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F/Malta    Merħba u grazzi, prosit kollha tax-xogħol sabieħ.
Menna Abd-Eldaiem
F    Translator, graphic designer, and Poetess
34/F/Wonderland    Hello Folks, I am Grace! Jesus is my Savior, Prophet, Priest, Teacher, King and Best Friend. I TRY to post every Wednesday!
Christopher Victor Russon
74/M/Torbay, Devon UK    I love music and taking part in writing poetry. I like to read poems from other poets just as much as writing.
Jeremy Betts
42/M/Washington State   
William J Donovan
75/M/Charlotte, NC    Writing poetry now feels like I'm cutting me with a razor so I can feel again.
guy scutellaro
Scarlet McCall
Nat Lipstadt
M/nyc    is this a poem, a cri de coeur, a confession - or a poetpourri of history of a journey tween naissance and
63/U.S    William Shakespeare quote Life is as tedious as a TWICE -TOLD TALE Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man
where East meets West    Feeling Playing Recycling myself Writing as a way of being together
Chuck Kean
Lipok Jamir
26/F    Words are all I have to explain the tumult in my brain- when I'm happy, or otherwise. Ultimately, I'm just a girl wanting to pave …
Rob Rutledge
For a so called 'Writer' I have no idea what to write here.
23/F/Wonderland    heaven, earth, sea
London    find someone to unlock your mind to, or else, it will explode
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
25/M/Indonesia    Would you mind if you be my friend?
Brandi the Brave
24/F/The Kingdom of Light    I like to speak for the unspoken.
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