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Mar 2016 · 408
Hidden Away
Star Gazer Mar 2016
You watched me letting out tears as I cry
You heard me scream till my throat hurts
But you'll never see what my mind hides
Behind every butterfly is a worm in the dirt.

You watched me smile with my teeth shown
Grinned with lips stretching cheek to cheek
But you'll never see that I want to be buried below
Because light only exists when things are bleak.

I always tell myself I've been a glass half full person
But mirrors break and glasses shatter
When I hate someone I will curse them
But I just want nothing but to be a splatter.

Hidden away is all my sorrows
So everyday I'm feeling more hollow
Because I know I'm living on time that is borrowed
Just waiting for a day where I won't see tomorrow.

Wearing a mask always suffocates me
But if I owe people one thing, it's honesty
And honestly I don't see the true me
I see a fake smile, fake humour as fake as fake can be.

There's nothing left to look forward to
The sky is tumbling and blue
There's nothing that will be new
I don't know what I'm suppose to do...
Mar 2016 · 251
Drunk Me
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Momma tells me not to get drunk
She says it's an ugly sight
Not because of the overhead lights
But because it's night.

Everytime I drink, I break down
I become someone who cries
Someone who starts being sad.
The saddest thing is
I know that that's the real me.
Someone who drinks tears mixed beer
And talks about loneliness
As a long time companion,
Someone who has had enough time
On Earth.
I really wish that wasn't the real me.
Mar 2016 · 286
Lost [Haiku x 5]
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Watch how the sky twists
From clear blue to complete grey
Bringing hell on Earth.

Walking on lone walks
Reminiscing on the past
As skies start to rain.

Rain leaks from my eyes
The birds fly back to their nests
As I become lost.

Breathing is a chore
Existing where things will die
Praying for blue skies.

Blue skies that never
Seem to ever reappear,
Life is a hassle.
Mar 2016 · 497
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I stopped looking both ways when I cross roads
In the end.
Nothing really matters,
Why should I even bother.
Crossing roads to get to your destination
In the end, no matter how much patience
You have. Somehow you will still
Be walking to your destination alone.
There's no points looking both ways crossing the road
There's no point breathing.
Mar 2016 · 444
I'm A Monster.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I tried losing weight,
I was certain I was good at eating
So I let my insecurities devour me.
"Ugh who the **** is that monstrosity?"
Staring in the mirror became difficult,
I became a vampire, creating a house
without any mirrors in my vision
and as I slowly saw myself submerge
deeper into that monstrosity in the mirror
I realised, this is no longer a home,
this is a house, this is a judgemental house
where even the mirrors
are eating at my internal flame
and as my candles flickered
I knew I was never going to ever look good
So I starved myself over and over,
And when the scales read my weight,
I saw "Math Error" or "Syntax Error",
Because I knew, I was everything wrong.

I to this day, hate the way I look,
And everyday as I drive
My front view mirror reflects-
A ******* monstrosity.
Mar 2016 · 317
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I polished and scrubbed my H E A R T
You touched it with your talons
And I watched it crumble A P A R T
I should have been more protective.

I always wonder whether there exists
Condoms for your beating heart
Because I can feel the pummel of clenched fists
******* it up till its black and blue

I don't trust many people today
I don't trust their intentions and words
I see no foreshadowing, life is no play
So I rely on preventive measures.

It has become so lonely protecting myself
I want someone to knock my walls down
Like the way books fall from a shelf
I want to see it demolished brick by brick.
Mar 2016 · 406
Star Gazer Mar 2016
You stole my heart and listed it as sold
You pointed to it and said 'this I will hold'
You said ' I will warm it up when cold'
You said ' I will watch it grow old'
You will grow old with it, I was told
I smiled a smile that was uncontrolled
But like a poker hand, you threw it away and said 'I fold'
Mar 2016 · 380
Be As You Are - Mike Posner
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Virginia Woolf and poetry
No one seemed to notice me
Being young was getting so old
Cheap beer and cigarettes
Life was like a movie set
And I seemed to be given no role

But in times of trouble
I can turn to my mother
And I know that she gon’ understand
So at age 18
I cried to my mother
And she told me, “young man”

