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Don't stalk me in my sleep to awaken me in horror
Don't haunt my thoughts, for this is my safe place
Please let me be
Don't trample through my soul and take away it's spirit
Don't terrorize my sanity, I am not the crazy one
Please let me live
Don't tease my heart, it's done nothing to you
Don't take away my breath, I'm already gasping for air
Please let me go
Don't torment me, don't you think I've been put through enough?
You've made a mockery of me, why my darling demon?
You ripped out a flower from the ground and tore the petals off saying, "I hate you, I hate you not"
You run to your pray, looking identical, but you're not what they see, no you're they're worst nightmare
Don't you know when to stop?
You've won-you won
It's time to say goodbye to me
Don't give me a look of hopefulness with brutal intentions
I don't want to play this game anymore
Please let me be
Please let me be free
 Jul 2014 cosmicashes
Lydia E
Plaster a smile onto your mask
Fake that you're more than okay
Pretend the night is beautiful and young
And fight the urge to run away
Face your fears with more than angst
Find a place to keep yourself safe
And if anything goes completely awry
Get out before anyone knows why
Your secret needs to stay untold
The things you know cannot be shown
Be sure to hide behind that mask
And fool those that wish tonight was your last.
Ladies, in thier ballgowns wade,
thier masks they have made,
so they wade across the ballroom floor,
for the sign on the,
Big. Brass. Door,
a masquerade, it reads,
A Masquerade.
The men,
ready in blazers and tuxes,
wearing thier masks,
awaiting thier midnight mistress,
thier...**** seductress.
Then, the man in black and white,
guides his mistress inder the moonlight,
for a dance, perhaps a kiss,
at the stroke of midnight.
At midnight, the clock sounds,
and all you see is the spinning of gown after gown.
Ding. ****. Ding. ****.
the sound becomes a beat,
ready and awaiting the eager dancers feet.
Ding. ****. Ding. ****.
the couples dance, but not for long,
for this...
this is the, Last. Song.
Ding. ****. Ding. ****.
At the end of this song,
the men and women,
reveal themselves, and at long last,
they shed thier masks.
Then the man in black and white,
grasps his ladies hand, and holds it tight,
then he gets down, on his knee,
and her gasp...
brings an end to this story.
This poem has been published in a book! :D
 Jul 2014 cosmicashes
 Jul 2014 cosmicashes
And I should have joined a masquerade.
Believe me.
I wore masks all the time.
 Jul 2014 cosmicashes
Amy Perry
The Vampire is the

Most supreme demon.

The Vampire takes life

Through an invited kiss,

And feels its victim

Slip into the night,

Terrified, collapsing,

As the demon experiences bliss.
 Jul 2014 cosmicashes
Exhaustion pains me
Like a cold weight in my bones
It takes me under
Pressure of the cold dark sea
Unclear thoughts, it consumes me
 Jul 2014 cosmicashes
Night time has always been “the right time”
Until now that I spend them sleeping,
Clutching now black and broken roses
It was never death I feared
But always the fear of pain I knew would come from losing you
I suppose the only thing we are ever entitled to is death
Now that you have claimed your prize
I have nothing but ashes; remains of your triumph
Embraced by only the cruel sun
 Jul 2014 cosmicashes
All walks cease their leisure
Hanging over my head
During the stroke of midnight that comes every hour
Fluttering of wings,
I know there are no angles hanging above
Because I can feel the calculating glare, always
Little beasts that join me across oceans
Following me to places they do not belong
They fall from the trees that always seem so barren to me
Cawing, as if to inform me of their presence
To warn me; they see all
As though the devil himself is watching
Perhaps it is he, in a thousand inky bodies.
Ill fortune walks along-side me
They are Death personified
Surrounding me always
Every glance over the shoulder
Every paranoid peek out the curtain
Imprisoned by this vast world
Unable to run, unable to hide, unable to die
Cursing me always
Killing my loves, and the loves of theirs
Silent, black-breasted  protectors
On the Eve of awakening
In a universe under my nose
Somewhere near adams apple
Two lives bound by time

Dreaming, and doing, dancing they went
Concocted crown sat on my head
Eyes met, "let there be light" was said
Illuminating exalted will divine
Give up everything!

The omens shriek!

DEATH itself
Struts majestic
Thru twisted streets
Perverting all dreams
Surrender your ego!

The dam's about to break!

And we truly shall perish here!

The past is gone
Of the ancient stories matter now
The values we cherish are meaningless

DEATH struts upon our streets

We must
Give up our egos now

It is so written in all the omens
Ablaze with ****** heat
Where we once dwelled
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