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 Sep 2019
B D Caissie
As the light of day begins to rise, the earth revolves and the eagle cries.
A smoke like mist over field and river, as if to a time of bow and quiver.
Dew of the morning drips down off the thistle, and a glow on the trees mark of nights reluctant dismissal.
The higher the sun the brighter the forest, the birds in their perches sing a welcoming chorus...

 Sep 2019
Sally A Bayan
(10w x 5)

Through discipline
we see the results
of harshness
and moderation

in exercising,
we lift weights
defying heaviness,
body is toned

we sometimes
defy instinct,
magnify our
T R U S T,
B E L I E V E,
we'll survive!

yet, there're
gravitational pulls
on earth that cannot
be fought

what's fated
is undefiable,
we're silenced
when our time's up.


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    May 28, 2018
 Sep 2019
Sally A Bayan

You're inside...alone in your hiding place
yet, the limited sphere of your space
grumbles with voices...repeating words and
scenes...from failed, denied expectations

be still now.....remember
not to ponder long on hurtful moments
cry, if you must,
but, when sun sets and moon is up
let twilight's soothing silence
ease your overworked heart and mind
dwell not on sad departures...take a deep sigh,
there's hope......look up to the sky

be still.............surrender
to a silent Presence...that
makes the wind move creation
listen to the music of nature
its peaceful murmurs
hear the wind hum its many songs
hissing..swishing, whistling
listen to the trees,
hear the leaves softly rustle,
the water....running....flowing from
a waterfall.......down to the river
take time...hear a hawk or an eagle cry
see them soar and descend with grace,
while a wine-red dragonfly, and a
purple-yellow butterfly....flutter
atop pink Vanda blooms...
search with your eyes, ears, mind, and heart
be captivated!  explore!
nature, always leaves us in awe...

be still,
let sand escape from your palms
release cold, indifferent hands
let go of anyone all set to leave...or
anything that always seems awry...
open your doors, let fresh air bring in
new challenges, and
new beginnings...let them all in!
remember to build new dreams
welcome new friends, new faces
remember to smile!

soon...the hurting will wane

remember the cycle:
sunrise,, die...weep, laugh
remember the Words:
"there is a right time for everything."
...have still...


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
June 6, 2018
"Be still and know that I am God..."-Psalm 46:10

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens...a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance..."Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4

"Don’t hold on to someone who’s leaving, otherwise you won’t meet the one who’s coming.”-Carl Jung
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