“There are moments when you fall to the ground
But you are stronger than you feel you are now
You don’t always have to speak so loud, no
Just be as you are
Life is not always a comfortable ride
Everybody’s got scars that they hide
And everybody plays the fool sometimes, yeah
Just be as you are”

They played me on the radio
And everything was changing, so
I thought I was all the way grown
But I can still remember in that cold November
When I realized I’m all alone

But in times of trouble
I can turn to my mother
And I know that she gon’ understand
So at age 22
I cried to my mother
And she told me, “young man”

“There are moments when you fall to the ground
But you are stronger than you feel you are now
You don’t always have to speak so loud, no
Just be as you are
It doesn’t matter if you become some star
Life is better when you open your heart
You don’t always have to act so hard, no
Just be as you are”

If I’m speaking truthfully
I’m not who I used to be
And I know some people might laugh
‘Cause my music doesn’t sound the same
And my head’s no longer shaved
I’m worried if I’m on the right path

But in times of trouble
I can turn to my mother
And I know that she gon’ understand
So at age 26
I spoke to my mother
And she told me, “young man”

“There are moments when you fall to the ground
But you are stronger than you feel you are now
You don’t always have to speak so loud, no
Just be as you are
It doesn’t matter if you become some star
Life is better when you open your heart
You don’t always have to act so hard, no
Just be as you are”

Be as you are
I do not own any part of the song.
Be as you are by mike posner
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I used to be a sweet heart
I used to be all right
I tell myself I love you
But I'm creeping every night
When I met you at the party
And I told you you were pretty
I was honestly just trying to score
But you made me wait a week
Just to kiss you on the cheek
Now it's breaking my heart to break yours

I said I love you in the summer
But will I love you in the fall?
I thought I wasn't like the others
Guess I'm an ******* after all
Come September I'll be gone, gone, gone
Come September I'll be gone, gone, gone

I used to be a good guy
I used to be all right
I tell myself I love you
But I'm creeping every night
When I met you at the party
And I told you you were pretty
I was honestly just trying to score

I said I love you in the summer
But will I love you in the fall?
I thought I wasn't like the others
Guess I'm an ******* after all
Come September I'll be gone, gone, gone
Come September I'll be gone, gone, gone
Whoa whoa, whoa whoa, gone, gone, gone
Come September I'll be gone, gone, gone

I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel bad
I've been trying but I just can't get to feel bad
When did I become one, one, one of the bad guys?

I said I love you in the summer
I love you in the summer
But will I love you in the fall?
I lo-lo-love you in the fall
I thought I wasn't like the others
I wasn't like the others
Guess I'm an ******* after all
Come September I'll be gone, gone, gone
Come September I'll be gone, gone, gone
Whoa whoa, whoa whoa, gone, gone, gone
You gon' miss me when I'm gone, gone, gone, gone
Gone In September - Mike Posner

I do not own any part of the song.
Mar 2016 · 309
We Live In A World
Star Gazer Mar 2016
We live in a world where clouds of hope
Plummet upon this vast land mass
Only to be met with disappointment.

We live in a world where love
Is dressed up as a thread tied from above
Forming bonds between two individuals.

We live in a world where being accepted
Is more important than being unique
Unable to strive to surpass one another.

We live in a world where the cruel
Tread upon the kind
Just to signify some surmising strength.

We live in a world where hearts get broken
Where words of love have been spoken
Only to equate to words of a politician.
Mar 2016 · 223
Star Gazer Mar 2016
If I should see the world for its blinding light
I'll find shades of pessimism in complete optimists
I'll find dawn in dusk and noon in night
I'll find that I am rather drawn to the distorting mist.

