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 Jun 2015
Mike Essig
There's nothing new
about this song
it's all been sung before
I'm just a broken soldier
bleeding from an ancient war

When I came home
there were no crowds
no bands for me did play
I slunk back like a refugee
And now I'm here to stay

Every door
was closed to me
no woman and no lover
to take my hand  to comfort me
to lead my heart to cover

You found me like
some fallen bird
you took me home and said
I feel this pain you carry
now come with me to bed

You took me in
you eased that pain
and soothed me in your arms
outside I heard the sirens scream
inside I learned your charms

You tried your best
to heal my wounds
to get me on my feet
but guilt was far too much for me
I left you for the street

I live alone
in poverty
I guess I'm here for good
there are no saints or saviors
in this fallen neighborhood

But listen to me
if you please
I need to hear your name
to know I'm not completely lost
upon these streets of pain

It's cold it's dark
I'm fevered and
I'm lost in bed alone
I never was much good at love
too weary to the bone

I need to kiss
your shining eyes
but you are far away
and I am caught so far from you
upon this lonely day

You were much
too good for me
my dark relentless lies
too good to see the enemy
within my felon eyes

I thank you
for your comfort
your body and your heart
the way you shared your bed with me
forgave me from the start

There's nothing new
about this song
it's all been sung before
I'm just a broken soldier
bleeding from an ancient war
Probably not finished; may never be.
 Jun 2015
Shrivastva MK
I can't live without you,
Because you are my heart & life.

I can't stay away from you,
Because I want to see you day & night.

I can't do anything without you,
Because you are my work & time,.

I will surrender my whole life,
Because you are my values & respect.

I can't see nothing without you,
Because you are my eyes & its sight.

Sometimes, I freak out,
Because I fear by your seperation.

I always straggle without you,
Because you are my direction & might(Power).

If you don't meet with me,
then I will end my life.

Say  MANISH   about love that
It is very beautiful & symbol of light.
 Jun 2015
Tamika Dakota
I forget I've lost a friend...
The times we vented, laughed and weeped, you heard me..
Watched me grow into who I am
But not who I'll be..
Time froze that morning.
I'm still going to see you again, I know you'll walk through that door
But I guess that was it, you ain't here no more
Part of me died that morning.
The part I was when near you
The part I loved to brag about
The part I loved full stop
Puts me at ease to know it's just for now not forever
Till next time Brett...
I lost my close friend last year,
I remember waking up to my phone alarm and seeing all these missed calls from my friends.
I returned the calls to hear the words  "Brett died last night"
I couldn't believe it, till this day I still can't believe it and I don't think I ever will.
I miss him so much
Such a beautiful soul taken way too early :( ...

Miss and love you Brett **
when torn clouds bared blue holes
the river brimmed with ecstasy.

it had rained the whole day
and she was bursting in seams
to tell her side of the story
from the many
upon her shore's mangrove.

how the tiger guards her treasures,
prawns and ***** and honeys and woods,

pounces from the saline thickness of the mist
when dream of life is heavy on the gatherer
and smell of death far gone forgotten

rips the flesh cracks the skull open
flows the blood as silent night
carries the trophy for a bony rest
till devoured by her floodwater.

the river knows it too well

the tiger is her lover and loyal sentinel.
The Sunderban tigers prey upon the fishermen, crab catchers, woodcutters, and honey gatherers who venture into their territory, more often illegally, driven by the lure of the wealth in the river and on her shores.
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