Standing with my back to my own.
I learned to wrestle before
I walked.
Fell off my first horse at two.
Fell off my uncle's Golden Retriever
As well.
Always trying to jump town
I suppose. Or being given the
Chance to, by fun-having adults.
I remember the first time I laughed
So intensely I couldn't stop.
Caravan. I was eight. My best friend
John cracked me up. We grew
Up laughing. Climbing, getting
Hurt. Laughing through it all.
Some bruises, punctured eyeball,
Reckless activities around pellet
Guns. Grew up... growing.
Growing, learning and laughing
And laughing at all the incredibly
Good laughs there are out
Here. In the world. Now I know
We knew more about it,
Than anyone knew.
All scars and loss and calluses.
I still laugh about so much,
With so many, every