Blind sided by the lights provided
Trusting liars who stab at backs with knives
Misplacing words that I have confided
Upon those who find joy in destroying full lives.
Mar 2016 · 217
Breaking Down
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I poured tears into my pillowcase again last night,
I really hope this feeling of losing love goes away.
I haven’t been talking for a while, nothing to say,
because when i do speak, my voice becomes tight
trying to choke away the tears and I’m scared i might,
Break down in front of my family in the light of day.
I tried telling my heart, no your love will not decay...
But I’m gambling in the hopes of a dimming light.
Mar 2016 · 222
Heart Barricades
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I wish I could confess
To say ‘ I could care less’,
It was my fault for being too careless.
Now I’m looking for spare parts,
To rebuild the pieces of my broken hearts.
I don’t remember if there were one,two,three or four,
Because I don’t remember having a heart before.
Mar 2016 · 251
Lonely World
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Sigh a little louder maybe they’ll hear you,
Cry a little river while you’re at it too.
Scream your lungs out for the world to hear,
And yet no one lends you a listening ear.
You look for someone close to turn to,
But all your peers have their back turned too.
Is any I love you's ever real?
Or is this the result of removing a new plastic peel?
Mar 2016 · 190
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I can right all the wrongs
in all the heartbreak songs
But I can not un-write a song
That has already been sung.

I can better myself today
But I can not erase my past
For every walking object
Leaves a shadowy cast.
Mar 2016 · 336
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I remember when I was younger
When someone told me they felt lonely
I would sing "I walk a lonely road,
the only road I have ever known".

Today I walk this road,
No one who loves me
No one who cares about me
No one who would hold me if i fell
No one who would hug me when my sky cracks
No one who would eat lunch with me.

I think it's about time I realised,
I am that weird kid that should be hated on.
Thank you God for making such a ******* ****** *******.
Really, thank you for making me ******* exist.
Mar 2016 · 253
It's With You
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I see the stars, I soar the skies
I keep my heart in my chest
I'm telling all sorts of lies
Because my heart isn't in my chest
Mar 2016 · 696
Red Clots [Haiku]
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Red rivers flow through
Black and blue corrupt our hearts
Slowly perishing.
Mar 2016 · 344
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Blobs of despair
Tarnishing over beauty
On a torn up canvas
That slowly wastes away
With every bush stroke.

Every new layer of ink
will slowly disappear
through time and
what is left in the end
is a canvas with
a thousand different
colours, each

Watercolor ink running,
rummaging through
the canvas. Slowly
becoming smeared
over what purity
was left of the canvas.

Life is much like painting
With every brush stroke
With every color
With every indentation
The canvas will no doubt
Mar 2016 · 540
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Mom was always a questionable figure in my life. She has inspired me but nonetheless not every parent is perfect, not even in the eyes of their child. I can remember at a young age of eight, I asked mom, "Mom, how will I know when I'm mature?" Her response still echoes in my head when I come to a stand still situation. She said "You are mature when you realise that going into your room and slamming your door does not make your problems disappear and they may be lurking in the room with you or right outside of the door". Obviously at the tender age of eight, I had no idea what she meant so I decided to give my own interpretation; "so there will be times we need to get a new door?"

Since I grew up without a father, Mom was forced to work to take up the bread-maker role and provide for my extra interests and any other things since I wanted to grow up slightly interesting. So "James Patterson books that you're probably going to read once and costs $50 sure son, I'll buy it for you". "Guitar lessons for your clumsy hands so you can woo the ladies? sure". I wasn't spoiled, don't get me wrong. I worked with my Aunts cafe (they are extremely successful; I think it's ripping off her employees and sacrificing the blood of a thousand babies or something. You get the picture; even though they are family, they aren't exactly the best people in this world. Then again you might argue success is the outcome of severity).

My mother was also the one to give me the talk (yes, that one with the bees,butterflies, magic liquids, ***** and elephants) , I could recall the embarrassment I felt from that moment. To clarify, I wasn't exactly old (about 12-13) nor did I have the maturity of a child but the conversation went a little like this -

      "Hey, do you know how to use a ******? To keep you safe in case you are ever... if you ever ... want to engage in intimate activities with a girlfriend".

      "Yea, mom I'm good. It's just like wearing a hat".

      "You know, if you put it on your head you will probably get someone pregnant".

      "Mom, I didn't mean I'm going to wear it like a hat, I'm going to wear it where I should be wearing it".

      "Don't fill it up with water and pretend its a water balloon before too and don't blow it up like a balloon".

      "Why are you telling me this mom? Sounds like you know someone who did it before?"
     Mom with a giggle and starts to sidetrack to an anecdote of the past; "Yes actually, when you were little you thought they were balloons. You were so small and adorable, who'd known so many years pass".

