If you're reading this
if you're seeing this
if you're hearing this
just know that this
is about that t i m e
(the last time)
you grabbed my face
with both hands in
the stockroom and
kissed me. Just know
that t h i s is about the
first night I fell asleep
in that bed with your
nose pressed into my
n e c k and how I
haven't slept since.
Just k n o w this is
about how the curve of
your bottom lip is
imprinted in the back
of my dreams on the rare
nights that I do, about
how I like to r u n my
fingers on my forearm
because if I f l e x it a
certain way it feels a little
like yours. Just know
that this is about the parts
of me I let you have and
how I don't w a n t them
back, about how I really
have been trying to move
on but it's g o t t e n me
nowhere except dead end
roads or t r a i l s that stop
with me not being able to
sleep in my bed anymore
because I shared it with
someone who wasn't you.
This is about how I am still
in love with you, will
always be in love with you,
cannot figure out how to
stop being in love with you.
If you're reading this
if you're s e e i n g this
if you're hearing this
I miss you. C o m e back.