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 Oct 2014 Dorothy
Raphael Uzor
In their blind bid
To become westernized,
They lost touch with reality
Created shadows of themselves
Despised their own intrinsic values
Embraced a twisted dress sense
Of fallen pants and revealed underpants
Idolized everything they're not
The good, the bad, the ugly
They birthed dual personalities
Picked up foreign accents
On ****** home-based passports
The American Dream, they call it,
As they wear winter jackets
In scorching African sun
All in the name of fashion
Trading our simple hues
For complex shades unknown
Bleaching skin and hair
Trading natural black for artificial white
Unaware the very gods they adore
Are tanning theirs to look darker
Insecurity drives them mad
Inferiority complex overtakes them
As they ban mother tongues in offsprings
Placing exotic tongues on pedestals
At the expense of our cultural future.

This is not an attempt at poetry
This is wake up call to Africa
Be bold, be proud, be black!
You are AFRICAN!!!*

© Raphael Uzor
 Sep 2014 Dorothy
Raphael Uzor
When I did a good thing
They said it wasn't right
And when I did the right thing
They said it wasn't good.

Sometimes I'm stuck between deciding
What's good and what's right
'Cos sometimes good can be wrong
And right can be not-so-good.

© Raphael Uzor
Sometimes it's hard to decide between what's good and what's right.
 Sep 2014 Dorothy
I should leave here
but there's a hole needs burying

- a mountain of memories
and a thousand miles of pain -
it still smells like you
even after it rains

At the table by the window
where you used to read -
there's a whiskey bottle
that I'm trying to put away

There - is a hole that needs burying
one of these days.

r ~ 9/1/14
/ \
 Jun 2014 Dorothy
Joshua Haines
She said people were seasons,
and when I first met her, I couldn't agree more.  
After getting to know her, I wished that I didn't.
Her ex-lovers were Winter, and her eyes were a shade of Spring.
I could see the vulnerability of a car crash
swimming in each fountain trapped behind her emeralds.
She was beautiful in the way that could cause suicides,
and fix spider-webbed windshields after each collision of,
“Are you okay,” and, “I’m fine; I promise.”

Every story was Winter, and she was always left alone in the snow.
Mauve lips mouthed words that silently whispered,
"When is this too much? When are you going to leave?"

People are patterns,
and all she knew was the tessellation of temporary love and permanent loss.
Her hands trembled as she looked down.
She was in transit; moving after each hope of home fell apart.
And I wanted to kiss her like the world was falling apart.
 Jun 2014 Dorothy
For all of you people who will live past this night:

Don't you cry for the lost
smile for the living
give what you give
and get what your getting
life is for the living
so live it
or your better off dead

 May 2014 Dorothy
it's not about
who's right
or wrong
who lost
who won
'cause when
you're gone
I feel so
why can't I
help myself?
I want to
crush you
but I love you
It's not about
who ****** up
or who got ******
who lost it all
who lost the torch
'cause when
I'm gone
you're just
a shell
why do you
always run?
you know
I will not

is this how
it will always be?
you vs. me
used to be us
against the world
how did we
ruin the perfect thing?
we reduced an
empire into ashes
over a text message
I treasure this little lyric <3
I long to be engulfed
by your warm embrace

Breathe your breath into me
let my heart beat in time
to *yours
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