     "Ok thanks Mom, I got it. I don't think I'll ever get a girlfriend in this life though, seems a like a lot of work. The flowers, the gifts, the talking. I don't even know how to talk to a girl".

     "Simple, you talk to a girl, by talking to them like anyone else...Do clean up your language and don't be too stupid though. It's ok to show people you care about that you care, no matter who they are to you".

Now earlier I said, questionable, that's because she at times can be a hypocrite. I recall asking her at about 15, -

"is it ok for me to cry? I mean it feels strange, there's this something I can feel. I don't know how to describe it, but I don't know whether to cry or to scream or to just ..."

"It's ok for a guy to cry, it's ok for anyone to cry. The biggest importance is that you know to wipe those tears and keep going. Tissues work but I would recommend letting it roll down your cheeks and you'll realise, all you are doing is making yourself look more miserable and it's really not going to change much".

"Did you cry Mom? Like when ... passed away?"

"No. I didn't shed a single tear".
                    (Obviously she was lying because I had heard her on many occasions on my fathers funeral day sometimes every third year or some years in a row. We live in a small house where the walls are thin).

Mom being the only person I know to ask for advice. I approached her with question on love, when I was about 17 after somehow finding a girl who said she liked me.

        "Mom how do you know when you are in love? Or how do you know you should love that person and what if they don't love you back?"

       "Simple, love is when you miss the presence of someone in your life. Love can be between family. Love is thinking of them even when you're suppose to be doing other stuff. Love is caring how they are or how their day goes. Love is like seeing a light at the end of a tunnel filled with roses".
(Roses have a significant meaning to me, I always place Roses at the two most important people in my lives, one is my father, who altered who I have become, and the other is my greatest friend. Roses aren't something I give away, I have never given a rose unless it came straight from the heart. I know, you're probably thinking it's just a flower. It was the flower that my father first purchased for my mother , it was the flower that was at the wedding reception, it was the flower that I had placed on the casket and it's the flower I give to people I know I will always cherish with my heart).

Mom was remarkable, I would have not been happier with any other mother. There are times we fight but we always mend things.

I remember staggering home drunk, unable to fit the key into the lock and face reddened by the number of friends who kept telling me "just another one".
About a week later, my mother who doesn't drink except an occasional beer to fit into the mood of a party sat me down and asked me how many things did I drink that night. I started listing drinks, thinking she would be proud (stupid teenager brain, I know)... " So i had a shot of some vanilla ***** thing, but I was already drunk at that point. I had some absinthe thing....Oh i had some wings. I had about four beers. I think I had hot chips. I think I also had some Hennesy but it might have been water".
        Her face reddened and for that second I thought my neck was due for a snapping, nothing happened. All she said was -

          "At least you knew to eat, but don't drink too much. I raised you this old all alone, I don't want to have to lose you to something as stupid as alcohol. Also if you want to drink, just don't. Not until you are 18 anyways".

One more fight I could remember which happened quite recently was the passing of my great grandmother (god bless her soul; r.i.p), I remember being upset at my mom for not telling me about great grandmas passing, especially since it was during Final examination periods and she waited till after. Which in retrospect I had no idea why I was mad, just failed to realise it must have been harder for her than it was for me.

There was this one time, when I was about six, a boy in my class, lets call him Peter had teased me about my dead father. Kids will be kids and kids will also be cruel. I came home that day after school asked mom.
                   "Mommy what do you do if someone you don't like talks about you?"

                  "When I was a kid, I knocked a girl down and stepped on her neck but you shouldn't do that because when you do that, his mom will surely get upset same way I will get upset if someone hurts you".
Ignoring what she said , six year old me shoved Peter to the ground and placed my shoe on his neck screaming things, I obviously must have heard somewhere
               "You're lucky I'm sparing you".

Since this was still before school , my mother witnesses this, pushes me off the kid and makes me apologise and checks to see if the boy is alright. My mom told the teachers on me, and I don't remember the consequences but I can recall she told me to talk with Peter after the apology. Peter forgave me with his open heart and became my best friend from 6 till 18 ( at 18 we had a falling out but we've been best friends for long enough for me to cherish and forgive him for everything. We just never grew closer ever again. Plus congratulations, he's getting engaged :)   ).

