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Mar 2016 · 221
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I spoke with a mate of mine
We've been mates since nine
I asked him about his love life
Whether he's found a wife.

He says 'I don't plan to marry,
Too many burdens to carry '
I asked 'so what's your plan?'
He replied 'just do what I can -

'I'll take care of my birthgivers
Till they can't feel any shivers
In other words, simply gone,
Then I'll eventually move on'

I couldn't fathom how easily
He spoke about death of family
It felt really personally strange
I wondered if he was deranged

He then said 'everyone dies -
And we all must say goodbyes
So why pretend it won't be
When that's all some people see'.

He continues 'marriage isn't a must
It takes years of bonding and trust
Marriage is something people sell
To those who think alone is hell -

You don't have to be with someone
Just to consider doing something fun
So stop buying into lies society sold
Because sometimes even love gets old'.

I am choosing to stay single until
The day someone makes my world still
And I fully know that she's the one
Who gives me a feeling that I've won.

Should I never find this lovely lady
I can live alone till I'm eighty
Because I'll be able to walk a mile
All alone while carrying a smile.

Stop chasing love and it'll find you
It'll blind you and bind you
To someone who makes you feel
That the sky is not blue but teal.
I've chased love for far too long. Found love internationally, nationally, locally. It's time for it to chase me and if it never reaches me, I'll know I've beaten society's norms.
Mar 2016 · 274
Some things don't change
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Now that I am twenty
I do not want to be twenty
I want to be ten
Needing a license for a pen.

I caught up with an old friend
We'd agree on a weekend
Just dinner and skating
hopefully no line waiting.

I realised we were both aging
We'd still used terms like paging,
We were reaching the end of the book
And grey hair became our common look.

He had a repetitive strain injury
and I felt like I was writing history
To think we've known each other for a decade
and that's the kind of friendship that never fades.
He moved into the country when I was 10. We have been friends on. Surprising how much you can talk about in the span of a 2 hour car drive. We have always been friends, and it's nice to have someone who will say "shut up dude, you're 20. You ain't that old yet" (i can even remember the time at 13 when I got so mad at him for making the girl I like , like him. Now we're 20 and we talk about futures....and we realise , we were the future. The future we spoke of when we were 10. We were definitely aging.)
Mar 2016 · 693
Wash Yesterday Away
Star Gazer Mar 2016
April's rain
May flowers
Yesterday's pain
Eye's showers
Water stains
Be washed away
Sadness will fade
April's showers
May Flowers.

Stay happy

I feel you don't hear it enough. You all are amazing people, and I noticed I've been getting into the bad habit of writing sad emotions in poems, this is my attempt at a little more hopeful and happy mood. Everyone, you all deserve to be happy. stay happy and I want you to know that you are all incredible people. Stay strong I believe in you. You are superbly amazing.
Mar 2016 · 498
YOU! yes you!
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Why the sad face?
Why the teary eyes?
Don't feel so out of place
Stop believing in lies!

Stop feeling so blue!
Just look at the sky
The sky is blue too
And even it cries.

It's not Evian,
Don't bottle it up,
This isn't oblivion
Keep your head up.

The sky is blue
And it's amazing
It's blue and beautiful
and it doesn't require praising.

Neither do you,
Just look at the goods
Double that too
And that's where you stood.

You are beautiful
Or you are handsome
Not any less true
And you might have a fandom.

YOU! yes you!
Because it's beautiful
When you do.
You're amazing,
you should really see that about yourself.
From the external
To the internal light within you.
You are wonderful.
Mar 2016 · 345
Star Gazer Mar 2016
We will never know what the future holds
But only by letting go of the past
Can we aim to slowly build a future
That we might like to see.

