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 Sep 2018 Debanjana Saha
Aslam M
Your Eyes looked endlessly
without a mask.
Searching for the answers
Questions yet to ask.
Your voice
at the night,
in the morning,
on a hot day,
in the chilling evening,

It's your voice.

on one of my wall...
on every wall
even your shadow in my window.

I left your prints on my body,
now you'l never leave from my memories.

Will you remember me?
I thought we know each other, I thought we were dependent on each other.
You said that we'll always be together, but now your words are just an ash on the diary of our unburned memories.
Who are we for each other now?
My weakness can become my power,
Nobody can tell me something, i just dont hear em.
I'll run and run, faster than you'll notice me.
Faster than you'll can scream at me.
You'll see just my back, and it's not important whatever you think I'll just,
run from all my problems.
From this society where everybody are fake,
and one day
I'll find, for what I was born.
Will you try to change me?

I'm so sick of this.
not everything I write is my mind
 Sep 2018 Debanjana Saha
Both light and shadow
are the dance of Love.

Love has no cause;
it is the astrolabe of God’s secrets.

Lover and Loving are inseparable
and timeless.

Although I may try to describe Love
when I experience it I am speechless.

Although I may try to write about Love
I am rendered helpless;
my pen breaks and the paper slips away
at the ineffable place
where Lover, Loving and Loved are one.

Every moment is made glorious
by the light of Love.
With no cover ups, let me be frank
At times my mind goes utterly blank
When I sit down to write a poem
From topic to topic, my mind does roam
But nothing comes to spark off a rhyme
Often I feel the words do not chime
Today as I sat down to write something
I ended up conjuring nothing

No thoughts came to stir up my brain
And no topic I found save my strain
But I wasn’t ready to willfully give up
And waited impatient for my mind to clear up
I thought I shall settle with ‘Compassion’
But alas, it was charged with no passion

The urge to write had grown into a fad
And I felt I was growing altogether mad
Plagued by a fiery fancy to express
And a tormenting desire unable to suppress
With a mental state somewhat fierce
I climbed up and down the stairs

I stood upside down and raked my head
So that a little poem, into it would be fed
Feeling dizzy, I stood suddenly upright
But on my head hung a heavy weight
I poured some water over my head
But knew my fever hadn’t fled

Madly pacing across the room
I tripped and fell down on a broom
Rising, I screamed with all my might
Making the household ring in fright
‘What the hell is it?’ I did shout
And wriggled in pain as from gout

In mad frenzy, I ran round the house
No one knew the reason for my fuss
Soon it dawned on me that I needed some rest
For I was far more than stressed
So I sat down and closed my eyes
Thinking, attempting to squeeze out a poem is unwise

I don’t know how long I sat in meditation
On waking up I got a fresh direction
From the grip of an entangling rigor
I restored my sanity and vigor

The sun had gone out of sight
And the moon was beautiful and bright
It was already growing late
And I put off my futile fight
A fun write, partially true and partially facetious... ! But if you show the patience to read, I assure.... you will surely enjoy and will feel it is your experience too!
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