             Thank you Mom, for raising me to be the man that I am today. I still struggle speaking to girls ( I didn't speak to a girl till I was 14, so I am sure I have some social issues but I try to make things work), but Mom you've taught me everything from driving, to shaving, to cleaning up after myself, to knowing how to respect people and understanding that sometimes things need to be talked out and that's all that's required. We don't say "love you's " in our family but deep down in my silent heart, Mom just know that I love everything you have given or tried to give me and thank you for letting me live the life I have lived. Bye
Mar 2016 · 692
Star Gazer Mar 2016
We were star-crossed lovers
With stars completely faded
Upon the pellucid canvas
From hearts barricaded.

We were crossed lovers
Anger emanated from our soul
Clouded coils created catastrophe
preventing us to be complete wholes.

We were lovers
Pain and misplaced anger dissipated
by trust and words exchanged
Accomodating the memories created.

We loved.
Loved like a love created above the skies
Stronger than any weightlifting olympiad
We shared a loving bond unbreakable by lies.

We love,
The way a bee loves collecting honey
With love coursing through our veins
We love, like the sun loves being called sunny.
Mar 2016 · 908
Roses & Violets
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I don't know what I would do without you.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
None of their beauty compares to you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I can see a future and it involves you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
So far every last part has the word you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
That's because I'm always thinking about you
Mar 2016 · 282
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Maturity is the ability to responsibly act like a child.
-ColeSlawGamer (Reddit)
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I could simply tell you that I love you
But I would feel that that's not enough
You deserve a complete beautiful view
For you've already shared your beauty.

You are a gem amongst common pebbles
Minstrels sang songs of your radiance
But even they could not match your treble
For a beautiful voice from the most beautiful girl

I love you more than you could imagine
Maybe it's strange to you and unbelievable
And although there's parts you can't fathom
I do love you whole heartedly with all I am.

           Babe, I love you.
Mar 2016 · 2.5k
Poop monster - poop hero
Star Gazer Mar 2016
The **** monster was a friendly one
He'd love to lay on the roads under the summer sun
He'd love following in the footsteps of those who run
But he for one never felt useful to anyone at all
So he decided one day to rescue people at a single call.

The **** monster slowly exceeded his name
Became the **** hero
But still had people criticise his methods
Saying "your ways stink"
Or the even more rotten responses
"You disgust our city "...

But he kept a high head and decided to spread cheer
For when you love something
You will give it all you have
And the **** hero really loved the city.
Mar 2016 · 256
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Celestial bodies shimmer and shines
Casting light upon the forlorn
Unable to envision good signs
Tampering with souls to adorn.

Guidance exists in feasibility
The fading stars leave to lead the way
But tragic minds sat on fragility
Struggling to search for a brighter day.
Mar 2016 · 1.9k
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I've always been poisoned at the words of people
Living in a world stuck between lesser evils
They told me I was unlovable for humanity
They would address me as 'you manatee'
And I just started believing that I was unlovable.

Unlovable is another name for a soul
Who will slowly and surely roam alone
Unlovable just means ugly, fat and pathetic.
And I agree with you all,
        I am unlovable...
Mar 2016 · 300
He Loves She
Star Gazer Mar 2016
He admired everything about her
Her unmatched inner beauty
Alongside her angelic external.

He had dreamed about her
For many many star filled nights
He had always wanted to say 'hi'

Her angelic presence scared him
Afraid he won't ever be good enough
He hid his feelings from her.

He took the courage to speak
With a tiny voice and a tiny squeak
He said "You're beautiful dear".

He fell in love with the most
Perfect girl anyone could ever meet
He knew he was ready for the L word.

The way she told him to shhhhut up
Or the way that she is extremely adorable
Is all incomparable to anyone on Earth.

She is the beats of a heart retaining life
She is the ***** of a butterfly, changing worlds
She is the angel who he had prayed for every night.
Mar 2016 · 227
Star Gazer Mar 2016
She is a billboard on the walls of train platforms
With the corners and edges coated in dirt
She remains there hanging and slowly being torn
But yet she never complained about being hurt.

Adverts of tampons and pads
Amongst some other strange fads
Bombarded the beauty of the billboard.
She was something money could never afford.

