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He opened his eyes in a night sky,
Waxed black and fed by dews darkness,
Ebon and incarnadine mists consumed the air,
One hundred ravens in coracinet played

Soft music gliding her pale feet,  
Quivering a flutter she swayed dreaming,
Before his black oak door,
Long his finger enchanted the path,

Fluttering onward in rapture,
The bell rings and rings,
Come dance, dance with thee,
Enchanted ye be

Her naked withering pallid body,  
Of silk and chiffon he enfolded,
Her lips tasting amber and figs ripening,
Coruscating maidens swirled an epitome of dance

Not until she was dark grown repentance,
Renouncing all others,
Only then he shall devour upon her,
A bargain be struck,

Swept away riven by her dreaming plea,
My lady crowned dance with thee,
Beholdeth spelled she be troth,
And the Raven King hungered upon her lips

Forever radiant enchanted black,

── Unto the dance of night, his eternally bound

© Arnay Rumens 2015
Inspired by Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell ‘The Raven King’
Word use:-  riven, to tear apart,
Troth, faith or loyalty when pledged in a solemn agreement
Coracinet, song of Ravens in unison

Research Witch Craft, medieval ravens and mystical beliefs
 Aug 2015 Crucifix
the things left unspoken
live in the space between my words
the little area of nothingness
is not really all my world
all you can see is a blank space
you can't look into my thoughts
but maybe, only if you could
you'd see I'm just a knot
but just because I can't express it
doesn't mean it isn't there
*the galaxies inside of me
aren't so simply shared
 Aug 2015 Crucifix
 Aug 2015 Crucifix
I never understood
How anyone could not see the sadness
In you
You smiled
Like being alive was a burden
You danced
Like you wanted to forget the world
You laughed
So beautifully
But it happened so rarely
I wonder
Could I help ease the pain
Of living alone?
 Aug 2015 Crucifix
 Aug 2015 Crucifix
I know that my writing is the most beautiful
when my pillow has soaked up my tears
when my breathing is staggered
and my throat hurts from trying to hold back

but who really cares about a beautiful poem

now i'm just depressed
and useless
Being in love is the most beautifully tragic thing that can ever happen to anyone
 Aug 2015 Crucifix
Kelley A Vinal
I admit that
I dream of peace
A purple sky
With a bottle of wine
A hazy window
Covered in a maroon cloth
On one side
Raindrops audible
But out of sight
Wooden walls and calm fires
A walk down a creaky hall
To read
I retire

The galaxy is awake
Through the sounds of the thunder

And I'm alive
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