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We've been through a lot
you and I
some things made us laugh
others caused us to cry

We're sisters always
me and you
without your kind heart
I know not what to do

We've been through a lot
shed some tears
and I hope to see us
in our golden years

We shall stand side by side
you and me
as love made us sisters
so we shall always be
dedicated to Jennifer Hedin
one of my forever sisters
with love,
  Apr 2015 Debbie Jean Embrey
The voice
who I
once was
I am free to
live this life for
you and you alone
I am here to stand up
and run here at your side
So let us run
Let us take that step and never
go back to this world I will leave
I will let go off the tears and the cries
So let us run
To a world of greatness where
you will stand at my side to
give me the love I have
longed since the day
you held my hand
I long to see the
great things
you will
do in
I am the sun, I am the air
I am the dirt, I am human

I have the right to grow
and to stand in the rain

Things will always happen
and my hope will stay strong

I am one, I am spoken
I am real, I am chosen

Things will be sometimes strange
and I will always look for meaning

I have the right to learn
and to choose, what I want to choose

I am me, I am strong
I am week, I am bleak

To fight for what I want
and to cry, when I want to cry

I am my own person who can think
and I will live, the way I want to live

to grow, to learn
to know, to love

To be attracted to that one certain person
and I will love, who I want to love

To find what I am looking for
and to do, what I want to do

I will try, I will die
i will cherish, I will fly
Just once was all it took
for Him to profess his love
reached out to hold our hands
and to say
He'd never leave us

Just once was all it took
for Him to know us all
listened to our hearts
and to say
He'd always love us

Just once was all it took
for Him to show that love
died upon the cross
and to say
Forgive them Father

Just once was all it took
and for that
I am truly grateful

Thank God
and it only happened
just once
the little girl I knew
is all grown up now
out on her own
never alone
wild parties
racing up and down
the highway

the little I knew
is all grown up now
loving memories
candlelit dinners
hosting parties
at her home

the little girl I know
is all grown up now
her own children
a great mother
is all grown
keeping house

the little girl I know
is all grown up now
party days gone
but still not alone
sitting back
watching her own kids
grow up fast

the little girl I know
will always be my little girl
no matter how old
how many parties
how many mistakes

I think of this
as I watch
my grandchildren
shout and play
It isn't easy being the new kid on the block
staring eyes
pointing fingers

It isn't easy trying to make new friends
laughing eyes
dumb jokes
you name it

It isn't easy trying out the new ropes
mocking eyes
declaring harm

No, it isn't easy being the new kid
but know what?
I don't care
I'm gonna try
that makes me different
I saw it first
it's mine
it's mine

It was for me
not you
not you

I don't like it
no way
no way

I want that one
not her
not her

I saw it first
it's mine
it's mine

Now go away!
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