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 Aug 2018
Sally A Bayan
(a cluster of 10w)
daylight glares...melts shadows
revealing those stilled,
and those living
puffs of breath
could signify a desire
to still exist
some breathe erratically
amidst suffocating airs,
unwilling to die
there're those breathing,
but, oblivious of everything,
committed to indifferent homes
left languishing
no longer exhaling gratitude
for, they're considered
what're they thinking,
when they're with that
loneliest faraway look?
while wilting in thoughts
about tomorrow visit them?

....aiming....meaning to defy death?
to again, catch precious breath?


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
  July 31,  2018
Years ago, my group and I visited a facility for the aged.
we brought food, drinks...and did tai chi with them...
There, I first opened my grim realities about homes and family,
and senility.....and other issues regarding old age.
 Mar 2018
Melissa S
I followed his footprints in the snow
Thinking his path was the way to go
He didn’t even seem to notice I was there
I spoke to him as we walked but he didn't care
I stopped at several places along the way
He just kept moving forward with nothing to say
After a while I felt so alone and so tired
And I began to drift further and further behind
Though I could still see him way up ahead
He turned onto another path to walk instead..
Eventually I realized I could no longer see
As he moved relentlessly on without me
His footprints start to fade and then they disappear
He never even knew I was near
I stood at the path he turned to walk on...
Unable to move forward
And I turn to walk...

*Maybe one day our paths will cross again
 Jan 2018
While being transported
To a doctors appointment
I rode in the back of the van
Behind the fence
In hand cuffs and leg irons
Another day at work for the
The two prison guards up front
But for me, my first time seeing
Outside the prison walls
In over two years...
There was a feeling of longing
That ***** my mind
I begged them please
Leave me in the darkness
While I do my time
Traveler Tim
 Jan 2018
Lazhar Bouazzi
The yellow rays of the sun fell on the Bower
Like a golden rain
And a bee kissed with the tongue a crimson flower
Like a song refrain
As a silky butterfly sweet as a shower
Poked fun at my pain.
© LazharBouazzi, December 29, 2017
 Dec 2017
I got up early
this morning with the sunrise
Together we smiled

I caught up on some
housework and sorted out my
big iron pile

It was a mountain
of untold creased up garments
waiting to smile wide

I went outside and
it was freezing , the sky was
falling through the trees

But the trees are strong
There full of almighty love
And take no notice

Me and Dean had some
lunch and a milky coffee
To warm up our tums

Then we went food
shopping and each aisle was
packed with hungry souls

Outside again and
the sky is grey all over
Matching the pavements

I think they have a
little love going on with
matching winter coats

We turn up heater
in van to warm up our feet
and the windows cried

I saw a squirrel
Scurrying about quickly
It's tail all bushy

A magpie flys by
Then sits on a Ariel
Upon a house roof

Is it watching the
telly , maybe it's got magic
eyes and sees through things

Once indoors Dean
quickly gets ready to go
watch some boxing

Our sons also went
My daughter took a photo
A memory made

My youngest son went
to a school friends party
He looks all grown up

As for me and my
two daughters , we get to spend
time together too :)
 Aug 2017
do you have your dream, your plan
does fulfilment seem distant, far over the horizon

to be on the road is all
love looks upon you as perfected.
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