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The Unbeliever
Limbo    I have to say that in the past couple weeks girl therapy has gotten me into a way better mood;)
runu swayam
india    Poetry to me is my self expression, i don't write it, it flows through me. It's the language of the heart and echo of the …
Montreal    "Love is a universal language and if you don't understand it then you've had your heart broken too many times."
Demonized Angels
Warped Tour    Hey this is Demonized Angels We're a punk rock band from the middle of nowhere. We try our best to write but it doesn't always …
Ayman Zain
25/M/Dubai    By daily dying, I have come to be. Copyright © Ayman Zain. All rights reserved.
There's alot of times I'd be happy to be wrong, which is mostly the times and feelings that I write about.
The Wanderer has found a home.
poetic ambedo    sculpting words to fill empty spaces.
29/F/Utah    ça ne fait rien
Jorge Love
Hello, I'm Jorge I love writing poetry and I have done it since I was in middle school. I have been out of practice for …
BB Tyler
"A good traveler has no fixed plan, and is not intent on arriving." - accredited to Lao Tsu, but Bilbo probably said it too
Joshua Haines
26/M/Father, Husband, Writer    Wear a mask.
Carl Joseph Roberts
Florida    I now have my first book published called, Through My Eyes. The book is on Amazon, Lulu and Kindle and can be seen and purchased …
eunsung aka Silas
M/Virginia    38| Gemini | Father of one Beautiful Girl "Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world , today I'm wise so I …
Toreinss Pinwinkel III
72/M/California    Poet, guitarist, singer, artist, philosopher, martial artist, and glad to be part of this community!
A particle physicist lacking gravity trying to learn more and more about less and less until finally knowing everything about nothing...
no places    as far as the world extends
28/F    Follow me @adyb.b at Instagram Sincerely, Me. Copyright © Ady B. All rights reserved.
North Carolina    Poet, mother (in love with her special boys), best friend, word enthusiast, film, movie and art junky (surreal, abstract, bizzare and beautiful), undying bookworm, singer, …
Jamie King
you know    "Having yielded up his lusts, his errors, his opinions and prejudices, he has entered into possession of the knowledge of God, having slain the selfish …
Virginia    I am in love with my savior, creator, friend, counselor, prince, Holy Spirit, Holy God and my husband and children. I believe in balance , …
F/east coast australia    (*please note all of the work i post here is the intellectual property of betterdays and affilliated names and is covered by copywright law.)
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