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Chaos Jan 2015
your breaking my heart
and I don't know how
to put it back together
Chaos Mar 2020
to a sunflower
as they tell you
their story

do not think upon
the facts
such as their height
their common colour
their strength

instead remember observing
van gogh
so you may truly understand


my lover is a sunflower
Chaos Feb 2015
Why do people have to constantly make me feel bad about myself?
Exercise more
Dress more like a girl
Get a job
Wear make-up
Stop being so sensitive
The list goes on
Instead of making these comments
And forcing my self-esteem further and further
Down into a dark abyss
Where it will be harder to retrieve each time
Can’t you just be happy with who I am?
Chaos May 2015
Break me apart
And visit my soul
Reside in the place
I dream to call home
Make yourself warm
Make me feel loved
Give me a guide
From up above
Stop the dark
From flooding in
Bring in the light
And release it within
Chaos Mar 2015
Sitting in a whirlwind
Of names
Of faces
Each one blurred
There are no traces
Of who they are
And what they've been
Just names
Just faces
Living in a dream
Chaos May 2015
The soft candlelight
Illuminating her grim fate
Flickers in the gentle breeze
The glowing moon
Casts her shadow long
Swinging calmly in the night
Her quiet screams
Suddenly silenced
By the necklace of death
Her troubled soul
Finally set free
From her prison in hell
Chaos Apr 2015
I didn't mean to fall for you
It was never supposed to happen
We were just meant to be friends
Helping each other out
I was only there as a shoulder
For you to cry on
Or a pair of well tuned ears
To listen to your pain
My job was to be objective
To guide when I was needed
But instead I fell in love
With the way you talked
How you breathed and smiled
I fell for your laugh, your walk
Even the way you cried
This was never meant to happen
Although I'm not sorry it did
I'm a better person for knowing you
And even though I'm walking away
I want you to know
I loved every single second
And I will still continue to love you
Even though it was *never meant to happen
Chaos Mar 2015
Nobody sees
The hurt
The pain
The loneliness
Nobody sees
The cracks
The strain
The sadness
To them
She's just another girl
Caught up in the tide
Thrown about by the waves
And left alone to die

Nobody sees
The cuts
The bruises
The seeping wounds
Nobody sees
The stitches
The sutures
The bleeding heart
To them
She's just another lost soul
Struggling to survive
Fighting a battle, a war
Waiting for help to arrive
Chaos Mar 2015
She is fighting a battle
That can't be won
A war of words
And she's trying to run
But she can't escape

She is fighting the demons
Under her bed
They whirl their way
Around her head
And she's screaming in pain
Chaos Mar 2015
I can no longer feel
For I am no longer alive
And no matter how hard you try
You will never be able to find me
I am buried so deep within myself
Even I don't no where I am
It's as if I have just disappeared
And am living in a dream state
Chaos Mar 2014
I don't see why you bother
I don't understand why you try
You don't care about me
You love it when I cry

I've seen your face when I'm around
Don't try to tell me otherwise
And then you get all jealous
When I talk to other guys

Your answers are short and bitter
Your questions even more so
You couldn't care less about my day
Or if I'm way down low

You don't give a **** about me
Don't pretend like you do
I'm sick and tired of acting
Like you still love me too

That's it, no more
I can't handle your attitude
I can't stand your cockiness
Or need to always be rude

We're over, we're through
Don't try to get me back
Even if you beg on your knees
I know I'm stronger than that

You'll never see me begging
You'll never see me cry
I'm over you already
And no, **that's not a lie
Chaos Feb 2015
Stupid girl
He doesn't care
Stop wishing
And dreaming
Foolish girl
No one loves you
Stop fantasizing
And believing
Because nothing
Absolutely nothing
Will ever happen
Chaos Feb 2015
Every time I feel the tears
Come closer to the surface
I breathe deeply, blink quickly
And make sure they don't fall
I can't afford to show
All of this weakness
This vulnerability
That they all tell me to hide
I have to be strong, be firm
And never let them see
That inside I am dying
And slowly crumbling
Until soon there will be
*Nothing left of me
Chaos Feb 2014
Am I so oblivious, that I notice nothing?
Not my friends newly dyed hair or green pea coat.
I miss the looks, the stares,
Stuck or maybe protected in my own little world....
I'm not very good, but I'm trying to let out my feelings in a different way...
Chaos Nov 2014
Oh Sun, thy warmth hast been cooled by the clouds...
Chaos Jul 2015
All I know is that sitting here, waiting for you has consumed my whole life. Now that I am finally moving on I don't know what to do. My life was once for you and now that it's not, I am nothing.
Chaos Mar 2017
One date
That's all it took
I fell in deep
With just one look

