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 Jun 2016 J Lee
A heart lost poet
Maybe, it's the way you smile,
Or maybe, its the way I could get lost in your eyes,
Whether it's soothing sound of your voice,
Or the way you care for so many people.
There's something about you,
About your mind,
About your soul,
There's just something that I _.

I'm not the man you deserve,
I'm not even the idea of him,
Just because I'm not something,
Does not, mean I can't become something,

Maybe, It's the way you say my name,
Maybe, It''s the way I feel ok being myself around you,
Maybe, It's the way that you are carefree
And yet always worried,

Your soul is so unique and dangerous,
I _
the idea of you,
I _ what you stand for,

Maybe, It's the fact that even she knew what you meant to me,
I can't count how many times,
She stopped me from talking to you,
Because she was afraid I'd leave for you.

I'm a fool for telling myself all that time I didn't _
When the truth is I think I've __d you since I first saw you.
Maybe, I'm being stupid,
Maybe, I'm just realizing that I don't care and I want this,
Maybe, What I'm trying to say is,

That I'm terrified to say,

N.L.K, I love you.
 Jun 2015 J Lee
A heart lost poet
Oh yeah I was suppose to say something wasn’t I,
 Jun 2015 J Lee
A heart lost poet
Silence speaks louder than words so that's what I leave you with.
 Jun 2015 J Lee
The Dragon Prince
Come back and haunt me
You're the only things that's left
Light up, Light up
The stars are shining for you
I'll be right beside you
Have my heart
I've got to see you one last night
Under your skin feels like home
Just give me something to hold onto
I only lie to you
So you don't know what I'm going through
I claim to know what I feel
I don't
What have I become?
A simple mistake starts the hardest time
I promise I'll do anything you ask…

We're bound to be **afraid
But in truth I'm lost for words
 May 2015 J Lee
A heart lost poet
Call me what you will
I understand that the things you say are just words
I never understood the phrase actions speak louder than words
Until I was 19, heart broken and looking back at my life

You see I have a lot of great friends
Friends who are there for me when I need
Friends who worry even when I don't want them to

So call me what you will
Say what you want
Say that I don't care
Say I'm bad for her
Say I'm wrong

I don't care what you say
You see the problem with this world is we hang on what people say not what they do
I am not perfect in fact I am far from it

But I have one thing
One thing that most guys don't
I'm old fashioned
I make a vow or a promise and I keep it
So even after everything has gone and I am left
I will hold that promise
You see even if she calls 10 years from now
Even if I'm on the other side of the world
If I have a career
If I haven't spoken to her since that day,

The moment she calls I will be there because I promised I would be
I promised to always love her
To protect her
To be there when she needs someone
To be the thing that pushes her to do better when everyone else gives up

Call me stupid and childish but those promises mean something
They aren't words
They are actions

And your **** right I will push her
I will be there
I will love her
And I will protect her until the day I die
Doesn't matter who you are you will not hurt her without answering to me
First time I've put this much raw unadulterated power behind my words. I am truly sorry I can't read this to you, because it will be hard to capture the power in these words
 May 2015 J Lee
A heart lost poet
A long road
A long winding road
Ever changing and shifting
Our past is more cluttered than most people's future
Our relationship is beautiful and powerful and threatening

We failed the first time
In that time apart we grew and we matured
We became better people
Finally time drew us together again

We failed a second time
Not because we are destined to fail
But because we are destined to be better
We have yet to mature to the age where we grow as one

We still live seperate lives and we still have goals that are similar
But we are traveling through this life at different speeds
I believe in the phrase third time is the charm

So like the movie goes
I will wait
I will write
And I will hold faith that what is meant to be will be.
I have faith that this is not our ending

This is our growing
You will explore the world and make it your own
When you are ready
The white house with blue shutters will be waiting for you
For you
 May 2015 J Lee
A heart lost poet
"Give me one last chance"
The words he will say
The words he will type
I am sure that he is not the only one to say them
Bound by this force,
This power
It draws them together
It holds them close
They are the things stories are written around.

The seemingly impossible

They have what others spend their entire lives looking for
They have love
In its purest form

Love does not mean that emotion you feel towards someone
Love is the commitment you have made to someone
It is that forever,
The until death do us parts
And the I do's

Love is not a noun
It is a verb an action that can not be anything but an action
To love someone with your entirety
To love and know that you are loved

To hear the words of hate come from their mouth and understand that they are not hate but compassion
They yell these words because they care about you because they love you

Time will pass
People will change
We will wish we lived in a fairytale

Unexplainable things happen everyday
Stories come to life in their purest form

The girl who just wants a man to chase after her gets it
The boy who wants to give the woman of his dreams the world gets to

When you love though you look past these things
When you love, material possessions mean nothing and all the chasing in the world will get you no where
Unless you truly understand this

It is not the memories that you make or the things you have
But rather people you have with you
For love there is no greater gift than the person who loves you by your side

As with all the greatest gifts in life
You must be patient and wait for love to come to you
The boy in this story, waits for the girl and when he gets her. He holds on for dear life and he never lets go, because he knows how valuable she is.
 Apr 2015 J Lee
A heart lost poet
The smell of burning rubber
The sight of tail lights
The echo of the fading acceleration

That's what I want
I want to hit the freeway at 120
And leave it all behind

It doesn't seem to matter what I do
Because if I leave you behind
I'll be dead on arrival

Under these stars
You fall asleep
So you lay in your bed

You think about your perfect life
While I'm a hundred miles away by now
I can't leave this behind

You lay in your bed just quiet and content
Now you think I'm mad
I wish I could look in your eyes and show you how I felt
Unwrap my soul and feel the heat it once had
You'd see that I can't be mad

This soul is burning cold
Lost in a world without a light

Reality sets back in and I'm 2 minutes from your house.
 Apr 2015 J Lee
Chase Allen
 Apr 2015 J Lee
Chase Allen
There is no haunted house scarier than the place I speak of.
No creepy woods late at night compares.
The scariest place a human can be, a place no one is safe from.
To be alone with your thoughts can be the most devastating place anyone could be.
You are trapped with only thoughts and feelings and nothing can save you but yourself.
Some people are easily able to evade the thoughts and move on to other things, but some of us aren't that lucky.
For those of us who are trapped inside the tunnels of our minds we constantly are interrupted by overwhelming thoughts and nothing can stop them.
It's easy for people on the outside to think we can just turn off these bad thoughts but for us trapped there is no escaping this horrifying place. It's a constant battle of worry and misconceived ideas that we aren't good enough, that everything we do isn't enough for someone.
But never give up the internal battle with the demons that hide in your tunnel. You are good enough.

— The End —