I met you when the night was in your eyes
it never seemed to leave, i noticed, only subside.
I told you our love making was like the ocean tide
coming up to shore but falling back and leaving
droplets on sand like tears because even the ocean
cries though the moon shines bright illuminating
its present company at night.
I watched you crumble as I grew to love you
grasping at the empty air wishing that I could
only be there to hold you up when your knees
gave way and made you fall but even in my
absence you knew I would be there to answer
your call and you knew I had no intention
of abandoning your side at all.
I told my heart to beat faster for you,
to grow stronger for you,
to work longer for you.
I taught myself to find comfort in the dark so
that within your darkness I would again
discover the beauty of light. Maybe the ocean
has a moon but my gravity has not kept me
centered and the arrow on my compass only
points to you and I know I should be walking
but I've found myself running head first toward you:
my moon, my ocean, my shore.