One date
That's all it's been
A walk with you
And you rule my dreams

One date
That's all I needed
For my heart to take over
No warnings heeded

*It only took one date
Chaos Jul 2015
Maybe one day
You'll understand
Everything I did
You'll realise
It's better this way
You'll remember
All the good
And forget the bad
Maybe one day
You'll forgive me
For hurting you
The way I did
You'll be able to
Hear my voice
Without the pain
And the heartache
Maybe one day
You'll be able to
Look at me again
Without remembering
The tears you wasted
Thinking of me
You'll understand
It was for your good

*and maybe one day
i will forgive myself
Chaos Mar 2020
common crowds hold swords
to mock
to frown
to opt for blood

crowds who forgot to stop
now bow to show worth

low fog rolls
cross for old cohorts
who troop
who follow
who go forth to drown

for most worlds
to toss
to hold
to bowl down
sons who droop

crowds do not know
who took stock
sons do not know
who to block

for words do drown
now worlds do brown

only to look lost
Chaos Mar 2014
Most days I can carry on fine
I can bottle it all in
Hold it all tight
The pain threatens to overflow
But I can keep it in check
Just holding it back
I'm at tipping point
Anything can cause me to fall over the edge
But still I managed to just hold the tide

Then a small, insignificant thing happens
Not anything to be upset over
But it's the final straw
It's what tips me over

The tears start to drip like rain
Then pour like waterfalls
There is no way to stop it
No way to control it
I've lost my grip on sanity
All my emotions stumbling over each other
As they try to leave
Each roiling in a mass storm that's come to stay

Now that I'm here
There is no going back
I've passed the point of no return
I've left behind the sanity
I once had a slither of
I can't stop now
I can't go back
I'm here and I'm staying

*I'm past the point of no return
There's no going back now....
Chaos Sep 2019
i tried to find
a song
a poem
a piece of art
something, anything
that felt like
or sounded like

i looked
and searched
and wondered
yet no matter what
i tried
there was nothing
that came close

for you
my platonic soulmate
are one of a kind
a light in the dark
warm, soft
kind, loving
a best friend

i couldn't find anything
nothing is like you
Chaos Nov 2018
Don't say it as a friend
Everytime you do
My heart sinks

Don't remind me
That I can never
Have you

Just don't say it at all
I can't hear it
Without breaking
Chaos Apr 2015
I didn't want to hurt you
But still I did
And for that I am sorry
I wish you had never met me
Maybe you would be better
Healthier, more alive
But we met
And I poisoned you
With the darkness inside
I ****** away your light
And now your dying
The toxins race through you
Drinking your life force
Consuming your very soul
I didn't mean to
It just happened
I'm sorry
*i'm so, so sorry
Chaos Feb 2015
I keep being told
I need to be more positive
Can't you see that I am trying
I am honestly trying
But it's so hard
When all you can see
Is the dark in everything
Or those demons
That haunt your memories
It's so difficult
When your only enemy
Is yourself
And all of your doubts
Crowd your mind
It's really tough
When nobody can see
How much effort
You put into being happy
And always smiling
It's so hard
When they can't see
How much your trying
To be positive
*Honestly, I am trying
Chaos Apr 2015
do you erase
the demanding thoughts
that float around
your mind

do you stop
the howling wolves
that run around
your head

do you dim
the frightening scenes
that replay in
your eyes

do you release
the haunting cries
that reside in
your heart

do you forget
the grueling monster
that lives in
your soul
Chaos Nov 2014
I've been running until I can't breathe
Until my lungs are on fire
I've been moving until I can't feel my feet
Until my heart screams in surrender

