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daffodil Jun 2020
How funny that air
should leave me so breathless
whipping my cheeks rouge
pulling on my hair
like a puppeteer on strings
strand dancing with strand
wild and free
trees bend from side to side
joyous feverish flow
Lost in music I can't quite hear
blossom twirls a tornado
towards the sky then falls
down upon us like confetti
at a wedding
daffodil Jun 2020
unable to break free i see no light
no end no dawn but eternal night
daffodil Jun 2020
Small sharp stones stab
the soft sensitive undersides
as my feet pick their way
across a sea of wild pebbles
some smooth plenty pierce
such a short journey
feels so long
Eager hobble
desperate crawl
ocean in my eye
ice cold lap of wave against toes
soothing sore wounds
cleansing cooling
purify me
heavenly ice with sacred salt
skin risen in delicious goosebumps
waist shoulders head under water
then breaking surface
holy light shines down upon me
gasping for air I feel
daffodil May 2020
Most captivating beauty
in tragedy
Her melancholic existence
quiet agony
forever unreachable
she’s otherworldly

Blue in colour
and blue of mind
if only I
could reach inside
feel her warmth
and our souls entwined  

Never together
always apart
a losing battle
two lonely hearts
daffodil May 2020
Outside it rages
blusters and blows
away with the cobwebs
enough of those
the air so fresh
flows down my throat
a cleansing purity
had ever I hoped

hair pulled and clothes tugged
this way and that
A dance with nature
though it feels like combat
unforgiving and powerful
the wind at sea
a wake-up call, a reminder
of how thankful I must be
After some weeks of clouded mentality, here is a poem about how a blustery day can whip me back into shape.
daffodil May 2020
robotic rhythm ebbs and flows
like a well-oiled machine
but you still know it’s a machine
the same voice for a hundred men
proves the falsehood within
your attempts to be relatable
with the dips in pitch you can’t cover it
oh how I’m sick of hearing this
the same songs on repeat
you realise your words lose meaning
when you speak them so often
I switch off when I hear your voice
nothing new to say it’s all the same
your repetitions are offensive
don’t you think we deserve better?
what is this achieving?
do you think you’re helping?
your fearmongering is weakened
your phony supportive sense of solidarity
we’ve turned cold to your tone
I can’t hear those words anymore
they can’t penetrate the wall
the forcefield I’ve created
to protect myself from losing my mind
that’s enough from you and your
robotic rhythm, your ebbs and flows
you know, we all know you’re a machine
daffodil May 2020
Soft brown bread easily cut into
teeth seek out seeds to split
slight crunch of salad
green and still a little wet
brown spread of pickle
just a little, not too strong
save strength for the cheese
salty and satisfying, addictive
simple sandwich uncovering
memories of simple times
always sunny all the colours
seem brighter when I remember
family picnics games of rounders
wildly swinging the bat
I always missed
lounging on the green grass
gently placing crisps
with extreme precision between
the soft brown bread
Writing about a sandwich as part of an exercise from Writing Magazine. This was fun!
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