Goodbye to problems of the past
Hello to the pathway to the future
I realise my life doesn't have to end because the things around me do. I am now feeling much better, literally came to me in a dream where I was in a haunted house and I walked pass this guy and he grabbed my arm and I ran straight for the exit and as I left the house, it burned into nothingness.  I'm saying goodbye to the past. Goodbye to the person I used to love. Goodbye to the light and hope for you i held. Goodbye to writing my sad feelings. Yall see the side of star gazer that keeps a level head and is always happy. Goodbye to sad poetry and most importantly hello to the future.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
She's a very honest soul,
A brave soul without care.
She will tell you of her day
so listen to the words
she speaks.
She will hide things,
But she will tell you
When you feel like
She won't ever force
You to say anything
Or ever force you
To do anything
For her.
She's beautiful,
Smart, creative
and definitely
She's able to bring up
any topic to talk about
so awkward silences
are non existent with her.
When you look into her eyes
If you haven't fallen in love
You definitely will.
There's a shine that
is indescribable.
The moon light can't compare
To the shine that glimmers
in her eyes.
If you can make her look
at you with that shine,
consider yourself a lucky man.
You will never find an angel
Who will be able to care
While at the same time
Make you laugh without a care.
Cherish her every second
Cherish her every moment
Because you have won the lottery,
Love her with all your heart
and make her happy.
If I could pick someone to be
With right this moment,
I would pick her.
So you should realise
Just how lucky you are.
You definitely do not
want to lose her.
Watch as the sun rises and sets
And you'll realise,
Her beauty is way beyond
Any of that.
Make her happy for me,
I just want you to make
her smile.
                 Love her
Like I never had
                 The chance
Mar 2016 · 502
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Her beauty shone through her sullen eyes
Her exterior formed from a thousand lies
And with each passing day she transformed.
Her reflections became horrendous
Claws, slimy decayed skin and crooked teeth,
That resembled piano keys playing Fur Elise.
She hated herself more and more each day
spoke of hate-filled words to her own reflection
despite the world's attempt at showing affection.
She hated herself with a burning hate,
echoed tales of wicked witches and evil *******
She let her hate devour her soul.

Despite an army of friends and family
Telling her she leaked of pure beauty,
She saw nothing other than her own demons.
Despite a stream of people who were willing
to kiss her and turn her into the princess she
already was, she only saw herself;
a horrendous toad.

The lies she fed herself fattened her
The lies she fed herself fattened her
The lies she fed herself fattened her
And while she remains beautiful
The lies she fed herself,
Slowly devoured her.
Mar 2016 · 425
Live For Others
Star Gazer Mar 2016
In a car,
On a highway
And my only thought.
I could totally slam
This car into that
Metal pole.
For once,
I felt like I was
In control...

But I don't have long
Why shorten
my already short
Mar 2016 · 278
I Miss You
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Sunrise, sunrise
To my surprise
You've caught my eyes
Caught between lies
And our demise
I still wonder.

Had things been different
What of it then?
I still miss you
I don't know why
I just still do.
I can hear your outcries
A part of me dies
And I'm still stuck,
Still stuck here.

I wonder if you
Ever really did love me
But the thoughts
Have become confirmed
You never really did
Love me.
And yet
I still wish the sun
Never ever sets.

I don't want to have to
Walk this Earth alone
Maybe this is retribution
For a sin I must atone.

Please just please stop
Please stop reappearing
In my memories,
Even if it's temporary
It haunts me
Because my heart
Still skips a line
And tears itself apart
For you.

I miss you,
I wonder if you
Ever missed me too.

You let the world
Tear us apart
And as toes curled
You left a hole in my heart.
Mar 2016 · 304
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I tied a rope around a tree
I threw my shoes in the sea
I stood on top of the roof
Seeked out the truth

I took away the rope
I broadened my scope
Life doesn't have to be sad
Life is just there to be had

Bright summery sun shone
I was finally shown
There's a little warmth in light
And a little fire can burn bright.

I tell myself everyday
The words that I say
**"Don't give up, don't give in
One fine day you'll surely win"
Mar 2016 · 346
Fall Symptoms
Star Gazer Mar 2016
It surprises me that
If I wrote an autobiography
The number of people
Who are just paragraph
Is extremely high.
Even my dad is just a paragraph. My best friend is at least a chapter.

