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Eleanor B Jun 2016
Every night
At 2 A.M
You  were  finally mine
And  I  was
Because we live in a world that people
Cry from dreams.
Eleanor B Jun 2016
You wake up
By 8 o'clock
You get up to
The fridge
Wondering what

But then
Ana knocks at the door
And when you don't
Reply To her knocks
She keeps ringing
And ringing
And knocking
(...) So you go to the door,

Knowing she won

And there Ana stood
With a smile on her face
She goes to the fridge
And lock it with
Endless locks

She tells you: "It's for your own good"
She tells you: "No one wants a fat cow like you"
And you, you just say:
"Thank you"

Because you know
Ana will keep her eye
On you
And follow you
And you won't have
Any choice
But to surrender to

**Ana always win

— The End —