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 Feb 2015
What if I told you I'll be here i'd be there until eternity?
Would you want to spend every minute with me?
Is it me that you see when you close your eyes?
Every chance that I get to see your beauty is like opening a gift and such a surprise.
to infinity and beyond,
I'd be singing to you girl if this poem was a song.
The loving that i have for you is still very strong.
Its perpetual and indivisible by any means,
I'm the king of hearts and you're the queen my heart needs,
What we have is only seen behind closed eyes in the form of dreams.
Were going to drift through space and steal some time,
If this world was a bank, we would be pulling the number one crime.
We would stick them up for all that they have,
And leave the scene empty; nothing to grab.
It's only you that I want but we have to make this fun,
Two love birds on the run,
Me and you together will always equal one.
If you have it then give me some,
If you want it then here i come.

What if I told you I'll be there until eternity?
Would you want to spend each and every moment with only me?
 Oct 2014
Its like a million angels laughing,
When one demon dies.
This is what it sounds like when a loco cries.
Its like a million unanswered questions comin from my feel and still hearing lies; the sound of cries , tears floodin eyes the sound  of lonely tear drops falling to the ground meaning that there is still many why's.
This is what it sounds like when a loco cries.
Its like meeting that  ride'a die shearing every secret telling every story vowing to be one until the end, Then came ur end.
You made me less then a friend.                              
You didnt have t

This is what it sounds like when a loco cries.
Its like being behind enemy lines and you on my mind
Is there peace in rest or do I REST IN PEACE
My mind and heart are mine but the soul is on lease
Mr Devil please give me back my soul I really didn't know
I had to give it back.
I slack love and compassion im alone in this world so cold lost in emotion and its really getting old
I hold it inside but today I won't let it hide
Im a loco
And this is what it sounds like when i cry.
I have been dealt this hand i blame only me for going along with the master plan.
This is what it sounds like when i cry.
I die i live im living but still dying can yall hear it
This loco is still crying
This is what it sounds like when this loco starts crying
 Sep 2014
always anxious
I'm scared of those voices
They scream to hell
They could bring me to death
I can't let them win
But I'm just so tired
So tired of this life
Too tired to fight
I just want to let go
Close my eyes
Take a deep breath
And drift off to a never ending sleep
Cause afterall
Wasn't i born to die?

— The End —