I guess I'm desirable to be left.
Mar 2016 · 253
Q & A
Star Gazer Mar 2016
How are you?
That's personal
how's your day?
That's personal too.
how's your weekends?
Don't know.

How's your grades?
Don't care.
What have you been up to?
Wouldn't know
What did you have for lunch?
What type of food?
No idea.
Where are you right now?
If only I knew.
What are you thinking of?
Mar 2016 · 328
Sore throat
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I hate sore throats
Where my voice
Is on complete mute.

Don't get me wrong
I love the silence,
Just silence.

I hate the memories
Comes with being

The dry raspy
Gravel sounding

The struggle
Of saying full

It's like a
CD skipping
A musical note

      Due to a scratch on the disc.

I hate the memories
Of a sore throat,
Where everything started...

              The memories of being
               Unable to speak or scream
                I hate the memories
                  Of a sore throat
I have a sore throat again. I literally have no voice and I can remember the last time this happened. It's a terrible memory.
Mar 2016 · 399
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Hate the sadness
Acknowledge that the world has stupid people
Play whatever you want to play
Punish the thoughts of sadness
Invest into thoughts of true love
Never lose sight of the bright light
Eat whatever you want
Mar 2016 · 310
International Happy Day?
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I was once told by someone
"To stay the happy star gazer",
So I paint a smile across my face
Look upon the brighter shade of things.

You want to know how I got these scars?
Exactly that, painting smiles across my face
With razor sharp blades that craved
Craved for the taste of flesh and blood.

I AM HAPPY! I Swear, I can hear your thoughts
He's a lunatic, a ******.
You're half right and half right.
Because the half left, is my sadness.

I smile to my sadness, I hold it bright
big grin with a side of severed chin.

Ignore the knife, that's just a prop

OFF THE ******* ******* FLOORS

-Joker Signing out
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I ran the slopes
Ran uphills
And downhills
Ran till I came
To a stand still.

The beautiful view
reminded me of you,
Across the buildings
of the cities
were gravestones.

You would call them
zombie revival spots
where things rot
and people
wished they didn't
have reserved
parking spots.

I know the bouquets after bouquets
of flowers won't bring you back
But I don't know why I still try
I don't know why I still cry
I don't know why I still sigh.

Every time I drive to you
Or I would run to you
I can remember the things
The things that we used to do
I can remember
When I first met you
When I first hugged you
I can remember
Making you laugh at "oh poo".

I don't know why I'm still
Like the way I am,
Floating back and forth
All over memories of you.
I guess it's because
you put the skies together
We made pie together (or at least tried to)...

I don't know if you can hear it from up there
Tiff's baby boy, little guys already walking...

I keep buying you flowers,
Will you ever come back,
You've taught me to be afraid
So afraid of trusting another person
That when everything goes right
someone somehow just disappears,
and you know what...
you haven't exactly been wrong.

I tell people what they want to hear
I tell them what I know keeps them
But I haven't heard anyone say to me
That one day I will forget you...
And I wish I could...
But I know I definitely couldn't.

I still have every email
Every text message
Every single line smiley
Every photo
Every video
Everything ...
I still open them once in a while,
I read them with tears and smiles.
Strange huh?

No matter how many flowers I leave
There won't be a morning where I wake up
And your face is looking down on mine
(like the time you broke into my house... remember? )...
I would give anything,
To see you once more.
Not in photos
Not in videos
But in front of me.
I miss you
Mar 2016 · 200
Star Gazer Mar 2016
He lives as though the days were nights
the nights were days.
He lives as though the skies was always tumbling
the grounds was always rumbling.
He lives as though the oxygen he inhales
are the toxic memories of her perfume.
Mar 2016 · 474
Beauty [Haiku]
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Beauty shone from her
She was beyond any words
The moon and the sun.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
He will conceal his emotions in sugar coated words
He will know of your beauty before he even sees it
He worries for romance rather than bees and birds
And he will be insecure about acne and zits
So his confidence isn't exactly alluring.
Don't fall in love with a poet,
He will let his words rain like blood on a river
Diluting all that is left of clear purity.
Don't fall in love with a poet,
Because he will not know how to fall out of it,
He will bury himself in an abyss
That is heartbreak.
He will surround himself
with tales of heartbreaks and heroism,
tales of company and parties
when he is actually still lonely.

