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if you find yourself in the loving presence of someone who writes;
turn the other way.
it may seem romantic at first
when she describes the curve of your pouted lips
or the way
her eyes
become clouded
when trying to overcome writer's block
you may find it cute
when you see yourself in bits of her work
knowing that your conversations will stick in her brain
as she tries to sleep,
but when that turns to tossing and turning at 12:07 A.M.
she will flip open the leather bound notebook
and begin to write about what you said to her
or what you're doing wrong
or maybe you'll see another man in her work
these questions will leave you empty, not knowing what is about you
and what isn't.
after the honeymoon phase ends (three months time),
and you are forced to look at her for all that she is
and when you find that it isn't enough
she will write about you then
but this time it will not be in the compassionate way she once did
it won't lack passion
but it will be in a different way
she will write about how you hurt her
how she can't find the right words to say about it
but when you look at her work, she hits every sentence
perfectly executed
and those words
will haunt you
for the rest of your sleepless nights
I Love You
When I whisper in her ear, I love you
She becomes burning fire thru and thru
Her rosy cheeks glow to be red, red hue
This is how I found her real secret clue

She needs a touch to spark in the dark
Let my love to your beauty to embark
My passion needs your glowing spark
Let my love go to celebrate in the park

My sweetheart my beloved let me kiss
You in love trance not to miss my miss
God has sent you for me as eternal bliss
Be mine in sheer love take my remark

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
By: Cedric McClester

Here are the wherefores and whys
Alternative facts are just lies
Projected as strong alibis
To misdirect the unwise
The photos offer us the proof
That alternative facts aren’t the truth
From the mouth of the liar and chief
It’s incredulous beyond belief

Admittedly she’s a real jewel
Convincing to those she can fool
But she’s being used like a tool
And that is unusual and cruel
The universe she’s living in
Is ruled by an ocean of spin
She does it because she can
Can we have the church say amen

The press is truly amazed
How she instantly coined the phrase
Alternative facts now replays
In interesting and varied ways
Like no one wants to see his taxes
When the opposite is where the facts is
But I guess she’s had so much practice
At the prestidigitation she waxes

She’s his spokesperson, as it were
Her words rarely represent her
Over time it becomes a blur
Though that thought might not occur
His taxes remain on a shelf
So blame him and nobody else
If he de-legitimizes himself
Like Kramden, I’m talkin’ ‘bout Ralph

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2017.  All rights reserved.
 Jan 2017 Doug Potter
A relationship is more than just holding my hand
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