I've been trying to escape
All the ghosts and ghouls that haunt me
I've been wishing to erase
All my fears and all my memories

I've been hoping to leave behind
The people I once thought I knew
I've been convincing my mind
That it's time I withdrew

*i've been running
Chaos Jan 2015
I don't need to make
The same mistakes
As I've already done
I don't need to go back there again
And I don't want to
Hurt you one more time
Cause I've already been there
And it killed me, it killed me

*Don't want to make the same mistakes
Chaos Dec 2014
I have many secrets
Hidden in plain sight
They are scattered among
The words I speak
The poems I write
The songs I listen to
The photos I take
Like clues one has to search for
To find out who I really am
Chaos May 2015
It's not me
You're talking about
It's her
With her
Silky hair and
Soft lips and
Beautiful eyes

I was once
All you needed
I am nothing more
Than a shadow
Of your past
She is your future

She stole you
From me
#1 Written on behalf of a friend
Chaos Apr 2014
She cries skin-coloured tears
So that no one would see
The pain that she feels
The sorrow inside
Her quiet, silent plea
Chaos Jul 2017
there was this girl
she was quick to laugh
always smiling
full of dreams and hope
overflowing with love
she cared so deeply
was brimming with joy
her eyes were pure light
sunshine leaked from her soul
mesmerizing all who were near
she was a sun, a star
the centre of a universe
a beautiful being

i look at her
with tears in my eyes
envious of all she was
because what you don't know is

she used to be me
Chaos May 2015
why can i no longer sleep?
With the tear tracks on my cheeks
My vision is getting hazier
With all these passing weeks
Where are all those dreams
That used to haunt my nights
My long hours in the dark
Have been replaced with lights
My bed is extremely rumpled
From all the lack of sleep
My mind is one giant migraine
From all the late nights I keep
why can i no longer sleep?
Chaos Dec 2016
Just when I think
I'm finally getting better
And that the shadows have receded
Something happens
And suddenly I'm not
I'm not okay
I'm not better
I'm back where I started
With the shadows as my only friends
Chaos Dec 2016
there are some things
no words can say
and no person can understand
because they are stuck
inside my head
and how can i explain
when i don't know how
to get them out
Chaos Dec 2014
Sometimes I can't stop
The tears, the pain, the lies
Or the thoughts, the words
That trap me
Sometimes I can't stop
Playing the same song
Over and over and over
Until it's all I hear
The words resonating
Through my soul
Capturing how I feel
Sometimes I can't stop
Losing myself in my sorrow
Falling again and again
Into the darkness
That creeps along
On the edges of my vision
Just sometimes I can't stop
Being the disappointing mess I am
Broken and unfixable
Until I can get a grip
And replace my mask
It only happens sometimes
Chaos Jul 2015
Someone once told me
Whenever I was lost
I should look to the stars
They would guide me home
But where are they tonight?
The sky is cloudy and grey
And no stars are in sight
Why aren't they here?
When I need them the most
I'm so, so lost and I need them
*I need them to guide me home
Chaos Sep 2015
i spent so long
staring at that page
my words a mess
and inadequate
but i didn't know
what else to do
i hope you forgive
and understand
i'm sorry for it all
the hurt, the lies
and the pain
it's best if you stay
far, far away
i'm one mess that
cannot be fixed
so stay away
*stay away from me
Chaos May 2015
I should've known
She would capture you
As you seem to
Fall in and out of love
So easily
I'm still holding on
Still falling for
Still in love with you
#2 Written on behalf of a friend
Chaos May 2015
I need something
To stop me from feeling
So I pick up the bottle
Throw back the pills
Sharpen my razor
And prepare to drown...
Chaos May 2015
How is it that
Complete strangers
People I have never
Ever met before
Can make me feel
So much better
Than those I have known
Almost forever
Chaos Jul 2020
even the strange tenderness in brutality
could trigger
no going back

there are whispers rolling out
"inevitable changes should be spent bitter"

wrangling more crushing control
(before delirium and mortal fear set in)
gives the most frightening air
Chaos Jul 2015
I've come to that place
Where we used to hide
From all our worries
And all our fears
I see you everywhere
In the trees, in the air
I feel your eyes on me
Even though your not here