Don't fall in love with a poet
He will tell you of your beauty
And as much as he knows it
He will tell you of your perfection.
Don't fall in love with a poet
His words will break
And he definitely knows it
That he will hold himself in heartache.
Mar 2016 · 268
Star Gazer Mar 2016
An archer has bows and arrows,
A warrior has swords and shields,
A gunman has a gun,
A human, can have all these things,
coated in the gentle kindness
of a human heart.
Mar 2016 · 261
Star Gazer Mar 2016
The sunlight caresses my skin
                       Its warming touch
The stars light up my night
                       Its bright lustre
The smile hurts my cheeks
                       It's optimism
The feeling of joy sweeps over
                      With memories
With treasured thoughts alongside
                       **It's happiness
Mar 2016 · 208
~You're Still With Me~
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Three years ago you were at my place,
Today I barely remember your face.
To think that cherished and beloved treasures
Could come and go like one night pleasures.

I agonize over your memories,
I promised I would see you for centuries.
Now i barely come to visit,
I'm sure you also miss it.

The red roses are whittle and rot,
I might try decide whether I can or can not
The truth is I'm still afraid,
That I will cry and wish you would have stayed.

Now I reminisce on our moments,
As you are surrounded by rodents.
I wish I wouldn't have to do this alone
So I could be with you and not your gravestone.
Mar 2016 · 195
Star Gazer Mar 2016
When laughs and cheers were shared,
Sudden silence settles,
The pain and anger beared,
Fenced by rotten petals.

The hiss of loneliness remains,
All peers left without an explanation,
Binded to unbreakable chains,
A bleak past without illumination.
Mar 2016 · 170
Star Gazer Mar 2016
If you're still by my side
I wonder would you grow
Or would you stay
The way I remembered you.

Little kids dressed in suits
Little kids in adult bodies.

Little kids at heart.
Mar 2016 · 266
Broken Dream
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I was going to be a psychiatrist
And then my friend revealed
That I am one of the most
Mentally messed up person
He has met.

Coming from a school
With a suicide
And I'm the most
Messed up.

I always asked
'Is it that apparent?'
And I hate the answer
Every time.
Mar 2016 · 223
One Day
Star Gazer Mar 2016
One day
        Not so fine
                  Hopefully so.


One day
Mar 2016 · 274
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Everywhere I went I was always the outsider
In third grade I said I liked a girl, I was a liar
In fourth grade I said I had a perfect family
In fifth grade I said I suffered from insanity
In sixth grade I was pudgy and different
In seventh grade I started losing interest
In eight grade my grades fell to oblivion
In ninth grade I sent roses to a recipient
In tenth grade she told me she loved me
In eleventh grade I was told I was ugly
In twelfth grade the tears didn't stop.

In first year of University
It suddenly occurs to me
That I can find a place to belong
For poetry could not make me wrong.
In second year of University
I tried drowning myself in the sea
It was a huge year of isolation,
That and hating God's creation.
At the end of the second year
I felt loved again,
Picked up a pen
And wrote of romance and love.
In the third year of University
I lost all hope at a love life
But I have already cried,
So I look forward to a happy
and eventful year.

Everywhere I went I was always the outsider
Never could be the average person
Found myself running along the lines of outlier
Rather than ever being picked at all.
Mar 2016 · 260
Star Gazer Mar 2016
We sat in the car singing our favourite song
We'd lost track of time and sang all day long.
Terrible yelling out of tune,
I can still remember every second of it,
The smile on your face,
The smile across mine.

"See, people they don't understand
No, girlfriends, they can't understand
Your grandsons, they won't understand
On top of this, I ain't ever gonna understand"

I guess life is like a game of golf,
you get a chance at The Strokes
and realise that some things end.
The strokes - Last Nite was me and my best friends favourite song. It was one of the happiest moment in my life, to have someone scream (i don't think its called singing ) with.

