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David P Carroll
M/Ireland    David P Carroll Poems All Poetry is copyrighted to David P Carroll under a Dublin and European Union court of law. Was on TV …
Keith Wilson
Windermere UK    Retired Gardener. Been published in many books. But find this site truly amazing. Thank you all..
F/middleofnowhere    hey, just making poems
M/South Africa    Cape of Good hope nature reserve The most Southwestern point of Africa
F    Follow my writing on Commaful:
Lior Gavra
My new book, "BitterSweet," has hit #1 New Release on Amazon's Best Sellers List, I hope you can grab a copy! Sample stories in the …
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
Rebecca Karlsson
North Carolina   
chicago    digging through the depths of my deepest thoughts creating poetry
Mary Winslow
Oregon    "Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light..." Dylan Thomas I have put up a …
Denel Kessler
You, my fellow poets, are amazing. I'm glad I found you. Keep writing and sharing. Regarding copyrights? Our poems are a part of us and …
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
Harry Randle-Marsh
England    English literature graduate, that hyphen up there next to my year of birth makes me feel nervous. My blog:
PJ Poesy
Other side of the tracks    There is ordinary, and there is extraordinary. I would not dare try to fit myself in either category. Successes and failures are juggled in self …
Matthew Berkshire
Chicago    From Miami, studied in New England, live in Chicago. Inspired by everything, awed by most, saddened by little.
Randolph Llewellyn Wilson
Chattahoochee Hills , Ga.    Copyright - 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2020 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
As Clear As Mud In Bits And Pieces Governments Deny Press Releases Purple Heart Based Morphine Dreams Tear Drops In Claret Streams.
Vanessa Gatley
27/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
kenny Diamond
NY    A heart of gold My thoughts so deep and complex a vibe master words that tore my heart apart A lost coconut looking for his …
Germany    Sometimes sad, mostly happy. Sometimes quiet, mostly loud. Sometimes like all, always myself. ♥ There's no need to be the sun, if it rains. It's …

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