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A New Year is dawning.
A blank page is unwritten on.
A new song is yet to be sung.
It is time to move forward.
It is time to make straight paths for my feet,
with my eyes fixed on the Light.
It is time to run the race set before me,
and forget what lies behind.
It is time to shake off the chains that bind.

A New Year is dawning.
A blank page is unwritten on.
A new song is yet to be sung.
It is time to receive forgiveness for the past.
It is time to forgive,
and let go of the loss.
It is time to trust.
It is time to rest.
Time for joy.
Time to move into my purpose.
Time to be strong and courageous.

A New Year is dawning.
A blank page is unwritten on.
A new song is yet to be sung.
A new season of my life with God.
Has begun.

Inspired by Phil. 3:12-14, Holy Bible
 Dec 2016
As the days of celebrations approach,
I seem to do nothing but wrong,
I'll do the littlest of things wrong,
But I won't know that it is wrong,

So I'll ask my God's what it is that I have done to offend them,
They will not answer me,
The silence of my brothers and sisters is all I'll get,

But I'll try to move on,
To make these days of celebrations worth it,
With my mind so infected I won't know if this will be my last...
It's a poem
 Dec 2016
In the bleak mid-winter
Frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron
Water like a stone.
Snow had fallen,
Snow on snow,
In the bleak mid-winter
Long ago.

Our God, Heaven cannot hold Him
Nor earth sustain,
Heaven and earth shall flee away
When He comes to reign.
In the bleak mid-winter
A stable-place sufficed,
The Lord God Almighty
Jesus Christ.

Enough for Him, whom cherubim
Worship night and day,
A breastful of milk
And a mangerful of hay.
Enough for Him, whom angels
Fall down before,
The ox and *** and camel,
Which adore.

Angels and archangels
May have gathered there,
Cherubim and seraphim
Thronged the air.
But only His mother
In her maiden bliss
Worshipped the Beloved
With a kiss.

What can I give Him
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb,
If I were a wise man
I would do my part.
Yet what I can I give Him?
Give my heart.
A truly happy Christmas to all you poet friends out there!
And thanks to Alyssa, here's a most beautiful setting of this carol
 Dec 2016
AnnMarie Eichhorn
The winter
Breeze blows
I hear it sing
Infinite melodies
Ring in my ear

Like lover's breath
Breeze passes by
Softly and caressingly
Bringing dreams nigh

And further out
From river
To the bay
To the sea
The air blows
Over the water
For you and for me
Here I am, Lord you always take me with my baggage.
But you Love me enough , to work within me to change me.
For you only wants the very best for me, your Friend.
You could have , had left me upon the junk pile of Life.
But you Loved me enough to go to the Cross for me.
You Love me enough to heal me of all of this junk.
I am stepping out into Faith in you Jesus.
I see all of my pain, hurt, struggles, and sorrows.
All I seek is for you to heal them within me.
So all shall see your Miracles within me daily.
I am so desperately seeking you to use me.
To reveal yourself to everyone within my path.
So many beautiful friends of mine struggling.
People that been there for me whom I love.
With your Love my Awesome Savior God.
 Dec 2016
Valsa George
In dazzled astonishment
She looked up from her reverie
As she heard the flap of wings overhead
And saw the flash of laser beams in her dim lit room
Before her, stood a winged seraph
A radiant silhouette with such gentleness and grace
As never beholden on any human face
With its hands raised in benediction,
It saluted Mary and said
“Blessed art thou amongst women…
The rest she heard in a trance.
Unable to comprehend what was said,
The girl looked up nonplussed.
Again it said, “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee
And a son shall be born of thee
Whom you shall call Jesus”

In that nanosecond of a new revelation
Did Mary’s world shatter like glassware
Or did her ****** womb thrill with new life
Did she swim in the waters of joyful tidings?
Or gyrate in the sweeping swirl of tidal waves

For the girl already espoused to a man
In whose dreams his comely form had begun
Flitting in and out
Was it a moment of silent ravishment?
Or of stupefied bewilderment
Did a dagger cut through her heart?
Or did her soul take wing in flight???
This is Christmas time. This poem is an exploration of Annunciation by Gabriel to Mary from an average man's perspective.
I am grateful in times of needs , because in this time Christ is providing.
I am grateful in times of loneliness, because in this time I am spending it with Christ.
I am grateful for the time in sorrow for it is Christ wiping away my tears.
I am grateful for the time of pain because its by Christ Grace that I am able to persevere and draw others to him.
I am grateful for each of you love you all in Christ Jesu
 Dec 2016
Mike Hauser
We all travel down different roads
This side of the ground
Some are long while some are short
In the way we get around

But each my friends has a dead end
That we'll all reach one day
Either short or either long
It's bound to come our way

So be wise the car you drive
And who grips your steering wheel
All the difference it'll make on dead end day
At the gates of Heaven or the pits of Hell
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