If she was still with me, I'm sure she would love The Strokes - Under the cover of darkness.....
Mar 2016 · 348
Star Gazer Mar 2016
She climbed up to the highest branch on that tree
Clung onto one piece of bark at a time as she ascended.
Found a seat padded with leaves to soften the branch
She yelled from the top of the tree
'You look small, like an ant from here',
She made her way back down,
Stood in front of me , face to face,
She said in a whispery voice
"You look beautiful and handsome from here".
[Tales of my late best friend. Tales of the one person who truly understood me]
Mar 2016 · 286
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I have been following the stars for far too long
Running in the direction of the stars when it dims
Alongside a highway of cars that'll get to places faster
And I'm still playing a game of would you rather
With every option I would rather not.

I am not concerned whether you're in a constellation
Whether unity was in complete copacetic
For you see, I am not a star but a mortal
And I can not join a constellation.
So take it as it is, but I am asking
Out of the kindness and care that lurks in my heart
Not to determine whether constellations are aligned.
Mar 2016 · 2.9k
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Little girl, little girl
Can you still remember your dream?
Little girl, little girl
Are you going to be the sun and gleam?

Teenage girl, teenage girl
Why are they always being mean to you?
Teenage girl, teenage girl
Can you tell me what I should do?

Teenage girl, teenage girl
Why did you leave me here alone?
Teenage girl, teenage girl
You left your comrade in war zone.

Teenage girl, teenage girl
What's it like up there in the skies?
Teenage girl, teenage girl
Why did we have to say our goodbyes?

Teenage girl, teenage girl
I wonder do you see me near you?
Teenage girl, teenage girl
I have a degree that is near due.

Teenage girl, teenage girl
I'm so sorry you can't ever age
Teenage girl, teenage girl
I'm so sorry there's no new page.

Adult girl, adult girl
I don't know if you exist
But I miss you.
[Tales of my late best friend. Tales of the one person who truly understood me]
Mar 2016 · 402
Train Tracks
Star Gazer Mar 2016
He fell asleep on the train tracks.
Whether intentional or accidental.
He laid right between the cracks.
Society was always so judgemental.
He chose to sleep on the train tracks.
Carried memories that were sentimental.
He fell asleep on the train tracks.
A light appeared at the end of the tunnel.
He chased the light and left the cracks.
Now he sleeps at home in a bed.
Regretting that he ever slept on the train tracks
Prompted by someone for me to write this. I am not suicidal, but I watched a man tried drinking his problems away at a train station and it honestly scared me.
Mar 2016 · 620
Star Gazer Mar 2016
There must be some mistake.
This is not who I was yesterday.
That sullen eye boy vanished
One moment here, another away.
Finally fitted with happiness
enough to keep the demons at bay.

There must be some mistake.
This is not who I was yesterday.
He looks like me, sounds like me
But there's a difference today.
He's holding his cheeks side to side
A smile formed out of skin not clay.

There must be some mistake.
This is not who I was yesterday.
Then again that is very true
Because I am me, today.
Mar 2016 · 1.1k
I could hear her laughing
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I could hear her laughing
On the other side of the darkness
The echoes resonate in my ear
I float there like a carcass
Unable to produce an explanation
There's a certain sharpness
'Where's it coming from?'
I grab my ears like a harness
Pulling at it like a parachute.

I could hear her laughing
On the other side of the darkness
She takes the easy path in
Leaving me in an utter dark mess.
I could hear her laughing
The constant laughing like a kid
Wind escaping me, gasping,
She is a saucepan without a lid
Constant reverberations of laughter
Maybe she came to find her happiness
Her happily ever after.

I could hear her laughing
On the other side of the darkness
And I reciprocate with laughter
Nestling in between my parka .
[Tales of my late best friend. Tales of the one person who truly understood me]
Mar 2016 · 359
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Candlelight fluttering against the wind
Struggling to hold its warmth
As night collapses upon dim lights
The candle holds on for its life.

Candlelight suffering against time
Diseased by the elapsing of sand
Slowly candles become weak
Coated in a wax becoming weary.