He came across the billboard.
Stared in admiration. ...
Mar 2016 · 233
Meant To Be
Star Gazer Mar 2016
The miss you’s were misused
The ‘tis you led to tissues.
I know for sure the preaches,
As shore as the beaches
That we weren’t meant to be.
Mar 2016 · 312
Love [10w]
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I fell in love with you
all over again yesterday
Mar 2016 · 361
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I wear my long sleeves like they are tissues
Tears in constant motion over minor issues
I told myself one day I'll grow stronger
I guess I've been lying to myself longer
Than I have ever lied to anyone.
Swooning over people that are to be won
Just so they could create a vortex of ache
Some even claim it to be for my own sake
No! I don't think you hurting me is for me
I floated in water but you drowned me in the sea.

People tell me to stop listening. STOP LISTENING!
I HAVE TRIED, I have tried staring at sun's glistening
But their words still seep through the cracks and gaps
Of a wall erected between me and their word traps
THEIR WORDS still penetrate my soul with their hatred
Even with all the barriers and constructed obstructions I created.

I tried ignoring, the problem intensifies
Like a tiny droplet in the vast skies
That slowly but surely becomes a storm
I tried changing myself, to slowly conform
But even then I was still a complete pariah
With words of hate that singed me like fire
With a full change I was still a social reject
Somehow unable to follow their presets
I tried embracing my outcasted features
I got my blood dried by hatefilled leeches
Spouting out completely taunting lies
To accompany my already tumbling sky.

I found poetry, I decided to write till my heart is content
But even then I was still a reject with more holes than dents
With no where else to vent but sit shallow in my grave
I guess I have one foot in the grave and that's brave
Because I'm already willing to accept my death
I'm already willing to accept my last and final breath.

They say powerful poetry will show you yourself
And all I see is a lonely man screaming for some help
Only to be responded with silence and emptiness
I got criticised for embracing my inner darkness
I got crticised for being the light of a dark room
So I am torn in between trying to be happy and gloom.

Poetry has shown me that I'm immature for my age
As though I'm still that same little kid on that stage
Urinating and crying for his parents' care mid show,
I'm not the kid caught in between a volcano and snow
I'm not the kid checking under his own bed for monsters
Not because I finally have all my fears conquered
But because the imaginary parts of my life are gone
Everything fell in motion like I was an axon
Gone are the tooth fairies, gone are santas and elves
Gone are the comic books and games on the shelves
Gone are the stuffed toys that decorated my bed
ALL GONE like the positive light that recur in my head
ALL GONE like the people who coddled me in false promise
Now I just roam the streets for someone who's honest
But the monsters that escaped the captivity under my feet
Is lurking and hiding behind the shadows of the street.

I am not the same little kid who cried when things go wrong
I am a man who became all the things people thought were wrong
I found poetry and it doesn't help.
Who was I kidding?

I'm just a guy scrawling words from a stupid mind like a black hole
Pretending that black holes don't **** the light out of everything.
Mar 2016 · 367
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I woke up and I'm tired
Tired of all your ******* ****.
**** your hate filled words
**** your self centred ****
**** your self esteem crippling gestures
**** your judgemental ******* lies
I'm tired of all your ******* ****.
Go **** yourself.
Find solace in the fact
That I just told you
To go
**** yourself.
Mar 2016 · 187
Death Of The Night [Haiku]
Star Gazer Mar 2016
One thing is for sure
the night will die and the bright
sun will come mourning.
Mar 2016 · 453
I'm Odd
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Momma said I was strange growing up.
She said I ran before I could even crawl
She said I'd run, drawing on walls in the halls
She said it was a bit odd.
Then again she said she raised me alone
Single parent, emphasis on the single
So obviously I was going to be odd.

I guess that stuck with me
Because I learned love before hatred
I learned to love before I questioned trust
So deep down in my core, way in the crust
There must be something wrong with me.

I wonder on things of my past
Wondering had it lasted
Where would my life be blasted.
The shadows of the past casted
And I always long to hide back
In the shade.

