listening."
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