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 Apr 2016
By this time next year
I wonder where I will be
This page shows my identity
The wrongs and rights done to me
What I'm feeling is evident in all my readings
So what will my hello poetry say
This time next year
I hope it's happy
I hope my poems read with an element of sanity
But who knows
Maybe I won't be alive to write anything
I honestly wonder where I will be
This time next year
 Apr 2016
A Lopez
The coco's haunt me
In my sleepless nights,
When my pillow gets
Cold, I shiver.

In the dark grow
Piercing to eye's
That quiver.

Sometimes I worry of the

Of the pesantas
In all forms
They come,

Devotion to the
Light, keeps me
Rooted, the darkness
Always goes,
When Dios
I call to,
When the air reek's
As mold.
The Coco (or Cuco, Coca, Cuca, Cucuy) is a mythical ghost-monster, equivalent to the bogeyman, found in many Hispanic and Lusophone countries. He can also be considered a Hispanic version of a bugbear,[1] as it is a commonly used figure of speech representing an irrational or exaggerated fear. The Coco is a male being while Coca is the female version of the mythical monster, although it is not possible to distinguish one from the other as both are the representation of the same being.Pesanta
In Catalan legend and popular culture, the Pesanta (Catalan pronunciation: [pəˈzantə], Western Catalan: [peˈzanta]) is an enormous dog (or sometimes a cat) that goes into people's houses in the night and puts itself on their chests making it difficult for them to breathe and causing them the most horrible nightmares. The Pesanta is black and hairy, with steel paws, but with holes so it can't take anything- wanted to throw out what I wrote about is all, gracias
 Apr 2016
the company you keep
can make you strong or make you weak
make you laugh or make you weep
the company you keep
 Apr 2016
DaRk IcE
Lighting strikes back at
The thunders angry
The great battle of
All that lives in
Clashing of many
Personality traits proves
Hell on earth now and
Chaos runs with the
North winds
That blow in monstrous
Fronts mother earth
Herself can't contain
Something kronos conjured
From a blackened
Where love was never left
And hatred is your best
An unlikely force unleashed
In the great sea
Ways onto dry land
Staring with weary
Yielding for
On the front lines
With nothing left to
And short of a
You surrender
To the unknown
Which possess
To act with such
And bitterness
 Apr 2016
Chijioke Nnamani
Freedom is like peeing when you’re pressed
Or blowing your nose
Like dancing reckless to good music
Or a floating balloon in strong wind

Freedom is like you and I
Laughing as we walk slowly
Hand in hand under the rain
With bare feet and without care

Freedom is like us
All of us
Letting go of opinions
And daring to do
What makes our hearts beat faster
Not du-dum, du-dum but
Free-dom, free-dom
 Apr 2016
When I grab at my neck
You are the only one
Who knows what it means
You know to say stop
To hold me
To hug me
You stopped telling me to stop.
You stopped giving a ****, so I did too.
 Apr 2016
Love will bring you flowers
and build your coffin

give you hope
but far to often

leaves you empty
stuck at rock bottom
 Apr 2016
I will pay you a penny
to hear my thoughts
listen to all my fears
the pain people have brought
but one wise soul told me
a tidbit I have yet to forgot
he said if you don't care about yourself
than why do you expect others give you a second thought?
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