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Moments pass,
Days go by,

Time, it is too honest -
Arrogant, not shy.

It comes, and it goes,
It cares not, for your emotions,

It steals your dreams,
It throws them into
the deepest depths,
of the darkest, vastest oceans.

Time, it spares no pain,
It reminds you, constantly,
That it will soon take you...

It trys so hard
to make you anxious -
It will eventually break you!

It teases you
with the most pleasurable moments,
Those, that you will never forget...

It gives you special memories -
most precious,
and a few,
that you may live long enough
to regret.

Time, is an absolute blessing.
However, its inevitable end,
feels like a massive curse,

It ticks away faster
As you get older,
Making all of your anxieties
Feel horribly worse.

Time, it is impetuous,
And, unfortunately,
There a many souls
Who lack appreciation
For every blessed, precious,
Unstoppable second.

Sadly, they realise this,
Only when their final moments
Are about to come - when their last Breath is about to be taken;
When their soul
Has been beckoned.

It kisses you,
Then it runs,

It causes chaos,
But, still,
With every second of it,
That we are blessed,
It makes us,
The lucky ones!

By Lady R.F ©2016
 Nov 2016 amerhakim
There's a girl that follows me everywhere.
Sometimes she trails behind me like a shadow,
And sometimes she stands in front of me like a distorted reflection
From a mirror that doesn't speak the present tense.
Words don't exist between us,
She just looks at me with blue eyes bordered by long lashes.
Sometimes I drag her through the looking glass
And tell her she's just like me.
But not as smart.
She looks at the mirror and sees wounds, scars, flaws, ugliness,
Where I see learning, growing, beauty.
Life itself is dancing across her skin
To a beat so fast and erratic that it leaves scorches.
I try to tell her that,
But my words are silenced by her attempts to grow wings.
I applaud this display of determination,
But I sit so far back that she fails before the claps reach her ears.
I sit there and watch her, and it's funny, because I have her wings,
But I can't give them to her, she can only grow them.
So I ask life to snap her DNA in a few places, replace them,
Whisper a few words of wisdom into her brain and hope that those seeds take,
Mutate. Grow into the wings she wants,
The wings that'll let her fly to places
She doesn't even know yet that she wants to go.
Child, girl, adolescent, you'll never be a woman.
You won't live long enough, you'll die bleeding,
Ripping out your ****** while shedding skin.
And you know what? You'll love it.
 Nov 2016 amerhakim
Bianca Reyes
I existed in darkness
For billions of years
You were the comet
That collided with me
Causing an explosion
Awakening life
A love quickly formed
From remnant of stars
Bound together tightly
Becoming my sun
Warming me up daily
Copyright 2016 under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
 Nov 2016 amerhakim
I'm that record player that keeps going on,
Playing the same old, outdated song.
I'm sorry.
All my poems spout the same cliches now.
Hell, I'm the embodiment of those cliches now.
I don't know why I'm suffering from the disease
Years after my exposure to patient(s) zero,
But here I am, sick, bed-ridden and sleep-deprived,
Scratching sores I thought had long healed up.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that I don't see colour anymore,
Just the monochromatic shading of decay.
I don't know how to pull myself back up again,
Can't remember how I did it the first time.
I was a ticking time bomb without even realising it,
And I don't even know if I've exploded yet,
Or if this is just the precursor, the countdown
To ripping apart everyone in my vicinity.
I'm sorry.
They say pain makes for the best artists, the best art,
But I'm too repetitive to make anything good.
Even the violent strokes of red have turned dark grey,
And they get darker the further down the abyss I go,
Where the darkness is so dense that light can't penetrate,
And I don't see the nightmares that have come back.
I'm sorry.
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