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 Sep 2014 T
N N Johnson
These are all just bad beginnings
in my search for a show-stopper,
a jaw-dropper,
trying to be just the right balance
of sarcastic and lovely,
the right balance of writer
that I idealize and am not,
of course,
what am I, a narcissist?

I'm trying to put into words
the feelings I told you I danced
because they are wordless (spaceful)
and because of you
I have to say them with voice;
what a dilemma is this--

That when I tell you with movement
what I can't say
you put me in the place
of having to voice it and now
I have no words
other than bad beginnings.

So is that it?
When I word to you
instead of dance for you (for me?)
what you have to return is a nothing,
a less-than-nothing saying,
saying nothing, leaving me

hurt and confused because
maybe there was a something
in all your nothing that I can't find--
because we are dealing in words now,
and I'm a movement reader.

And I know I will forgive you for this
but I won't forgive me for knowing that.

Even while I'm still so angry, it just reveals
my pathetic (patient?) desperation for your love,

But I didn't say this right.
I need to move (dance) this.
Wonderful word wanderings
 Aug 2014 T
The Messiah Complex
Come and gone, the calm
but the storm is far from over
it lingers in the what-ifs, and taunts
us from the fringes of maybe

This storm, will eventually pass
and the memories of love gone
reborn as odes and psalms
birthing life, from their flowering decay

The poet's capacity to love, rivalled only
by their ability to suffer, but
what a beautiful misery it is! as it lies in wait
for the moment it will flood from pen to page

Laughter and sonnets, will perch on sated lips
after sadness has run its course
and for awhile, all will be well again  
leaving poets to ponder love's mysteries

How ironic it is!
the way lovers leave, repelled
by their hatred of the very thing
that once drew them near

You see, poets are like paintings
beautiful from afar, we are
but flawed strokes on cracked canvas
the closer you come

Yet still, there is beauty in our flawed and fragile array

We are the words within our poetry, but
we are so much more than sweetened syllables
we are everything you wanted once, and you
**never even made it past our cover
A repost I wrote for my bror, Sverre G. Holter after his recent breakup.
 Aug 2014 T
Lora Cerdan
 Aug 2014 T
Lora Cerdan
in an attempt to fit a square
into a circle
she shed her skin
rearranged her face
into something you'd look at
she chose her words carefully
saying things you want to hear
she colored her hair white
but her soul remained
as black as the night
People don't really change, it's just the mask that falls off.
 Aug 2014 T
Life's a Beach
I could never stop at just one tattoo
To signify you, if
I started,
Because each tribute could
Never come close to the greatest

My skin;

You're in the wrist without scar lines,
The arm without needle tracks,
The dent in my smile,
My mini half dimple and
Every laughter line I could never erase
Frankly, my dear,
You complete my face.

So any tribute;
Any Scorpion
Pokeball Rose
Or aptly chosen sloth,
Would never come close to the
Gaps in-between:

You're every drop of blood that has not spilled
You're the heartbeat I couldn't
Still, because your face
Was too hurt in my head.
You're in the fact that I'm not dead.

So, in a way, there's no point etching you into my skin , my derp,
Because, you're already, irrevocably,
(You're even in my uncut hair)
 Jul 2014 T
Annie Potaktos
 Jul 2014 T
Annie Potaktos
So much pain i cannot feel it.
So, i deal with it.

Put it in words and deal it.
Put it in drawers and seal it.

They tell me it's good to feel pain.
i tell them i'll cry with the rain
i'll save my tears for the seeds,
the weeds and the insane.
 Jun 2014 T
paper boats
 Jun 2014 T
paper boats
We were never meant to be.
The poetry I wrote,
**You didn't read.
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