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I witnessed a crimson star , hurtling southbound to Florida ,
it lit up the Eastern sky , quickly faded , a brief yet momentous
occasion to all fortunate spectators addressing the uncomplicated night ...
I answered with a tale of the Big Dipper watering the chariot horses of Orion , Sagittarius shot his arrow just for me at twilight , Venus gently covers sleepy Earth in her silken black shroud , crystal dreams quietly
settle over timid countryside , sleep for now precious dreamer , let sleep abound ...
Copyright February 17 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Feb 2016
Thomas P Owens Sr
gracious green rolls over me
like wind over smooth rock
relenting to the eastern shore
and vast sea

my window
to endless flickers
orbs from eons past
speak to me as if time
were a minor,
perhaps non existent entity

whisper to me once more
those words you spoke
the first time we set eyes upon the night

if only you could lay here
breathe in the air of forever
and view in wonder
our souls chasing the stars
 Feb 2016
Lora Lee
I go about my day
good mother that I am
No one understands
How when I stop moving
                      ­   teaching
           mending little hearts    
No one can understand
How my own heart is   longing
               ­                  missing
                ­                splitting
not quitting
                    yet breaking
No one knows of my secret pain
buried deep inside
within fissures of steaming earth
My passion fighting
to be released
from my burning skin
My heart beats out twigs and soil
as it clamours to be loved
My hands reach out
to the stars
into the void of endless want
Help me, heavens above
My empty lips implore
Let my prayers be
answered, too

I want more
Poetry is a way to release the deeper emotions that  we might otherwise hold in. I am not sad 24 hours a day. I am busy and am thankful to have a life filled with positive things. I know how to feel joy.  However...sometimes sadness and pain still exist..and it must be expressed..thank goodness for writing, for the power of expression and for being able to share with other writers.
Alabaster hued pasture land disclosed at sun-up , persistent frost clinging for life against the first golden rays throwing myriad , glowing reflections into evergreen woodlands , inciting boyish imaginations of extraterrestrial orbs flying about , invading the unwary Earth .
The glimmering fields of my rural Georgia childhood clearly visible throughout the vast Solar System , causing quite a stir on Mars and Venus , alerting the aliens on Neptune and Uranus ..
A lookout on the Morning Star warning his comrades of life below , a martian on a silver rocket circling the cheddar cheese Moon , beaming at Kelleytown with trusty telescope , calling his King Jupiter with a secret signal or two .. Homespun daydreams of faraway places , days of sugar cane , sorghum syrup and strawberry patches .. Childhood ambitions mixed with farmland work necessities , feeding chickens , cleaning pens , eating cherry plums , riding dirt bikes and being kids ...
Copyright February 17 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
 Feb 2016
Vanessa Gatley
Wat I think i am
  What i'm not
Wat i dont wanna be
   Wat I need is to lose some
   its not  healthy
    But dont wanna be too skinny
       So I'll stay chubby
 Feb 2016
Thomas P Owens Sr
cloaked within the desolate,
merciless shadows of time
i cling to that which has held me
when the dark becomes darker
and the hours become longer
i clutch the only hope remotely viable
in this wretched isolation that follows me
not like a curse
but more a tortured friend
i dream in the pleasure of sleep
and scorn my first waking thought
encircle me now
your shade is my only salvation
 Feb 2016
Janine Jacobs
i am the book my son reads
and i often wonder what he sees
empty pages filled with the mundane
or a colourful piece of art

does he see my fearlessness
and my backbone made of steel
perhaps the circles under my eyes
betrays me

will he understand that life
is filled with moments that startle you
to heed the call of the world
and every adventure that beckons

i often stare at my reflection and wonder
am i, what he would want aspire to
fervently grasp opportunities and believe
to not settle for mediocrity

each time i boubt myself
i silently promise him
every part of me will strive
to better the next chapter he reads
 Feb 2016
I was a child
I was a raving maniac
A raging lunatic
A prophet
Who saw god in all the symbols
And the symbols in everything
I made connections to the plants and the soil
The moon and the stars
To the times I read your mind
Knew the deeper meaning
Or just what was implied

I was a child
A selfless lover
A bitter fool
A dreamer
Who looked forward to every new day
I didn't know
I couldn't grow wings and learn to fly
I knew I could
My heart was pure
My love was innocent

My world was a vibrant dream
Full of wonder and opportunity
And color
And love
I didn't want to believe in pain
I couldn't
I was a child
 Feb 2016
Aztec Warrior

The other day u gave me your heart,
it was bleeding in a poem,
beating on drums and
calling to kindred spirits in the night;
describing the pieces torn
ripping u apart.
What’s that u say,
I am who I am,
but who is that?
U say I am who I am
yet this was stolen from me
beaten, ripped
torn away in eyes that
do not see the spirits of the Earth
or the dreary, continuous pain
carried on ripples of time
never fading,
still flowing
after all these years
of shattered life.
And yet u say I am
who I am,
but why?
Why am I only
who I am to you?
Seen only within your eyes
and point of view?
Seen, stolen, defined
by your Eastern skies?
Don’t I also walk a
path with streaks of red,
drifting, flying on blue sky clouds
carrying me to gentle streams
and sun set dreams?
Why can’t I also follow a path
that sings to me
from forest shadows
beneath a moon of my hue
and left scented
by my ancestor’s sorrows.
A path where the Turtle
speaks of the Earth’s motion
as it surfs a solar wave;
the Eagle drops it feathers
for me to find
so I might write
the Wolf’s howling story;
the Bear rears her cubs
to sing love songs to
the white tailed deer
and Blue Jays guard the moons night time tale
of how humans gave birth
to a world of pain.
The other day u gave me your heart
it was bleeding in a poem
dripping a life denied
seeking still a gentle setting sun
and gentle waters
not found under Eastern skies.
A heart listening to different
beats all at once
trying to decide who I am
as you say,
but I wonder,
am I?
Isn’t this something
I alone decide?
The drum still beats
the dream of no tears
of ancestor songs
pointing to the path
of I am who I am
~~Aztec Warrior/redzone 3.31.02~~
(written using pen name 'redzone')
Sufrfering from major writers block and have been looking through my old notebooks for inspiration. But I found this long ago poem that was written some 14 years ago. It is the result of a conversation with a friend who is half white (mother), half Sioux, "two toned" as he says. The poem came out oof this conversation. This was posted at a now defunct poetry site years ago. Thanks for reading.. the music is Dr. John's version of "In A Sentimental Mood", cause it is kinda bluesy and the conversation we had was "sentimental"
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