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 Sep 2016
Elizabeth Squires
one minute the written piece
will be so nicely posted
then in the very next minute
it will be quickly unposted

an indecisive mind works
on the submission page
switching the on and off switch
with an unregulated gauge  

numerous times
this pattern
has occurred to confuse
numerous times
this pattern
frequently does get a use

before offering
any pieces for posting
the submitter needs
to be sure of the hosting
 Sep 2016
David Ehrgott
Last night at the RNC

a republican did so declare

The people of this country want

less freedom and more government

Are you sure you're not workin' fo' 'bama
 Aug 2016
My teacher once asked
a short simple question.
She had asked,
"What do you want to be?"
Raised arms answered her query.
Open palms each belonging to excitable children.

Wide little eyes looked up at her.
Hands began to flail in the air...
Ever so hopeful of being chosen.
So that they could voice their aspirations.
So that they could begin to share.

One by one,
they each was given the opportunity.
Turn by turn,
boastful were some
while others spoke quiet and shyly.

Then the teacher stopped short.
Not before expressing her delight.
She was in awe of such young minds...
Having had such great wings
to eventually take flight.

Then she explained...
What she had initially meant.
Confused looks all around including me.
She rephrased the question,
"What kind of person...
Do you want to be?"

There was silence.
No arms shot up to meet the subject.
I don't recall having raised mine,
but I remember telling the teacher...
An answer (I was confident), she wouldn't expect.

I stood at my desk,
proud and tall...
And told the teacher
that I wished to be a person...
Well loved by all.

She smiled and I did too.
I felt it was a good answer.
She nodded to signal for me to take my seat again.
She paused before speaking,
and not a moment later.

She said,
"That would be nice.
To be loved by all.
But that's close to impossible.
A big wish for someone so small."

I had heard her words clearly...
However I didn't understand.
My brows furrowed...
And I was deep in thought...
Still I couldn't comprehend.

28 years later...
Here I sit,
looking back to that time in the past.
How time flies...
It simply ticked away...
All too fast.

Till just then I was still that boy...
Who tried hard to please.
I wanted to prove that it wasn't impossible.
You can be loved by everyone,
and you can do it with ease.

But now I have learnt.
Now I have found meaning
and understanding in my teacher's wisdom.
It took me a while but...
I know now...
That wishes and reality don't work in tandem.

You can choose to care and love,
everyone you see.
But to expect everyone to love you the same...
Is sheer
You can't please everyone in life.
When you work around people, you're bound to step on some toes...
Whether intentionally or not.

Dedicated to my primary school teacher
and all the teachers out there. A tad early but...
Happy Teachers Day.
 Aug 2016
David Ehrgott
I confess
I have always voted Democrat
Just to rebel against my parents
So, when I voted in the Primary
The x's went straight down and
I pressed the "vote" button
That is when the ticket taker stated
"You know you voted for TRUMP, don't you?"

I didn't question it
No need to get in a toss with some volunteer
The next day they [the media] announced that
Trump had won by a landslide
It's funny though, how as soon as it looked obvious
That "the don" dumped the "dingdongaholic"
Because he became expendable

Just thought I would further inform my friends
of everything wrong with this great country
But, ain't it always the same

CROOK vs CROOK for office!
That's the story Here

in hackensack.
 Aug 2016
Emily B
It isn't uncommon for war veterans
To meet
In our little log cabins.

Nice gentleman from Tennessee/Air Force
Was in today
With his attentive son.

Marine vet/fort manager
Thanks him for his service
And wanders off.

Air Force retiree
Asks former army ranger
If he's seen the movie
"We were soldiers".

Who replies
I don't have to see it.
I was there.
Reasons I love my job.
 Aug 2016
Sammy Courtnage
I feel like two people living in one shell.
Sometimes the company is heaven, sometimes it's purely hell.
What can you do with thoughts of two rushing inside your head?
What can you do when thoughts of two drive you maddened into bed?

Where is her place in my life?
Which hand shall I use to grip the knife?
Can I cut her out of me?
If I do what hole will you see?

