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 Oct 2017
harlon rivers
The blustery east wind
gathers the fragrant  
Warm Springs
high desert
mountain sage,
Dry Creek pass
surging downward
from above
the Hood River valley,
with breath of sky's bouquet
of billowing
aromatic avalanche,
of heaven's zephyr

The poignant
sudden starkness
of fiery autumn leaves
letting go
whirling ― falling
helter skelter,
pushed urgently
flying westbound,
beckoned franticly
distant whispered
ocean bellows
blowin' in the winds
    of change ―

Adrift across
mountain meadows,
Coyote  bent,
paw trodden
ripe sweet grasses,
pungent  with
waft of mountain sage
and fermenting apples fallen ―
the waxing silence
of the marvelous moon
echoes  just beyond
the Lost Lake of the Woods,
its golden orange crescent
dances on clear lake ripples,
high perched
sky reflection lapping
the moon kissed shoreline

 ― alone ―  

The Sliver of the Moon,
skinny lithe
unripened youth
as unsated
       summer love  ―  
sage memories
waxing and waning,
whiffs of honeyed Jasmine
writhing witherings,

    time drifts onward ―   

unstoppable changes
never turning around
looking back
to see
their fading reflection
    recurring ―


august rivers 2017

note to self:
September 15, 16 east wind
Breathing Waft of lingering Mountain Sage
another Autumn soon comes

... and I'm getting older too
When our senses are heightened, do you ever think about the journey of the stimulus(?)!  like the path of scent or even smoke...or a distant sound.
How far is the distant horizon you see...even how far away can we be touched (?)! in its many realms...

Just stuff in drafts...
all these are real places
on the long road home

All habitat at Mt. Hood's fingertip reach
in Oregon, North America
Home of the devastating Eagle Creek wild fire of 2017
In the treasured western scenic Columbia River gorge

Waft of Mountain Sage
Written by:  h.a. rivers
cannot be fully comprehended
by using words alone,

Love's true depth
can only be accurately measured
when it is shown,

True love
can be fully recognised,
and felt by the heart,
without needing
the slightest of touch,

When love is expressed
through caring gestures -
it is within actions that real love
is sown and grown;
I truly believe this
to be such!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
One more step
A crawling step
Willing to fall
Angry to get up
Baby cries and hold on
Like a garden waiting on the rain

One more step
The biggest step
Baby walking and smiling
Shaking still standing
Sweet tears dripping
So determine to walk
Not afraid to fall

One more step
A dream comes true
Gusty storms on the way
It cannot be last forever
A burning desire to walk
Aiming so high not afraid

One more step
Willing to fall
Angry to get up
You must no cry
You're a very talented being
When the pain hidden behind the clouds please don't despair
Something precious on the air
Just one more step away

Written by
Jean C Bertrand
 Oct 2017
Sally A Bayan
(3:00 AM)

Just a few hours of sleep not a fiber of strength felt  in a body lying supine the mind so awake a rapid flow of rebelling ideas could not be contained thoughts quake needing a break in the dark of this 3am morning with the ipad providing light the body seems to languish in its own inertia only the chest rises and falls in silence behind the hills sunday dawn glows


Copyright October 1, 2017
 Sep 2017
Skye Marshmallow
You're the dark blue hue set over the beauty of untravelled worlds
Drawing me back to the blanket of a comforting home
Drowning me in sickly sweet memories
Turning my hopes and my dreams to pointless could of beens

You're the poloroids stuck to the shabby cabin walls
A constant burning reminder of what I left behind
A snapshot of a non-existent place
That I yearn so hard to go home and find

You're an anxious longing for untouched perfection
I wish to hold it in my gentle hands
A love for the soft yet constant melody
Of an old song from my favourite band

You hold me back, hugging me in the comfort of your wooden arms
I'm oblivious that the plane I board will turn your wood to charcoal
And my perfect metallic palace
Will rust in the acid rain
 Sep 2017
Pagan Paul
The Sea and you are Sisters,
your eyes Green as she.
Her waves skip like your kisses.

Soft, rhythmic, with gentleness,
soothing my tempest.
You are daughters of the Moon.

© Pagan Paul (2016/2017)
 Sep 2017
Jack Jenkins
there's a metaphor about
    finding something you weren't looking for
  an unexpected treasure,
       & you were that treasure
I wasn't looking for;
   like a pearl on the beach
or a star in the sky
       I got to graze you with my fingertips;
our lips have never met
    but you consume my every thought
unfold every layer of my heart,
        disarm me
you laid your heart on mine;
     so much love I want to give
even if there's a wait,
      it's worth the wait;
reflected in our eyes when they meet,
          burning candlelight,
    sunset through the window,
how I want you
    need you
  love you
on whatever is handy
     I will write...
:) :) :)
 Sep 2017
Kara Jean
I'm melted pink
Perfect, when that's all you see
My wine is divine
It makes my heart climb
You notice me
I have nothing
I drained it long ago, so please talk to the ego
He rules me
Thinking is now his duty
I am the dummy held up by strings
There are no apologies when it comes to being a broken queen
Once more I say please,
don't bother me
I'm destroying
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