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You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me smile
When I am down
You make me laugh
when I am say
You wipe my tears away
every day
Hold me tonight
Build me a home
Make everything okay
Cause I can't I do this any longer
If you're hitting rock bottom
There is something you need to know
I'll be here for you
Even when you're feeling low
Because baby
You don't have to fight this war alone

You have me
I just want to make you happy
As happy as can be
Baby you'll always have me
I love you
Sitting in the dark
Make up running down my face
Crying so hard
My mind is a haze

Why do I do this
To myself
I think I'm crazy
I need some help

My hand is numb
And my body shakes
My wrist is ******
My wrist aches

I'm sorry
I know I promised
But I couldn't help it.....
As I sat still as death
I felt liquid dribble from my head
Oh my what a mess
How clumsy of me
But wait!
Stray words tumbled from my rosy lips
Before I could silence my tongue
The fighting in my head was over for a moment
The venom was released
Carried by a sigh
The truth is always set free
But what has been done...
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