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Saturdays are savored from the warmth of our hearts
Always lit with sunshine even during the storm
They bring delight - sweet smiles from the children
Understood as a time to bring togetherness
Racing onward with our hopes, our dreams, our lives
Delightful hours in picnics, in worship, or at the park
Ageless moments with unnumbered hugs and kisses
Yesterday is gone, but Saturdays ..
Saturdays are to be treasured
The sun setteth beyond the ridge
alas, my heart is encased with pain
my fair Ebony..
my very own soul
my everything

The sun riseth beyond the waters
Alas, my heart is encased with fear
my soul is sinking
my lung collaspes
my world is gone

O'er yonder she awaits
and I, only I, longeth to see her again
my fair Ebony..
my very own soul
my everything

Goodbye, My Fair True Love
may we meet on the other side
until which I shall mourn
all the days of my life
til again I see thy sweet face
Ah, but the beauty of a butterfly
blooms with deep within
the yellows as the sun
the greens as the grass
the blues of the skies
fluttering in the wind

Ah, but the beauty of a butterfly
bring forth radiance
her wings spread abroad
her light shines as her heart
her nights shine as day

Ah, but the beauty of a butterfly
the wind
through the
good night
and may the sun
come up in the morn
to bring you
in your life
and in those you love
12:06 a.m.
on 4-9-2015
Live once...
enjoy life while you can
to live again...
is life eternal
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