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 Mar 2017
Laura Slaathaug
A piece of furniture–
wooden-framed or not
with a mattress
or mat long enough for a human of any size
with cloth coverings and a pillow.
Small or big, puffed or flat.
Quiet, empty, unmade, made
Yet this is where we are born,
where we pray,  
where we lie,  
where we love,
and where we die.
Where we begin our day and end it.
We may spend a third of our life here
or more
in sleep, in tears, in joy.
Like with a lover, we hesitate to leave--
or like with a mother that promises cover from the world,
we cling to her skirts and breathe in linen
while she pads our ***** heads.
But like children, hesitant and weak we go
stumbling over our foal feet
and blink at the newborn light through the blinds.
Day is dawning.
The world continues to spin, and with it
day grows longer.
Spring promises to knock on my window
and wash me clean in the first rain.
Winter is gone and took her shadows.
The world alive outside calls me
But still I come running back,
to the feeling of softness, closeness, my mother’s hand
on my shoulder as she tucks me in
or you beside me, your arm around my waist
and voice in my ear.
So tell me, what is it
that brings us back
to here,
you to me,
me to home
to this piece of furniture?
To this bed.
When the moon hovers hallucinated
on the post canal
breaking in bubbles of fish breath
the white widow of the night
revives her long dead tongue
to lick the scales of your skin
pulling you into her bed of nails
making love with you the whole night
leaving you bruised and insatiate
when they find your shadow
scouring the edge of the canal
with her name on its lip.
A night out on a village road in December mist alone with the shadow plays havoc with imagination.
03.12.2016, 9 pm
 Feb 2017
He toils all day and all year.
He takes each misgiving
and gives them momentary life,
through one lamentable tear...
Before he carries on digging.

He gets his hands *****,
as he digs through soil, earth and sweat.
No end in sight,
or he'd rather not see.
No solace he'd find,
no peace he'd let.

He only sees this expanse of land...
Of which he diligently keeps.
Tales told by dishevelled sand,
covering secrets
which he has been burying deep.

He has made this
his past, present and future.
He'd make sure that each would fit.
Tied to this grounds,
he is the worn-out keeper.
He never tells but he buries hatchets.
I shall Love each of you Forever and ever.
For you are beautifully created by our Creator.
I have been Blessed by our conversions we had.
I am so Overjoy, by your poetry that I read daily.
For he has created us to Love one another here too.
To fellowship with one another in this here Life too.
Which is what we do here when we share our hearts desires.
We open up to other people on how we feel and Love.
So I am very thankful to have met each of you here on HP.
 Jan 2017
Melissa S
The scars are there
but they are hidden on the inside
Makes it easier for us to hide
They are not very pretty
but have learned to live alongside
Sometimes buried deep
Sometimes buried
Life is made up of darkness and light
What matters most is how
We choose to act on this
Sometimes dark takes us for a spin
Then light finds us and cuts right in
We choose to believe there is
still beauty in this world
Bad stuff in life happens
But guess what? We are still here
There is always going to be darkness
Just look to the light when you can
Don't let life weigh you down
We can always begin again
Darkness doesn't have to be the end
Not when you have a sister....a
unique connection and poetic friend

*Love to you my sister/poetic friend K
aka Ghost of Jupiter
Thanks to all  who read this and gave me a heart and  or comment.
This was a very happy unexpected surprise
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