I guess I'm conflicted
Between finding the shade
And finding the light
Unsure which one I've been depraved
Or whether there was one I had craved
Maybe in the light is where I belong
But what if it's a hot day

I guess the past
Is a flag flown at half mast,
And the shadow is illuminated
Into complete exhile.


Maybe the light will reveal
What I never knew about myself.
Or maybe
I'm a creature of the shadows

Star Gazer Mar 2016
I'm not an artist
But when I drew you
I felt drawn to you.

I'm not a musician
But when I played you a tune
I felt we were perfect in tuned.

I'm not a scientist
But when I was synthesizing you
I felt our chemistry and bond strengthened.

I'm not an author
I do not know how to create fictional universes
But I know that my universe is all I have to offer.

I'm not a swimmer
But I would swim a thousand rivers
Against the current just for you.

I'm not a poet
But I would eloquently write of my love
For no one but you.
I'm no Pablo Neruda
But I can make you one promise;
That if I say I love you;
I will love only you.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I didn't fall in love with you
I plummeted
A thousand feet drop from the summit
Right into your life.
I plummeted in love with you
Now bruised, black and blue
From plummetting for you
I am in love with you
And no one else I'd rather be
In love with.
I love you
Mar 2016 · 315
Thank You Blaine
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Upon a mood that is rather pensive
I appreciate my newfound friendship
God has methods of letting people meet
Whether through poetry or on the street.

I am grateful for the warnings and advice you provide
Knowing that you won't hesitate to scold or to chide
I thank you for being a helpful friend
A truthful friendly and helpful godsend.

Loser signing out
      Star gazer.
Thank you blaine M for being my friend.
Mar 2016 · 143
Kid -
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Kid 1: My daddy does the enocomics
Kid 2: My daddy does the innertet
Kid 3: My daddy does eningeering
Kid 4: My daddy...something
Mar 2016 · 138
Writers Block
Star Gazer Mar 2016
The best kind of writer's block
Where the walls erected are
From the love you shown me
Shielding all my problems away
Providing my mind with
The best kind of writer's block.
I Have no more problems or any sadness just a feeling of happiness sweeping over me and as a result my poems aren't powerful but I would pick this person over a powerful poem anyday
Mar 2016 · 315
My Grandpa
Star Gazer Mar 2016
My grandpa was a proud man
And with his thunderous voice he was a loud man
He'd used to boast about carrying heavy bags
With one hand lifting his pants that sags
He'd brag about how he was as strong as a thousand oxen
But this was all before the toxin.

Now, my grandpa isn't a proud man
Doesn't really have a days plan
Let alone a night one.
He doesn't speak much as his voice is croaky and dry
He doesn't sit at night to sing or to cry
He simply sits hoping to waste away and die.
When once he could carry heavy items
He struggles to carry himself now.
The effects of the great alcohol
Use to make him whole
But now it creates a hole
Within him.
The light that burned inside him
Vanished with every sip of *****.
Selfish affliction
To a selfish addiction
And how I wish this poem was fiction.
The neighbours refuse to even show any respect to my grandpa. He's a heavy alcoholic and there's just no help where he is now. It's hard to hear about stories in my childhood of chopping down 200 trees in a day to see the man now.
Mar 2016 · 848
For You
Star Gazer Mar 2016
For you I would mature twenty five years in a day
Just to let you see the gravity of the words I say
For you I would build a stylish invisible cloak
Just so if you wished to hide like flames behind smoke
For you I would willfully wrestle brutish alligators
Just so I could hear you speak of how you'll see me later
For you I would build all new things about me
Just so you would see no shattered shards or defeated debris
For you I would be Frankenstein's experiment
Just so he would inflate my heart to that of an elephants.

You with a giant heart accept me for all I am
Whether my name would be Peter, Clark or Sam
You did not need me to change anything at all
There was nothing I could do but tumble and fall
You don't mind my current maturity levels
Or how I'll laugh at the word ***** devils
You seem to accept me for, well just me
And with you I feel there's no one else I need to be.

Love and stars are alike, they are both true
But I think the beauty of both things lie with you.
Repeating myself of love that flowers and bloom
like an echo that never fades in volume.

