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Deity May 2015
She says

This is not a love poem.

This is a
why the **** aren't you in love poem.
where the **** are my white doves
Cinderella gloves poem.

Waiting on a fairy tale,
Waiting for you to tell
yell, to the top of your lungs
  And profess your love, poem
This is a waiting for you to show em'

This is not a love poem.

This is a,
why are you so dumb
Why don't I make your heart beat like a drum
   And a,

And he says.

**This is not a love song.

This is a  
We haven't even been together that long
I wish I could hit you instead of this ****
Stop telling me, to stop telling you, to stop telling me, that I do you so wrong...

This is not a love song,

This is a,
Can you shut the **** up and quit all the crying,
And be appreciative that a *****'s even trying,
Every time I "**** up" you wanna pack your **** and run away,
Just to complain to your  homegirls all day,
Acting like I'm treating you so wrong, because you go through my phone,
and see a picture of an *** in a thong,

So you should thank god, instead of hitting you I hit this ****.

And I'll thank God, that this is not a love song.
  May 2015 Deity
Remember me as a Letter
Carefully written in order to best explain
Everything it is I could not seem to say
               write me easy
               write me deeply
               write me only once.

Remember me as a Love Song
Structurally crafted lyrics filled with melodies
Sweeter than the first time we met
               sing me to your mother
               sing me to your lover
               sing me to your children

Remember me as a Poem
Metaphor coloured emotions
Putting together moments amidst events
That never really happened
But we would swear over and over
That actually did
               colour me purple
               colour me blue
               colour me Red

Remember me in your Nightmares
Think of me on those nights that simply closing your eyes
Causes fear to prickle on your skin
And adrenaline to race through your veins
               close your eyes anyway
               embrace the feeling of helplessness
               let it help you remember

Remember me when you Don't Want To
Promise to think of me in those moments when
Remembering numbs you more than feeling nothing at all
               love me easy
               love me deeply
               love me only once
Deity May 2015
Glances are all I get.
Glances are how I speak to you.
Do you get it?

A glance. one.

One look to ask a million questions.
"Do you know I like you?"
"Do you care?"
"How do you like my hair, curly or straight?"
"Do you think I'm ugly?"
"Do you think I'm pretty?"
"How long are you going to make me wait?"

All in a glance, just one.

I pass you in the halls and when I open my mouth to speak my brain stalls, so I just look. So I turn back around and pretend like I need my theory book, so I can ask you something, but I catch your eyes and again, I'm shook.

And I'm stuck with a glance. Just one.

"Do you have a girl?"
"What kinds of things do you like?"
"Did I rub you the wrong way?"
"Are you not interested?"
"If so, then what's you're type, who is she?"
"...Why are you doing this to me?"

I just need you to read my mind so, I can have peace of mind, and not have to wonder what if. The worst you could say is no. But its still not what I'm trying to hear. Because I don't want to see you in a year and wonder....What if.

So I'll wait for Monday, and then from Monday to Thursday, and from Thursday to Friday, and from Friday to Monday, and from 9:00 to 4:00.

So this time I'll speak up
But I hope you don't creep up
And catch me off guard
And leave me with more questions
And another glance.

Just one.

"How was your day?"
"Can I meet you at ten?"
"Where do you want to eat?"
" Can we go back to your place?"
"What's your Netflix password?"
"What do you want to watch?"
"Eew, you like this show?"
"You know I'm not paying attention, right?"
"You know I'm attracted to you, right."
"Kiss me again."
"**** me."

Just read my mind and make this easier.
Deity Mar 2015
Seven minutes left.

I always look to left, and wait seconds to look into your eyes.  And I'm not into most guys.

Will you ever know it.

I'm here till Five.
And I really wanna catch your eye.
Three seconds only.
When I'm passing you by.
And I stand here solely,
So our eyes can hit.

But will you ever know it.

Zero hints taken,
And I'm thinking,
"Do you think I'm pretty,
Do you know I'm creeping,
Do I weird you out,
....Are you thinking what I'm thinking."

Will I ever know it.

Six days in half a month.
With Seven minutes to plant my seed.
And out of all of these gorgeous faces.
Will mines ever be the one you need to see.
Before I clock out.
Please don't let us miss out.
This could be a good thing.

Will we ever know it.

On Monday I'm excited to spy.
On Wednesday I'm hoping it's the time.
And by Friday I'm angry because you let my chance slide by.

But I'm too shy to let you know it.  

And now its 5:01.
I waited an extra minute this time, for you, I waited Eight. I'm hoping you're hoping it's not too late.  Because one day it will be and that would be a shame.

Because you still don't know my name...

...Will you ever know.
Deity Mar 2015
Seven minutes left.

I always look to left, and wait seconds to look into your eyes.  And I'm not into most guys.

Will you ever know it.

I'm here till Five.
And I really wanna catch your eye.
Three seconds only.
When I'm passing you by.
And I stand here solely,
So our eyes can hit.

But will you ever know it.

Zero hints taken,
And I'm thinking,
"Do you think I'm pretty,
Do you know I'm creeping,
Do I weird you out,
....Are you thinking what I'm thinking."

Will I ever know it.

Six days in half a month.
With Seven minutes to plant my seed.
And out of all of these gorgeous faces.
Will mines ever be the one you need to see.
Before I clock out.
Please don't let us miss out.
This could be a good thing.

Will we ever know it.

On Monday I'm excited to spy.
On Wednesday I'm hoping it's the time.
And by Friday I'm angry because you let my chance slide by.

But I'm too shy to let you know it.  

And now its 5:01.
I waited an extra minute this time, for you, I waited Eight. I'm hoping you're hoping it's not too late.  Because one day it will be and that would be a shame.

Because you still don't know my name...

...Will you ever know.
Deity Aug 2014
No Justice. No Peace.
We're killed for jaywalking,
But are expected to remain at ease.

We're seen as looters.
When terrorists are heroes.
And never unjust shooters.

They "protect and serve."
They protect each other.
Whether its inhumane doesn't matter.
Then they serve morgues...
with young black bodies on shiny silver platters.

They don't want to hear us.
So we're told to remain peaceful because it's easier to ignore a sound that isn't being made.

And if we remain quiet the passion for wrong doings will begin to fade.

Black people are ashamed of each other for rioting in their own community. But it doesn't belong to us.  So feel free to burn down gas stations and break the windows out of a Toys"R"Us.

We'll be executed in suits. We'll be executed in sweats. We'll be executed when we're armed and We'll be executed when we pose no threat.

So scream if you have to.
Let it all out.
Fight fire with fire.
It will grow, and eventually someone will put it out.

Because remaining peaceful has gotten us nowhere.

When we're peaceful they don't care. They torment us. And we're mocked. And are attacked with tear gas while rubber and wooden bullets are being shot.

So don't shoot. But when you need to. Shoot back.
I want us to be able to raise children who won't be murdered for being big while black.

And it isn't in the U.S.A.
Where Unjust Shootings are Admissible.
And Uniformed Shooters are Admired.

So fight back. Even though we're already so tired.
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