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 Jul 2019
Debra in Silence
Everyone can ignore, smile & laugh as much as they want
The truth is harsh
If we ALL stood up for justice
We would win
What is it that terrifies people enough to make themselves suffer
I stand alone in the constant conversation of truth
I stand alone in
And I WILL raise my voice!
 Jul 2019
Debra in Silence
I sit with my legs crossed &
All I want to do is
Open them.
I don't think you could handle the
I can see you
Dribbling, so
I tuck my skirt into my knickers
Only on one side
And sache to the bathroom

As I sit
I ponder
*** to the conclusion that,
It's all in the perspective
 Jul 2019
You're like a plastic doll
With sugar on your lips
You have a perfect body
And cocktail cherries instead of *******
Your voice is like an angel's song
You look like a famous star from ****
I thought you're perfect
I thought you're saint
But now i know you are drug addict
Your smile is fake
Your tears are water
You know you need a doctor
But now it's too late
To correct this mistake
I thought you're saint like chapel
But instead of heart you have a maggoty apple.
 Jul 2019
blue hew
black, white,
Almond eyes.
dancing legs.
who die.
Family who
Where cash
is Cow
and Cows
hang on hooks.
and steak is
over. Dogs
sleep and
guard the bi pedal
 Jul 2019
Neville Johnson
Male fraud
That’s what she called him
After that good start, she thought
Lean and handsome
Hair down to his jaw
Coulda been a model, she reckoned
That he split the check on the first date
Shoulda been a sign
Then the kiss that didn’t come
She was blind
To the narcissist he is
23 dates in three years
Still, she soldiers on
Bumbling through life
She thinks she’s gone through every bachelor
This city has to offer
There’s got to be more
Dating’s a long, arduous chore
The next candidate has a nice pedigree
Ivy League, cool job in the Industry
A production exec who green-lights rom coms
He seemed nice on the phone
The date is on
I’ll report back
Tomorrow at dawn
 Jul 2019
lemons and rain
melt your shoes and
drink the rubber
chase it with
some honey.

kneel in church and
the stained glass
with your head.

cut your hair and
pull your teeth
a smile made
of ***** rocks.

twist your tongue and
tie it back
a cigarette
stuck in your throat.

dip your feet in
rusty nails and
fill your socks with
peanut butter.

get lost in
the empty space
between your ribs
and your ears.

go upside down and
back in time
to when you
still had shoes.
june 2018
 Jul 2019
Jennifer Beetz
We play dress-ups and
you are the monster
while I am the queen
I wear a pretty dress
mascara, lipstick
the whole ******
And you hide under
the bed

You are too terrible
to be seen

You are the reason
children take a running
leap from the door
to the bed and
over the floor
(lest something awful
grab their ankles and
shake the muffled
shrieks from them
no, no, no (no
okay... yes)

We play dress-ups
have smokes between
acts, mommies and
aunties and all pretty
women smoke lovely

(you, stay under the

I think she was there
the entire time, watching
my thighs, shins, ankles
feet disappear each
night and
I should've heard
it breathing, her
under his side
of the bed
while he was ******* me
he was ******* her
in her head

Let's play dress-ups
let's pretend he is the man
and you are the woman
in his demented scheme

(I imagine her mouth full
of his kind of love, something
dreadful indeed

anything to accommodate
his seething hate)

Open wide and she is
full as a balloon on a Sunday
afternoon birthday party
in June, pretty dresses
and ugly, dead

Let's play dress-ups
I am the queen and you

You are that infernal machine
called hate
 Jul 2019
Jennifer Beetz
Love is a party to
which you are not

Ah well, two or
even three steps
short of hate, good
enough, you are
the waitress of his
cold served fate
(eat it, I

You, ****, have
convinced the one
who hates you most
that in the absence of love
well, here is your ghost

Warm, right holes
right temperature

Oooh lah lah

You cannot go past
those red velvet ropes
the ones meant for v.i.p.s
and certainly not for you
to pass through

Love exits each time
you enter

Love is a party, dear
but not a costumed event
you stake your **** hole
of a mouth as a declaration
of love, you stake your
freakish circus tent

Ten years, count 'em
a few more, count 'em
your sort of love is a war
of attrition

(****, ****, ****
you blinded ***-faced

Veni, vidi, vucci
go to hell you
(in case anyone wonders at the "misspelling" of the last in the trio of veni, vidi, vici- it is not a misspelling but the last name of the **** for whom this poem was written. )
 Jul 2019
Scarlet McCall
I saw you standing, dressed to ****.
Perhaps waiting for someone to tell you of her thrill--
the thrill that you give, when you start to sing.
I should’ve told you then that I’d been listening.
I’d just started to listen, just begun to catch the fire;
it wasn’t until later that I burned with desire.
Then I fell for you, I fell for you deep.
You’ve been playing with my mind; you’ve been visiting my sleep.
I wish I’d told you then, that I’d give you anything;
though nothing I could give you, would equal what you bring--
what you bring to me nightly, what you touch in my core.
When you’re next in town, go out the back door.
I’ll show you the stars,  I’ll show you the lights;
I’ll give you what you crave at the  end of the nights.
I’ll tell you of my dream, I’ll tell you of my vision,
then I’ll worship at the altar of my one true religion.
For Jay Buchanan

I'm pulling out the rest of the PF poems
We could always go fishing, he said, wishing there was something else they could do, but fate had denied him the chance to have pride in an imagination that did not exist.

Stretching out
like a cat uncurling
I used to do it if you can believe it

stretching out
like a flag unfurling
I can do that.

Her voice
spreads like Marmite on Ryvita
sounds like, that I'd like to meet her.

Oh God,
it's Sunday,
I said,
but he already knew.
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