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 Aug 2021
Keiko Tei
My Melody was a prodigy.
At least that’s what they told her.
“You’re so smart, you’ll achieve anything you set your mind to!”
And she knew that’s what she was gonna do.

My Melody did achieve great things.
After all, that’s what she set out to do.
But little did My Melody know, that life is not all that simple,
Because life was a thin paper that can easily crinkle.

My Melody stopped as easily as she started.
Her confidence shattering and doubt started pouring in.
Were the stories lacking in honesty?
Or was My Melody just a self-fulfilling prophecy?
 Sep 2019
Keiko Tei
His name was Johnny. His close friends and family liked to call him, little johnny.

This story is about little johnny, with his report card nearing, he wanted to throw one last Hail Mary.

He tried his best and paid attention. He did all but one math question.

On the night before the big day, he knew that this was it. He fell asleep from fatigue, before everything he learned could even hit...

Next morning, little johnny feeling proud of his effort, went off to school feeling great from his rest.

Unfortunately for little johnny, the results show...that in the end he still failed his math test.

This is a story of little johnny, and his mediocre report card.

I plan to write one for every time I am reminded that it's just as important to acknowledge your existence as "normal" and "mediocre" as it is to believe that you are "special" and "unique".

The truth is that no one has read stories about people who fail, fail, and fail again, without really obtaining success in the end.

— The End —