by 12 members A 10 word poem has no restrictions other than it can only have 10 words. Recently, I sponsored a contest at another site, attempting to have many depart from their more verbose forms (I am very guilty of verbosity) and try a terse form such as this. Several rose to the challenge. Think William Carlos Williams, Red Wheel Barrow (a 16 word poem) when trying to get the smell and taste of this form.
by spysgrandson
Every flaws that any human possibly have. Howbeit yield an image and likeness of God within. I write unapologetic, unpolished and embarrassing poetry. "Whether or …
London. UK
I am a poet, writer of short/flash fiction and am presently struggling through my first novel. With a fascination for the darker side of penmanship …
The Middle of Nowhere
Everyone seems to have poetic and beautiful bios but we're not gonna do that here. Basically I post bad poems and sometimes people like them. …