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Apr 2016 · 438
"You've just missed me."
Denisse Perez Apr 2016
The biggest feeling of disappointment is when you've just missed a person.
By seconds.
By a minute
By an hour
Or by the years.

It could have been as simple as just missing your boyfriends phone call wishing you a good night.

Or disappearing for years on a loved one just to finally know that they've passed on months before your arrival.

The simple mistake of just missing them could be all avoided. If you were just there.

Let's be there.  You never know what you've missed if you weren't.
Random intake of emotions caused me to write this.
Denisse Perez Apr 2016
The feelings inside me was enough to **** me. Us pulling up in his car just to see you come out of yours. The high disappeared. The vibes were gone. My heart began to pound louder than a drum on Chinese new year. You were heading our way.

I felt it. Your disappointment and anger. The look of betrayal written all over your face. You were keeping it all together when you really wanted to fall apart.

And there we were. All three of us standing in front of each other. Twas a night of good vibes ended up in a sour taste. All because I thought you wouldn't have understood. And there we were.

As one parted his way, you grabbed my hand and we started to walk away from the venue. I looked at you as you looked ahead. And all that was running through my head was to get away from you. When I had no right to. I watched you yell and scream for what felt like an eternity. I felt your pain and displeasure, all while I tried to prove an invalid point; trying to make it seem like you were wrong when it was actually me.
I heard you say words I've never heard you use before. I watched your eyes danced with madness, your pupils widening into great pools of rage and at the end all dim down with a flow of tears.

I wanted to hug you. I wanted to say I was sorry. I wanted to tell you that I didn't want to hurt you and that I had made some stupid decisions. But I didn't. Pride held me back and ego covered my mouth. Instead I watch you cry. It was unbelievable.

You drove me home that night. Nothing was said for a good 20 minutes. Then you pulled up into a parking lot to a highway hotel by the I15, where we began to talk again. Ego didn't silence me and pride didn't restrain me. We talked for what felt like hours when it was really 15 minutes. Then we were at my house. Where you hugged me good night. The smell of white amber and cardamom filled my nose... and then you drove away..

A lot happened that night. It was one of the many nights I said to myself I was never going to hurt you like that again........and I'm sorry.
Apr 2016 · 661
Mirror mirror.
Denisse Perez Apr 2016
Mirror mirror on the wall. Who's the insecurist of them all? Who's the one who looks back a second glance to see if there's any drastic changes
In her weight
In her face
In her hair
And in her waist

In her smile or in her teeth. In her skin or the way she speaks?

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the dumbest of them all? For looking at you and seeing the opposite. For avoiding you because she's afraid. For looking at you and feeling disgusted or for not accepting for how she's portrayed.

Mirror mirror on the wall. That's all you really are. You don't lie. You don't hide. You're just a mirror. With no pride. You reflect the piece of art a woman really is. But in her eyes it was all a big, fat, giant miss.
Apr 2016 · 624
Denisse Perez Apr 2016
My mother asked me what was my best and favorite year.
I said 2002.
Because in 2002 I was a happy 6 year old. My father was the only man I loved and my mother was my best friend. The only stress I had was getting up early to go to school.
Money didn’t mean anything to me. Survival wasn’t important. The media was just a loud picture box. And opinions were irrelevant. Just Saturday cartoons and the world being the color baby blue.
From 2002 and so on and so forth, everything started to change. Baby blue was turning to a less charismatic gainsboro; and then a Spanish gray.  
Before I knew it. It was 2006. The loud picture box was now a god. 2010 is where Mr. Washington and Mr. Lincoln were now looked as tickets for treasures. Second to last is 2014 where you'd get awarded for taking a **** and then forgotten that same week.
Now it's 2016. Far away from the baby blue. Far away from the pastel pink sunsets I use to gaze upon my second floor apartment balcony.

Tired is now a common word.
Napping is a blessing.
Stress is all too familiar.

And as everyday goes by, the farther I feel from ever having that 2002 feeling again.

— The End —