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 Mar 2015
Destroy me.
Take what you can from the middle.
Take that golden yellow moon-
that sherbert sunset in the center of how I exist,
**** it, take it!
And Stubbornly I'll be.
When all that is left is bones for the jackal to
satiate on
when all that is heard is bubbles popping
and the jaw creaking
the overuse of what was inside me-
When that dark and silken predator
lies lazy on it's back
with my contents fuming in its distention...
destroy me, do.
***** my remains
with huge heaving gusts of your gluttony.
Because you will.
Because I am too heavy to carry, I am too light to settle.
Oh, yes I'll be your posion,
and into every cell I will invade
marching with my army, marching with my anger
I will wiggle in your ear and chew through the pictures in your mind,
eating at the corners of everyone you covet most.
I'll call you in a singsong voice that does not end.
In every room you'll look to hear-
in every corner your try to hide from it.
I will flood your soul with my wrongdoings so you
carry mine as well as yours.
Yes, destroy me-
And you will perish from my digestion
and you will carry my heavy sins.
Oh, what is left? What is left?
Just the eternal weight of light
and you cannot eat that,
On light you can feast
but not thrive.
It will not still the noise
of the rotting wood
that sits solid and solitary
in the place
where someone stole
your exclusive rights
to feel

Sahn 3/26/2015
I suppose it's very healthy to explore all of what makes us humans. In any case, thank you for taking time to share in my work.
 Mar 2015
Luna Lynn
oh, i am lonely
i am lonely so
alone in my grief
i never asked you to go
but you have problems too,
i know

so i will make it
there is no other way;
without you when i need you most
i could have used you today

to cry?


nothing is to change

oh, i am lonely
i am lonely so
the pain is stabbing to my core

but my tolerance will grow.
(C) Maxwell 2015
 Mar 2015
In earlier times a Daughter was born
Who carried the welts of a belt
An oath of no children
By the Mother was sworn

Ten years went by
An she agreed to one
But you must never
Lay a hand on my son

The man felt afronted
By the Oath on his head
But agreed to the terms
His wife had said...

The son was born on
A hot august Morn
But the oath on his head
Was the Mans Scorn

As the Boy grew older
All of 8 years old he
Was told his mother ill
Her Failed sight ner seen

The Boy Had to help
The mother to cook
Taught by her
From recipe books

The Man owned a factory
Where each day he must be
After school his time
Was never free

He must clean
The factory floor
And haul the Rubish
Out the door

By 9 he was working
with 16 ft boards
To help make the slats
That paid for our Board

When ever the boy talked
Of what he had learned
He was ridiculed by the father
And vicously Spurned

He was called
Insane and stupid
Told he belonged in a
Mental institution

He was told
He was a slacker
That nothing he
Did was ever right

The Spite and the Hatred
built Day upon Day
His father argued
With all that he'd say

By 12 the Boy had
Syndrome, from the
weight of the work

As his spine was growing
It bent the spine as it formed
The Raging went on day after day
The abuse heaped on the head of the Boy

When Finally he left
With his back to the door
For 2 years they never
Heard from the Son

Till he missed
Them and called
2 minutes it took till
The father started again

The son slammed
Down the phone in tears
And wasn't heard from
For another year

Through all of this from 5 years old
He'd been ***** by an older boy
And Held it all within Him
Afraid of his Father he never had told

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
I am setting here in tears thinking how hard this was to write. its the events of the story of my life but I survived

My Sister said that even though she was beaten she never had it as bad as I did for her the beating would end but for me it was unending verbal abuse

At the Factory one of the Machines could kick back wood shards at the speed of a bullet and embed them in 1 1/2 inch sheet rock wall behind the operator, 2 ppl went to the Hospital with wood completely through there hand sticking out both sides... Also I had to run the paint sprayer without a mask the Paint being thinned with Leaded Gasoline for me to breath
 Mar 2015
Vanessa Gatley
You finally broke
  how u feel now
  better that I don't have any feeling
   Towards u
  I wonder though like what would be the point
  Of being friends this point
     I wanted to be more
   I guess I was stupid for believing myself it would be
     More 1 day...
      Looking @ you might drive me crazy
      I've helped u too much that's
          The problem
 Mar 2015
Sound Of Rain
First times had always been important to her.
The first time she learned how to ride a bike without the trainer wheels, the first time she got a great grade on her test.
Because these first times were special only when they happened for the first time.
Riding on the bicycle without the training wheels was no longer unusual, getting good grades wasn't new.
They just became regular habits. She never regretted having all of those first times; the only one she ever regretted was the first time you spoke to her; looking into her eyes.
Because now, even after all those years,
she still can't look away.

Jumbled thoughts
 Mar 2015
SG Holter
Who cares if the sun will
Rise again

Night has its charm
It hides


Fear not Lady Death's slender hand
Upon yours

I've been unalive before
Do not worry;


But Her
 Mar 2015
She was Different, just a little
In school the Kids would taunt
To escape the Pain she, Went
To the Medicine Cabinet

Robitussin, Oxycodone or,
Whatever she could find
For the Taunts on the Internet
To Stop What's on her mind

As the taunts went by Twitter
All she had, was nothing but grief
To the Medicine cabinet she went
Searching for her only Relief

Soon she found a guy, who would*
Tie her off, and cook the Spoon
For a good ******* he.....
Would keep her from the gloom

The scream of the Sirens
Sliced like a Knife, And
Flashing red and blue Lights
Cut through the Night,

The EMT's rushed with urgent Speed,
This young girl was in need, they checked
For the pulse of a heart now stopped.....
Its not all Lolipops and Gumdrops

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
such a sad state of affairs
 Mar 2015
Joe Cole
Yes they brought me home
Torn in body and mind
Claimed I was a hero
On the day I should have died

They carried me on a stretcher
So they could pin a medal on my chest
But was it really a tribute
To a man now close to death

My body now a shattered wreck
But a mind still so sharp and clear
I can hear their whispers
Resonating in my ears

This was the girl I married
The one who said that she was mine
She's still with me but with another
Living in a world of lies

Why? It wasn't my fault
That the I.E.D went up
And turned my fragile body
Into a mess of ****** pulp

So I can no long perform
Can no longer be a man
But was that a good enough reason
For you to find another man

You think that I don't know the truth
Shed silent tears in the dark of night
I lost my body but not my mind
On the day I should have died

What worth the marriage vows
When things don't go your way
What now the worthless words
She spoke to me that day

I left here as a man
Kissed my wife and said goodbye
Got blown up and shattered on a foreign field
I lived but wish now that I had died
This is all to often the bitter truth. I have never been to Afghanistan but in my 24 years of service I saw this so many times
 Mar 2015
I'm still unable to see your view of me
from your ocean blue eyes
you say it's a sight to see forever
your love, never disguised

I stumble in confusion
as to why you see me the way you do
It breaks my heart and mends me
to feel this love between me and you

You're the only one to love me this way
forever keep me in your sights
never let us lose this love we share
that I see deep in your ocean blue eyes
for my husband  x
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