I stopped counting my heart beats
When I know my heart could count on you
And this is the last of today's word repeats
**"You will always be in my heart and I love you."
Mar 2016 · 355
Perplex Puzzle Pieces
Star Gazer Mar 2016
My thesis,
Puzzle pieces
Aligned side by side
Like Bonnie and clyde.

Each person is a piece
Formed into a masterpiece
Every blank has a fitting tab
Every shell has a nipping crab.

Some pieces aren't meant to fit
By force the puzzle will look ****
Placing trees in the blue skies
Complete truth in complete lies.

Humanity is a giant puzzle
For every critic is a muzzle
Fitting right in between
Creating a beautiful scene.
Mar 2016 · 492
Tragic Beauty
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I write better heartbreak poems
Than I do poems about love
I guess I'm drawn to beauty in disaster
Than simply beauty.
I met the most beautiful person in this world and have writers block. Guess it was mesmerising.
Mar 2016 · 301
I Stopped Fighting
Star Gazer Mar 2016
They chant "keep fighting"
As sparks started to ignite
I figured I was in a trance
Filled with heavy breaths and pants
They yell "keep fighting"
But I decide to ignore them.
Letting go of the screams and yells
Releasing their surly bonds over my soul
I stopped fighting
And let the demons walked right in.

Now I walk around with demons in my mind
And they darken whatever part did once shined.
Mar 2016 · 314
Sssssssssssomething random
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I inhale the summery air
Fantasizing that it's your hair
No, I don't have a hair fetish
It just makes me coquettish
Thus I just contradicted myself
But I also want something heartfelt.

I imagine you seductively hissing soft words
Into my ear.
"Ssssssssssssssssssssssss" you haven't finished
But the sound is giving me the urge to urinate,
You continue
I go and grab a bowl of cereal for you
And that is a perfect morning for me.
Not about anyone just a little fluff piece.
Mar 2016 · 664
Lonely Lullabies [Haiku]
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Unsung symphonies
Sang her heart towards slumber
Leaving him lonely.
Mar 2016 · 309
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I stare up into the night sky in admiration
Little twinkles forms many constellations
Each with its separate formed definitions
And I hope I'm not stuck in repetitions
You are the most beautiful star out there
Your sense of humour is very very rare
My immaturity still exudes from my being
But the deeper parts others aren't seeing
You saw right through my external facade
And dislodged pieces of broken shards
Of glass that tampered with my heart beat
And this I surely will always forever repeat
You are the most beautiful star out there
Your adorableness in the way you care
Your playfulness that brings upon a smile
You've made everything reform like tiles
From the shattered pieces of my heart
Reshaped into something sweet like a ****.
You placed tiles and tiles of me together
Forming a picture that looks a lot better
Because the picture now has you in it
And maybe this time it truly is infinite
But even if time stood completely still
You'd move stars through rocky hills
Just so they would shine over us
You'd turn iron and copper from rust
And maybe this time, through all the stuff
Truly everything you do for me is enough...
Mar 2016 · 222
I live in a world
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Where the impossible is possible
Not in between improbable or probable
But in simplicity just possible.

Where Superman soars in the skies
Shooting lasers from both his eyes
Where glasses are the best disguise.

Where super human traits are in all of you
Where there's a special thing in all of you
That makes you more special than anyone; it's true.

It's my world,
Where everyone is a rose
And all rocks hurled
Only new strength and courage arose.
Mar 2016 · 196
Star Gazer Mar 2016
You are a spectre haunting my mind and heart
Your presence looms over me every instance
You stood on your toes creating a shadow over me
To prevent the scorched sun from singeing my flesh
You held your heart while grasping at mine too
You dipped ink to the skies so it remained blue
Lit flames across your skin just to spare me pain
Fell on a thousand razors all aligned like a train
Just to see me be fine once more.

I can't keep it all hidden
Taking secrets after secrets
Till I become bedridden
Holding onto regrets.

I want to know when I let you go
You'll still see the beauty in snow
And when you let go too
I want your skies to remain inked blue.

Your adorableness knows no bounds
And one thing I have truly found
There's a part of me that wants to tell you
That I want to be one rather than two.

I won't let go of you, not ever
But some bonds become sour and sever
So I can't promise you eternity
But I can promise you my love is forever for thee.

I need not know what thou could do for me
But only what mine heart could do for thee.
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