It seems that this town
Likes to remind me
Of all the things we did
And all the things we said
For I can't turn a corner
Without seeing your face
Or feeling a tug in my heart
For all that we've lost
Chaos Jul 2015
There's a girl in the mirror
And I don't know who she is
At least not anymore
Where there once was light
There is now darkness
It seeps through her pores
Her eyes are dull and lifeless
Seeing nothing but the demons
As she stares at the walls
The tears have cut sharp tracks
Into the contours of her cheeks
Ripping her skin as they fall
Where there once were curves
There are sharp, jutting edges
Showing her soul to the core
Her mind no longer thinks
Or works in any single way
As she lies still upon the floor
She no longer belongs here
With the living and breathing
But in the darkness forever more
Pain is her very best friend
And death shall be her lover
As soon as she makes **the call
Chaos May 2015
She went to the place
Where she doesn't exist
So his voice couldn't reach
Into the deep, dark abyss
So she lay in the dark
Trying hard not to feel
The pain that was roiling
It all seemed too real
How can she get better
Climb from this place
Empty the dark inside
Re-construct her face
Can't he see what he did
He broke her apart
Forced her to fall
And live in the dark
She feels all the pain
All the hurt and the stress
It's all way too much
Just one giant mess
So she goes to the place
Where she doesn't exist
And his voice doesn't reach
Into the deep, dark abyss
Chaos Apr 2015
i'm sitting in the dark
afraid of what i feel
how much more can i take
i've no time to heal
the longer i'm alone
the longer i will burn
in the sorrows of my soul
do i ever learn?
i need to stop thinking
feeling or breathing
i need to build those walls
before i start falling
but maybe it's too late
the damage is already done
i've broken into pieces
the demons have won
Chaos May 2015
She may have been quiet, but she wasn't blind. Just because you didn't notice her, doesn't mean she didn't notice you. She saw a lot more than you thought. Like the time you tripped that boy, or pushed that girl over. She saw every little mistake, every defining moment. She was the type of girl to watch, listen and notice. She saw the pain you gave to others, but she also saw the pain you were in. She saw through the masks, the ruses, the indifference. She could see to your heart and soul, and saw what you had been through. She gave you a second chance. She let you heal and become a better person. She believed in you. And what did you do? You brushed her off, pretended like she didn't matter. All because of your friends. You didn't want to look like you cared, even though deep down you really did. *You fell for her. The girl who was invisible to everyone else. But you hid it. You hid all your feelings so you would still be cool. The girl who saved you. She could see all your pain, but did you try to see hers? She was breaking, fracturing, splintering as she was trying to piece you back together. She was falling apart and you left. You gave up on her even after all she did for you. Now, she's gone and you are never going to get the chance to make it right...
Chaos Mar 2015
Looking in the mirror
And thinking
oh, it's you again
Falling to the floor
In plenty of despair
you never change
The same reflection
Again and again
*always the same
Chaos Jun 2015
I stood outside
In the pouring rain
I let it soak in
To dilute the pain
Each drop washes
The hurt away
Holding all of those
Unshed tears at bay
I stood outside
The wind it winds
Around my ankles
To corners of my mind
Each whisp clearing
The clutter away
For me to look at
Some other windy day
Chaos Feb 2015
There are days
When I just sit
And hate myself
I can't handle
All the flaws
And imperfections
That only I
Can seem to see
So I drown in tears
And loathing
Picking and prodding
Wishing and hoping
I could be better
More beautiful
More likable
And every time
I look in the mirror
All I can see
Are the ghosts
And the demons
That haunt me
So I crumble
And I fall
Into the darkness
That consumes
Every corner
Of my soul
Chaos Dec 2014
There is a place out there for us
Maybe over a rainbow
Or past a distant star
But I know we will find it
I'm sure
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