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 Mar 2015 daniela
Jon Tobias
I wouldn't call them scars. Our bodies are ancient calendars marked with times and places. Tonight, you are not real. You are the desperate ocean lapping at the shoreline trying to take back the secrets in the bottles cast off by lovers, and children, letters to the dead sometimes. They are not your secrets, but they came to you first. They are full of feelings you have once felt or will feel. The bottles glisten in the sand mockingly, beautifully, painfully, like window shopping for jewelry you'll never be able to afford. You never expect to want the glass back after it has been pulled out of you. But the stories inside are your stories now too. You cast them off in the same manner hoping somone better than the sea will find them. The story about your cancer, your mother, the love you feel right now, the love returned, the time you thought of the beauty of a flower, the flower you killed to show someone how beautiful it was, the realization of the importance of stillness. All those stories like broken bottles in your skin. Like jewels encrusted on a big brass door leading to a room you live in. But tonight, you are the ocean at high tide, finally getting your bottles back.
As per request from a friend.
 Mar 2015 daniela
i want to scrub my skin so hard that
every single cell you've ever touched of me comes off
erase your number and all our pictures
unfriend you and never see your face
you had a place in my heart
and i would have broken every single bone in my body
just to fix every single piece of you

my throat is raw and hoarse whenever i say your name
you're like salt water that makes me gag
trigger my senses and i cannot stand you
i hate your face and all that you stand for
i deserved better and i loved you with all my heart
you knew that and you took advantage

i hate you so much
you took all the love in my heart
i opened up and you made yourself
the ink in my unwritten book

you are the definition of all that i cannot stand
and i want to thank you for teaching me that
i deserve better than how low you put me
 Mar 2015 daniela
Annabel Lee
i'm sitting in this car and for some reason i can feel my heartbeat
throbbing in my back,
i think of the last time i thought about you, and how
i wanted to die because i can't be with you; how
melodramatic and filled with these unavoidable clichés
i am

i love
you, tenderly

my window rolled down, and the weather is dry
as my eyes in this night
but it should be monsooning because
inside, my heart is a river and i'm just trying
to stay afloat.

i'll never look at my hands the same way again,
not after i saw the way they looked interlocked with yours
and my fingers are tainted by your lips, the way
you kissed them so gently and told me
they were beautiful.

i see things that remind me of you
- stripes, for example - and
i have to stop for a moment
because i'm shuddering under a crashing wave
of you, you, you,

my mind doesn't hold memories; it holds moments of
perfection, and
you are my perfect moment.

"I try."
"You don't have to."
 Feb 2015 daniela
Elijah Nicholas
Star-crossed lovers?
More like clashing meteors.
We were soaring from opposite ends of the galaxy,
And somehow,
Written in the foundations of time before the world was formed,
We were meant to cross paths.

At first it was brutal,
At first it was painful.

Everyone said love is beautiful,
But they forgot to mention that it is broken too.
I love you,
And I love us

— The End —