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 Jun 2017
everlasting cherry
it's too bad love
got mixed up
with pain

because it's
the only thing
that can heal it
in a holy instant
We’re strong.
We’re intelligent.
We’re powerful.
We’re phenomenal.

We happen to come in different shapes, sizes and colours
No we aren’t diamonds
But we’re just as precious.

We rise above
We define our own definition
We break our own records.

Yet we find ourselves,
And segregated.

We learn to empower rather than beat down
We stand together hand in hand
Intelligence and kindness form the bond.

Looked down upon.
They see us like the petals of the rose
When really we’re the thorns.
We’re warriors fighting for a spot in the world.
Soldiers fighting for the respect we deserve.

We’re iconic
We’re controversial
We’re a movement

Yes, we may have 1 different chromosome
And a section between the legs that's different
But that doesn't make us less of a person than the next guy.

We’re phenomenal.
We’re powerful.
We’re intelligent.
We’re strong.

We're women.
 May 2017
Jenny Gordon
and you said:  "I hope you like chocolate."

(sonnet  #MMMMMMCCCLI)

I've not had choclate, nor a taste, in pale
Excuse, for that in days, perhaps cuz hence
You called yourself that, and my hunger thence
Was only for whom stole aught else, t'avail
Me of:  just you.  And oh! how that detail
In lieu of packaged squares, eats me and sense
Out of both home and hearth, ne crumb to fence
The **** is't? yet smudges in betrayl.
Oh, Adrian!  There I must leave off.  Were--
What?  Savour ah, minutest crumbs, roll too
Across your tongue that darkest morsel your
Soul yields itself up to, and ah, foil to
Glint, crinkle, tease, nor but in silver tour
Hold lo, exquisite heights:  what's I love you?

Last I checked, chocolate merely demands you eat it.  Oh wait, it doesn't even do that, kick me.
 May 2017
Where Shelter
took and tucked her in my pocket

a rare Monday holiday, and whomever, undoubtedly
an impractical man-someone, (always our fault),
decided to dampen the lawn and the entire countryside with a steady, not drizzle and not rain, something in between, and a dolloping, artisanal, organic, grey creme fraiche fog that
permits hinted glimpses of sea and land, home from away

a perfect day to finish that overdue library book,
and the deletion of unanswered email notices of your ever increasing criminal status,
both a delicioso rainy day, deep dish pizza pleasuring

go for a "walk and talk" in the rain with oneself,
properly attired, naturally, in a yellow slicker and silly hat,
(a perfect car target)
observing how the bay gets refilled, and the elm and the oak
drink themselves tipsy on an all-day-grey goose ******,
all the while looking for side-of-road weedy, wordy poems
that will look nice in a vase day or on a colorful plate from
Saint Paul de Vence

more a "walk and compose" insists the brain,
denying the legs and feet the full advanced three credits,
for providing nothing more than cerebral transportation,
poor brain, inferiority complexion, thinking the female does all the truly heavy duty thinking stuff and of her,
nobody ever thinks or kisses!

so I took and tucked her in my pocket,
(your brain's gender contrarian to one's lower physical gifts),
and poem-picking, away we went, to wet sand beaches
looking for shells, bones, forgot plastic buckets and shovels,
i.e. articles of inspiration incorporation composting composition

just me and she for the other 'her' chose to curl,
herself upon her spot under the always shedding blanket,
watching Richard or Henry or one of the Mary's plotting,
on what we agree must be a perfectly British style
spy's rainy day, or an Agatha ****** mystery
or a visit to the Towers

a little pause between showers, the seeding clouds,
catching a breath, allows the birds to exchange trees
in what appears to man as suicide by diving musical chairs,
while the seagulls oink, "perhaps a cucumber fish sandwich with a nice hot cuppa?"

alas, alas, only flowers that must perforce remain unpicked,
here and there a solitary dorming daisy uprising,
from cracked concrete protruding, but nary a poem of somber consequence found

so to home and hearth and some telly,
me and she, where upon arrival
took and untucked her from my pocket,
my empty poem pocketed persona somewhat mocked
by she who regales splendiferously on her couch throne

our composure discomposed and discombobulated and wet,
instead wrote this trip report and submitted it to the teach
as a homework assignment

5/29/17 8:00am precisely,
upon the where shelter isle
for the overdue book keeper, daughter of the recliner, story teller, sister,
mother to cat, babes (including one that shaves), patron
of empty student minds,
one homework assignment submitted
A gazillion
tiny shinny stars
glimmer above my head tonight,

Destroying the darkness,
are these magical sprinkles
that will glow long into the night.

An infinite canopy
of mysterious beams,

More beautiful than any night sky
I have ever seen in my dreams.

Each star a magnificent spectacle;
a brilliant bright light,

These shinny stars illuminate
what would have been
a very dark overwhelming night.

Each star in the night sky
appears to be
within my reach--such an exceptional,
gorgeous night,
I feel compelled to fix my eyes to it -
I zoom in and lock them in real tight!

I get lost
as I gaze into the pool of magical dust,
the kind of lost that makes me
never want to be found...
then, suddenly,
everything wrong
feels perfectly right!

I believe
that the universe and I
have telepathically
conversed tonight,

The conclusion to my epiphany,
my great revelation,
my realisation,
that everything is going to plan
because the design
is now in my sight!

By Lady R.F.(C)2017
 May 2017
It seems so plain to see
Sweeps us along
Leaves us behind
Every one of us,
You and me.

Our daily lives
The alarm clock at five a.m.
screaming our name again and again  
"Get up"

The infant
every dream we take,
"I need you mommydaddy too"

Monuments to what we choose
We know they come, and go.

Insurmountable problems
in the end
Time limited

We've been there
We know

Teenage angst, forever,
Childhood  puberty
Adulthood  old age

Time is god
it calls the shots
tells us
What is and What is not

Galaxies collide
all over the place
Big bangs bust
and must expand
Dark matter everywhere
Time it tells them
all their tales

Time is god
god is time
It seems so plain to see.
 May 2017
Autumn Rose
Sing my restless heart
in a poem of wild roses
that bloom in the morning sky.
One verse for love
One verse for grief
One verse for lament

Paint the ageless beauty
of my face on your canvas of
ice and snow.
One color for my hair
One color for my lips
One color for my eyes

Play my melancholy soul
into a symphony on a vintage piano.
One note for yearning
One note for hope
One note for freedom

... Life imitates Art ...
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