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I carry so much love
within me,
it extends
beyond the horizon,
beyond the stars,
into infinite space,
to another world
in another time,

My love,
it is endless,
it is boundless,
it grows daily,  
it lights up every night sky,
a fire burning ever so brightly,
it will continue to burn forevermore;
infinitely it will shine.

By Lady R.F ©2017
 Jan 2017
Amory Caricia
If I fall from seven stories, would you touch my mangled body?
Would you always be the last one every day to touch my cheek?
If I drown and I am floating, will you pull me out and hold me
--Wet and cold me--
Though my blood has stopped, my neck is limp and weak?

And should a fire consume me, would you watch the smoke blow off me?
Once I'm dragged out on our lawn and I'm nestled in wet grass
Would it be too much a trouble that you give my hand a last kiss
To look into where my eyes were--would that be too much to ask?

And if I rolled out of a car door, would you drive the roads to find me?
Would you pick the tiny gravels from my freshly-tender skin
Could you press your still-warm lips to mine and whisper you still love me
Claim my body
Be the one who tells my friends and all my kin?

And if somehow I exploded, would you think how to collect me?
Would you look for all my pieces just to put them back in one?
And if ailment were to strike me, could you watch my figure crumple?
Will you stay as I get thinly and my hairs fall one by one?

I love you every moment and would do all of this for you
I won't want to have to do it, but if someone, here I am
So, darling, as I'm weeping, will you press myself into you
Ever-New you
Say you love me and will love me as I am
 Jan 2017
I heard from a long lost friend,
I was relieved, alive again,
I thought , in my self sympathy,
that he or she had quit me.
Now , I see they were the one
feeling alone , so much more than me,
and I should have reached out to them
more forcefully.
 Jan 2017
once upon a time
the fairy maiden made time
out of starry dust and bedtime rhymes
and Santa had a long beard
and Easter eggs were left by Hares
come saturday
about July
they all had left and
all we saw were empty shells of
hoping for once again the holidays
that season
I sat in my room
wishing for Santa to come again
not for presents
I wished for the Easter Bunny
to hop on in
not for goodies
I wished for the
cheer the holidays seemed to bring
to my family the whole world.
I sat in my room all the
way until October again,
when the gargoyles went up
the pumpkins
appeared then , felt
almost good again.
 Jan 2017
Thomas P Owens Sr
your voice reaches me
how it soothes my spent mind
caresses and convinces me
we are joined for all time

we own the ocean's distance
it is you that I can see
are you only in my thoughts
an elusive fantasy?

yet here on this shoreline
we absorb, we feel
this island of dreams
where our love becomes real

daybreak approaches
the Sun beckons me
as your voice like a ghost
washes over the Sea

but I shall return
in the stillness of night
to rekindle our dream
to recapture our light
Deepest thanks to my dear friend; Alisa...who has always been there to listen, to help and above be my friend! Love you!
 Jan 2017
the window to my right all fallen broken busted the sun shines in
I sit in grief it is all breaking down my strength
the scattered pieces too much to pick back up
all shattered on the floor
shimmering like diamonds once again
I can't bear
to left look again I am too scared
that that window too will
fall and break my heart
 Jan 2017
What is it about stairs?
Walking down is
Done reluctantly
But walking up is done

Walking down
Flights of stairs
Feels like
Walking into
A solitary nightmare.

Walking up
Flights of stairs
Feels like an escape
Into relief,
It’s like walking
Into the light,
Feeling light
Like a leaf,
Walking into
A door to the skies
Were the clouds
Like soft beds
Give comfort.

One can look below
At tiny dots of
Life, going and going,
Wind blowing
People screaming,
Chaos and serenity
Almost battling each
Other to maintain

From above,
There is much to see,
Much to feel
And time to heal.
But eventually high
Will inevitably
Lead to a low
And one must return
To the show.

One must walk
Down a flight of stairs
And face their fears.
 Jan 2017
hazem al jaber
Honestly love...

Loved you...
before i see you...
Loved you...
before i hear your voice...
Loved you...
since first word you wrote to me...
Loved you...
from a first beat i felt with in my heart...
Loved you...
since i wrote a first reply for you...
Loved you...
because my feelings needed you...
Loved you...
and will keep always loving you...
Loved you...
although you did not love me...
Loved you...
although you hurt me...
Loved you...
although you lied to me...
Loved you...
and will keep do...
Loved you...
only you, no one over you...
Loved you...
sweetheart before i see you...
Loved you...
and will never change...
nor to get enough from you...
Loved you...still do...
God only knows how much i do...

hazem al jaber
 Jan 2017
Denel Kessler
fiery crimson slash
on mountain canvas
false beauty above
truth hidden below
how low will they go
to tap the root
sip stolen nectar
to feed their bracted petal lies
protect the precious flower
from pestilence and weather
hummingbirds and hovering bees
take pollen honey-sweet
from the fertile center
spread the stealthy seed
Paintbrush are *hemiparasitic* - plants that photosynthesize, but are also parasitic, tapping into the roots of grasses and other plants to gain nutrients.

Word of the day:
*bract – a specialized leaf surrounding a flower, sometimes larger than the flower itself.  Poinsettia is a common example where the showy, red leaves (bracts) ring the smaller, yellow flower at the center. Paintbrush bracts are reddish green overlapping scales, protecting the yellow-tipped flower within.
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