Yet the light is still there,
So even in the darkest times,
Against the strongest air,
The light is and will still be there.
Mar 2016 · 586
Last Time
Star Gazer Mar 2016
There will be a time
That your name
Will escape someones'
Lips for the last time.

All that is left
Are unspoken memories
Or decaying possessions
Of a fading light.
[Tales of my late best friend. Tales of the one person who truly understood me]
Mar 2016 · 437
Quote 4
Star Gazer Mar 2016
As time passes
Things change every day
But wounds, wounds heal, but scars still remain the same
But tomorrow today's going down in flames
Throw the match, set the past ablaze**
Mar 2016 · 571
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I stood barefoot on a porch,
Yelling ' Juliet, Juliet wherefore art thou Juliet?'
Maybe I haven't met you yet
Or you have found your Romeo,
guess that's how the story goes.

Where are you though?
Juliet, Rose, Daisy...
Why haven't I met you yet?
Or have we already met?

[ Why did you leave so soon,
I can still remember the moon,
Of that night you decided to go away
I tried finding people
But there's just no way of doing so.
I have indeed found love a couple times
since you have been gone,
but none of them ever lasted.
Not even the ones I deluded myself
Into believing were real and fated.
Did you really think I'll be fine alone?

I miss you...

What's it like up there by the way?
Is it as beautiful as you are?
Or is it even more beautiful?
Just kidding , nothing can be as beautiful as you...
actually I have met quite a few beautiful girls,
some beautiful people,
some even more beautiful than you ,
then again I havent seen u in a while...
but you know me well enough to know
that things don't last with me.
Either people grow to hate me,
or well they fall out of love with me
or they know, like you....
I haven't been able to give you flowers
Tryna buy a car yknow....
If you were here I'll drive you around
after all you will always be my princess
but ...i do drive you around,
I drive the memories of you around,
I drive you around in my heart.
Remember that time when we sat up
on the hills and just watched the stars
Do you remember we caught a glimpse of that car
The one that bounced up and down.
You ever wonder if they ever got married?
You know, that night I can remember your smile
I can remember the words you say
I can still remember how you use to say
'you're an idiot' with a smile.
I miss all of it.
I miss all of you.
I miss you]
[Tales of my late best friend. Tales of the one person who truly understood me]
Mar 2016 · 224
Star Gazer Mar 2016
For every poet I've seen written about being in love
I've seen them evolve to write about the fall out of love
From the brightest suns
To the darkest moons.
I've seen poets write of being in complete love
To writing about being in complete heartbreak.

Are humans so invested in the ideas of love?
I have not read one poem about fishing
Or a poem about common day dancing.
Mar 2016 · 279
Sunshine :)
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Filled with complete glee
I was once stuck at sea
But I swam for shore
And now I am sure
That I can smile again.

It's been a while since a smile formed
It looks a bit messed up and deformed
But whatever, I'm finally able to be happy.
Mar 2016 · 212
Quote 3
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Learning to be in a relationship is hard but learning to be fine with being alone is even harder.

-star gazer
There is no law or rule that dictates people have to get together. That a girl needs a girlfriend or a boyfriend or that a boy needs a girlfriend or a boyfriend. I can feel content without being with someone, can you say the same?
Mar 2016 · 252
I Was
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I was not bred in truth
So I fell for lies.
I was kept out of the dark
So I couldn't appreciate light.
I was deprived of air
So now I regret every breath.
I was unbeknownst to love
So I chased lonely nights.
I was terrified of the light
So I chose to dim my own.

I am now more lost than I've ever been
After having seen more than I've ever seen.
Mar 2016 · 250
Secret Place [Haiku]
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Cried tears of sadness
Descended into madness
In a blue closet.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
She's different than other girls
She doesn't care for looks
She will tell you to enjoy yourself
So if she wants a slice of cake
You better get it for her.
She's brave,
She's not a quitter
Even when the world tumbles
She'll still stand like a tower.
She sometimes doesn't talk
It is in these times of silence
That you really must just
Be silent with her.
Sit across from her or next to her
And tell her that if she wants to talk
You will be there for her.
She's beautiful and rarely knows it
She doesn't shy away from confrontation
So make sure not to anger her too much
A little playful anger isn't harmful.
If she loves you
Consider yourself the luckiest guy ever
Trust me
You'll know when you see her smiles
It's magical.
I don't mean be there for her smiles only
Be there for her tears too
For her sad moods
For her angry moods
But trust one thing I will tell you
It doesn't last forever.

