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  Sep 2017 The Dedpoet
Left Foot Poet
The muse inquires,
knowing that a question such as this is
cannon fodder, an off-the-shoulder-blouse tease,
just a hint of cleavage, a whiff of parfume,
something to make poet sneeze,
ejecting an answering essay
without a clue where to go, but,
now the fifth gear engaged,
compulsion full,
immédiatement, en ce moment, laisser's aller!
and he knows exactly what to say

what if poet possessed a special character,
to define the sadness that reflects that
summer has had its memory card wiped,
and even though today,
will be a Saturday of
jeans shorts, a halter top, sort of day,
the chill of dreaded winter is not coming,
already present and accounted for,
enchanté, déjanté,
has already encased his heart in ice so thick,
that even if poet drank a Joni case
of his fav summer quaff,
un provence rose,
his seasonal loss cannot be overcome,
the summer man~king is dead

all that in but a single character, a precise capture,
a labor and  time saving device, but
a character with no character
for the labor would be love lost

yet you swear by your succinct emojis,
their immaculate efficient composition,
and I would not trade one accidental,
just-slipped-out I love you
even for ten thousand disheartening heart symbols

would you prefer
instead of:
I love you so much it is
driving me batshit crazy!

I'm stuck with my troop of twenty six
and their multiple endless quilted rearrangements

call me old and out of fashion,
to your question,
this poem is my ask and answered at 5:13am
In Autumn

Mark Irwin
When within ourselves in autumn we feel the autumn
I become very still, a kind of singing, and try to move
like all things green, in one direction, when within ourselves
the autumn moves, thickening like honey, that light we smear
on faces and hands, then touch the far within one another,
something like autumn, and I think when those who knew
the dead, when they fall asleep, then what, then what in autumn
when I always feel I’m writing in red pencil on a piece
of paper growing in thickness the way a pumpkin does,
traveling at fantastic speed toward orange, toward rot, when
in autumn I remember that we are cold-smitten as I continue
smearing red on this precipice, this ledge of paper over which
I lean, trying to touch those I love, their bodies rusting
as I keep writing, sketching their red hands, faces lusting for green.
The Dedpoet Sep 2017
Who gave the heart the beat;
Life blood and destroyer of
The tree with roads branching
And the destiny unfolds
In an implacable red,
Luke Autumn's kiss to the wind
And the grace of a falling leaf
Emitting the eternal harmless
And sweet,
Love and a kiss of many deaths
As every moment is a lifetime.
The Dedpoet Sep 2017
A silence of the tears
Made in the resolve
Of the inner sanctum
In a warm embrace of all
That was and is no more.

Take it to the sky
And limit the pain
With a full hope and empty
The cries that never let out
In a thunderous peace
That can take all the
Hurt an pain
And joy and love
Wrapped into the grace of the
Encountered moment.

The storm which rages
And takes on life as a feeling
Or a thought;
A surge of energy
That keeps in the synergy
Of a non perfect existence;

Rage on life which isn't a feeling
But an existence
How to see fit to
Cloud over the land of your mind.
The Dedpoet Sep 2017
So I breathe words into
A subtle chaos,
Il portrait a poet that lost
And gained insanity's
Flame into the ice cold heart
And scream from
Drowned lungs
And it's given where nothing's
Bloom is in full swing,
Take me from this disastrous love
That makes me want
The life passion
In forbidden whispers....

I am Ded inside
So why feel an eruption
Of life when death chases
Me and mind bending
Paranoia takes the place
Of normals paradoxical
Ever more!!!

I live to die of life,
Crazy as it seems,
Feels right.
  Sep 2017 The Dedpoet
The new ruse: presidential psychosis
an impartial and swift diagnosis
as you trump-up the charge
but the sign is writ large:
twenty-twenty TRUMP/PENCE the prognosis.

Corrupt psychiatric inspection
serves to further a facile detection:
presidential unfitness.
(But God is our witness;
you're mad 'cause you lost the election.)

As you slander the president's sanity
you exhibit your own inhumanity.
I would urge all you losers
and lying accusers
to listen to Savage and Hannity.

In your desperate drive to impeach
you would grasp what is out of your reach.
The infernal machine
steered by crazy Maxine
makes a nasty mechanical screech.

The Democrat narrative flounders
while our nation's own hateful confounders
promote red revolution
mob-rule as solution
insulting the faith of the Founders.

Though the state-sponsored media lie,
our beleaguered republic must try
to transcend inhumanity;
quell the insanity.
(Both wings are needed to fly.)
Light-hearted limericks for happy campers in the United **** States of Amerikkka ☺
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