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So much death.
Twenty-two years of life
and I have experienced,
My heroes all died,
as they will,
when youthful ignorance
turns to a bitter understanding on the reality of men.
We are flawed.
But it didn't stop there.
year after year it seems,
death reaches all too soon.
A drug overdose,
a car accident,
a suicide.
One by one,
friends, family and enemies alike,
all have passed.
Some sought the grave,
some simply stumbled upon it.
It's all the same though,
the dead slumber;
the living carry on.
Until they don't.
 Jun 2015 dZang Roller
Crashing on top of my bed,
I'll just lay down for a second
while in the middle of doing something important;
fully clothed,
light still on,
door wide open.
Beautiful dreams of madness.
How most of my nights have ended lately.
Tried being the good girl,
I got nothing.
Listens to whatever you say,
I got nothing.
Did what I think was best for us,
I got nothing.
Pretending to be happy even if I'm not,
I got nothing.
And now loving you even if you don't feel the same,
*I got nothing.
Decartes's too smart,
Much too profound
With his,
Cogito Ergo Sum:
I think therefore I am.
That's deeper than my toes.

So, I propound
Read on,
Perhaps you'll agree:
Expirem Ergo Sum:
I die therefore I am.
That's as deep as I go.
 Jun 2015 dZang Roller
It's weird,
Ya know?
It's just really ******* peculiar.
Please don't even turn around.

Coping mechanisms are a real joke.
Yours make me laugh
Extra specially hard.
The bugs in my head won't go away,
They've taken up permenant residence in my brain,
I can feel them at the nape of my neck -
they're crawling deeper into me,
Eating away,
Eroding my mind.
If they insist on staying
I hope the memory of you is the first to go.
 May 2015 dZang Roller
I can't tell the truth from the pile
of airplanes in my backyard.

You have (so far) protected me from my worst fears (aliens/father).
You drew a clockface around one of
my *******,
and said clocks like clox, box like bocks.
I call you honest ape, because you
art evolution.
In last light I pulled down my undersea
and said lets dig offshore for oil.
We are grand and novel and full of ****;

me with advertising across my ***,
you with your baby blue stick shift.
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