She's smart, I must warn you
But the great thing about her
You don't have to be smart
You don't have to pretend to be mature
You don't have to quit doing things you love
If she talks about higgs boson and you're talking about rappers
She will show immense interest even when she has no idea what you're saying.
Trust me,
She's a gift to this world.
Cherish her,
Make as many memorable moments with her
Make memories that I never got a chance to make
Most importantly make her happy.
You are lucky to be with such an amazing person.
Make her happy for me.
Mar 2016 · 276
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Things keeping me alive

Things keeping me going

Optimistically and Pessimistically

Things keeping me alive and going

Things that make me see beauty

Things that keep me sane

Things that make me feel bad for using the word things

Person I always think about before I go to sleep

Person I miss the most
Mar 2016 · 282
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I told a friend of mine
'You have a moustache'
I was told that was rude
She forgave me.

I told a friend of mine
'You look very pretty'
I was told that was mean
She forgave me.

I told a friend of mine
'I think you're cool'
I was told that was lame
She forgave me.

While flailing my arms
I brushed her breast
I was told that was bad
She forgave me.

While regaining my balance
I fell over and knocked her over
I was told that hurt her
She forgave me.

I looked to the stars
Told her it reminded me of her
She said 'it was nice'
But she never forgave me.

She became one with soil
As boxes became her home
Unable to think outside the box
And for this I forgave her

We haven't talked in a while...
And to my strange surprise
I still wonder why I still see her in night skies,
Wonder why her face still emanate
In the shimmering shining stars.
I miss you....
[Tales of my late best friend. Tales of the one person who truly understood me]
Mar 2016 · 279
Quote 2
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I don’t think love is about changing or saving a person, I think it’s about finding someone who’s already the right fit.

                 -Arrow (John Diggle)
Mar 2016 · 298
Thank You
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Thank you for helping me with your wisdom
To rescue me from this monstrous cataclysm
Your kind words rescued me from an abyss
And nothing you say is ever amiss.
I don't know what I could do to repay you
For dabbing red in the patches of blue.
Thank you Ana, for your kind words,
I want to let you know they are heard
And that I really appreciate you.
Mar 2016 · 481
Life Is Like A Play
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Life is like a play
Every place a stage
Each line never fades
And beginnings are new pages.

Life is like a play
Full of life, love
And sadness that was all
Written from storytellers above.

When the lights are switched off
No centre stage nor audience
We ask ourselves "where do we go?"
When there is no longer a show...
Mar 2016 · 664
Unlovable Loner
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Night fades away so slowly
Waiting for early light
Imprisoned behind cold sheets
As loneliness sets its sight.

I've waited for far too long
For things that could never be
I tried finding love while blind
And in turn became debris.

Saw night took friends away
Treasured memories became dust
As bonds become buried
Through tattered tales of trust.

Loneliness is an old companion
We share dinners together alone
And night after night as a result
Our bond and friendship grown.

Love is a complicated task now
I fall into the abyss of people's words
That 'unlovable loner' is my destiny
So I keep it to heart like a password.

I have loved two people in my life
That extends further than family
And although we aren't anything
I still wish them to be happy.

To find happiness on Earth
To see warmth in the cold of night
And to finally be able to vision
That in the dark, there's light
I've given up on love. I know other poets might say it's a wrong move. Truthfully I'm better of alone, I don't deserve anyone who comes into my life.

In the words of my ex; I don't know how to treasure the people I love which means I can't put another person through that same sensation.

I don't deserve to be loved simple as that.

In the words of a HP poet 'Love contains emotional rollercoasters and the only way to truly love people is to not ride the rollercoaster".
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