Can I grip my sword as she stands in her dress?
Can we make it together out of this mess?
Can I love my girl and still hold my own ground?
Will we destroy the peace we have finally found?

Fire and Water existing together,
Surely one will consume the other.
How can you balance a penny and a pound?
How can you fly when you're nailed to the ground?

I'm not sure what to do as we stand face to face.
I glare, she shrinks, no one talks, the night has been a waste.
~Slip into my skin dear warrior let me hold you near.~
"Slip into my skin Princess so you can hear them cheer."
~Lay down your blade and shield hold only an empty hand.~
"Pick up the bow and arrow, show them where you stand."
~Join me at the grand festival to celebrate the spring.~
"Join me at the bar to celebrate the slaughtering."
~Come with me from darkness to the light.~
"Leave the brightest day and join me in the night."

There is no middle ground, no common place to stand.
It seems we are doomed forever to roam the vast wasteland.
All other foes ignore me as I war within myself.
I know this can't be good for me, surely it's hazardous to my health.

~Give in.~ She whispers in my ear her breath warm and soft.
"Fight back!" My heart screams as I shake her off.
We stand apart yet bound together there's no where we can go.
The silent war keeps raging on and no one seems to know.
Someday I hope we'll learn to match each other stride for stride,
Someday I hope she'll be my ally not a thorn in my side…
 Aug 2016
Sammy Courtnage
Will you still love me? A free style poem

I cut my hair today...will you still love me?
"Of course! It's just hair."

I bought new clothes today...will you still love me?
"Of course! They're just clothes."

I changed my name today...will you still love me?
"Of course! But you're still [blank] to me."

I hid my [gender specific body part] today...will you still love me?
"Of course..."

I legally changed my gender today...will you still love me?
"...sure i guess"

My name is [blank] now and I'm a [different gender] you still love me?
"I don't know where this came from but i just can't accept it. No i don't love you."

Why is that the breaking point?
Why is that when people are suddenly shocked?
Didn't you see the signs?
Didn't you hear me wish for this a hundred times?
Didn't you know my heart?
Weren't you a part of my soul?

Why don't you love me anymore...?
To my family who will never read this
 Aug 2016
Elizabeth Squires
not often do you meet
true gentlemen
perchance two of this kind
I met on Hello Poetry

it has dumfounded me
to see them no longer here
for they were genuinely
courteous and well mannered

Beryl Dov The ******* Rabbi
a noble guy
his satirical verses
I did heartily enjoy reading
no finer writer
of this ply

ever polite and friendly
he supported
his fellow poets
and wrote
from the heart

I'll always have a good word for both of them
 Aug 2016
Joshua Wooten
this modern nation is a quick read,
a stolen glance at a cue card -
a political pitch to the preoccupied
and a script for the social-scene-complacent -
cues are confused for cures
but you can't fix what's damaging itself
with every mindless media post;
sound the laugh track
and drown the issues.
criticize the bare human face,
watch, revere the irreverent -
celebrities paint a new mask,
become a vaudevillian magazine ad
and we can't stand ourselves as we are;
copy plastic faces, calm the nerves.
maybe it's vanity
or maybe it's a way to ignore
the person wearing the mask
because the blank face underneath
the oil-paint faux beauty
reminds us too much of what we've become;
only the faceless need to paint one on.
spin the truth so it tastes sweet
and acquiesce, swallow it down,
take it with a dose of the relatable
and some self-medicated doubt
while the paper we crave digs our graves.
it's all fake but it's safe
so we accept our reality,
overjoyed that we hide so well together.
but the youth thrives on boundaries
like they're fences that need jumping
and they get caught up in this world
that doesn't hesitate
to spit hatred at the innocent
and dismantle plans for peace.
too young, they're painting new faces,
facing the famed like they're gods,
shaping themselves in the image they see.
classic literature is laid to rot
in the corner of a room
lit only by a computer screen
and all we do is watch,
watch the flies collect,
follow the moths and maggots,
drawn to light and the smell of decay.
usually, I dislike writing pieces like this--ones that address directly the topic I choose--but this time I didn't think there was any better way to say what I needed to say.  too many people are willingly a part of a plague-like social scene, and I can't stand it
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