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 Jul 2015 Cristina
Joe Cole
Hello Poetry can be viewed as a beautiful garden
Fresh young flowers to full grown mature shrubs
And like any garden it needs maintenance
Every so often a plant can become blighted and sick
If left it will start to infect the healthy plants surrounding it
Drastic action is then required, rip it out and destroy every trace
Of its exhistance
That's how we keep the garden beautiful
 Jul 2015 Cristina
Joe Cole
For four days now we've run before the bitter storm
Timbers cracked and broken, sails rent and torn

Hold fast boys, hold fast for a mighty wave is bearing down
And if you're swept across the rail then you must surely drown

I should try to wear the ship, get her head into the wind
But if I do my bonny lads we might end up twenty fathoms down

Helmsman stand here close by me, I'll lash you to the wheel
I can't afford to lose you lad for I need your arms of steel

Lads I'll do my best to bring you safely home
But we stand into terrible danger and yet may come to harm

My crew are tired, weary, lashed by wind and rain
They bravely fight the raging storm, bearing all their pain

Then comes a mighty shout. "See there a patch of blue"
Storm clouds like curtains opened and the sun came into view

Gather round me now my lads and give thanks to him above
For through your strength and through his guidance I can return you to those you love
I enjoyed writing this one and still get a great deal of pleasure every time I read it
 Jul 2015 Cristina
raine cooper
i wanted to tell you i loved you,
but the butterflies in my stomach swarmed my throat, and all the words got caught in their wings
So happy this was picked for the daily! Thank you all so much for your kind words and support of my writing. I appreciate it, truly.
 Jul 2015 Cristina
DC raw love
Consequences in life, privileged and denied.......
Immortality torn and treated as a *****.....

To give, give, give.....
To take, take, take....

In a life full of mistakes, what does it take.....
To break the grips, of life's horrors.....  

We wash ourselves away, in this sea of time......
It seems that one swims, to every obstacle....

Not knowing the facts,
one's life can get very tiresome......

Can one break this rhythm in time,
Can one stay true to their mind.........
His sins are washed one quarter
when the Devil bathes in holy water.
that's all the Devil gets for the cloak of goodness he wears, when it suits.
write a poem everyday
make it a daily habit
note whatever you've to say
the bitter or the sweet.

stare at the screen before you
or the page if it's so
there's always something new
awaiting your ink's flow.

some you've to dig not much
a few need delving deep
some may feel like feather touch
a few would make you weep.

sometimes the hand would just not move
at other would run like horse
sometimes the words would sing and groove
cry out like waves' roars.

while you write you may bleed
or kiss the blue like bird
jotting down is all you need
the inner voice that's heard.
the poet buds for a lifetime
Why do we grieve the heart of God
With the things that we men do
If God audibly spoke
He might say these words to you

Men talk about intolerance
Yet I still give mercy and grace
Men change the definition of marriage
And slap me in the face

Men bicker and argue and fight
About a waving flag
With all that's still to be done
About enough I've had

Men **** unborn babies
Yet I hardly hear a prayer
But the pleas of the unborn
They rise to me through the air

Men have taken me out of school
No longer there am I allowed within
Men have left me at the door
Of a place where once I had been

This list goes on and on
Men know the things I mean
Why can man not read my word
And from its pages wisdom glean

There is on the horizon a day
When every man will understand
When I come down from heaven
To give justice unto men

So go upon your merry way
Push the truths of God aside
Your guilt is not upon me
For to gain your obedience I tried

I will give unto men more time
I've an abundance of mercy and grace
But know within your heart o man
You will someday see my face

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