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 Oct 2023
In the end, its just as you wanted
To get rid of that silly nuisance that you hated
You'll never see them again,it must feel great
They'll be crying themselves to sleep while your on a clean slate

You councience is dark, empathy for the meek
They wants a reunion, it's all they seek
From A-Z furfilling every desire
You won't even text back, destroying obsessive empires

Will you appreciate what you have when it's all gone
While it writes ballads, such cheesy old songs
One becomes a memory, the other a second thought
Too late was it learnt that love can't be bought

Second chances? Once more? You ***** up once it's all done
That is your punishment for turning a person into your sun
Place them on a pedastal, watch as they cheer
Giving everyone the attention, while your left in tears

Letting Go is easy, you've shown me through your heart
Misleading myself, I should have known from the start
One stays wholesome, the other Just a black hole
One loses an acquaintance, the other their entire soul

You walk away, the leech finally off your back
He might miss you, his life still not on track
Still a mess it seems, just look at his eyes
As he swallows his words to give a broken goodbye
 Oct 2023
My hopes attached to a thin string
With it held tight, i can do anything
Flying in the sky, with the wind by its side
Seeing it moving makes me happy inside

Thunderstorms comes and the wind may go rough
But I've reinforced it, and boy is it tough
Other kids May laugh, but all isn't in vain
My hope flies, coloured blue, as calming as the rain

And when it gets late, i pack it all away
I tell my parents my adventures i had while out to play
And im so very lucky, that i have this in my sights
My very own manifestation of hope
My little blue kite
Holding on to hope even in the darkest of days
 Oct 2023
The devil's time, its so true
Cause it feels like hell trying to forget you
Starving, but my heart is content
With immoral flashbacks of the time we both spent

Holding the pillow tight, it hurts to think
That my imagination pictures your perfectly until i blink
Street lights shine from my room's windows
**** my ***** mind for thinking of you with innuendos

Insomnia's to blame for what a disappointed heart did
Selling your heart away as if it was some bid
The clock carries on as the blankets feel lonely
Useless are the promises you know were made solemnly
Bed thoughts
 Oct 2023
the pain feels so good
just like it should
the only feeling you have left
your happiness gone by theft
no need to pretend, you can take the mask off
all you hear is but the sound of your cough
another day of being a ghost
cause for fools attention you'd never be a host
the world looks the same
the people still brings them to shame
you see no light only people
you grow stiff, like you've been glued with treacle
and just as you've truly lost contact of the world
a random greeting is hurled
politely saying "oh...hi" to avoid being rude
but to you everyone is just crude
and the best part is leaving the crowd
you've avoided contact, you feel so proud
so why feel lost in a random place
when loneliness is what you'll always face
just another day
 Oct 2023
its funny how you can go so far
with no need for boat or car
just a step out and your free
you can be whatever you wanna be
these days home feels like a cell
all you can hear is your thoughts, there not well
wish there was a place to just run away
at home you do whatever they say
everywhere feels like a jail
nothing left, just bound to fail
your freedom out of bound
all you hear is the same old sound

then you realize you cant leave
no tricks up your sleeves
the true jail is but your mind
and no exit to find
so your plan shall never do
no use hitting yourself black and blue
escaping is never easy
it leaves you queasy

you can't run away from yourself
so put you attempts back on the shelf
the battle of the mind
 Oct 2023
here i am sitting down thinking of the past
trying so hard to hold on, make the memory last
just looking around, trying to repeat "it's cool"
but i know that i'm just fortune's fool
looking around people look all the same
wondering what is the world, it's all a shame
the world has gone dark since when I was young
so many words unsaid, like songs unsung
i wish it could be like it was back then
now it seems the world is full of evil men
just listen to music, make yourself confined
I mean look around you, there's nothing to find
our eyes forgot what it's like to cry
make the heart stiff,of how hard we try
our body often compared to a temple
all the words to make us feel mental
here i am standing in the rain
its the only thing making me sane
done waiting for things to be great
because i'm already tired of my fate
ever get sick and tired, of being sick and tired?
your body and routine like a robot, always wired
think of all the people that you met
how each had there own way to make you upset
just here to wait for the bitter end
rather don't speak, you don't want to offend
like a ****** waiting for her next customer to have "fun"
ashamed, so use to the feeling she  waits patiently for it to be done
so welcome to our world where no one gives a ....
if your trying to enjoy it then i wish you the best of luck
there is no such thing as a sugarcoated truth, only the bitter and painful one
 Oct 2023
life use to be so kind
now there's no hope left to find
funny how dumb we were back then
only to grow p and have to pretend
happiness us to be a easy thing
now its as expensive as gold and bling
we try so hard to act like we're happy
but all we know is we feel sappy
don't know why i can't find peace
now i'm stuck on a mental lease
the things we did in the past
the hopes we had that it would last
trying so hard to just live "fine"
cause in this world there is no yours and mine
wishing for things to be divine
your hopes right on a thin line

no need to pretend
your close to reaching the end
the world around you turns so dark
your losing your spark
so deaf, not hearing the dogs bark
or the chirping of a lark
the world disappears for a second and you wonder why
is it your your eyes and mind showing you lies
you waking up only to see the day is done
now you can go home and have some "fun"
which is basically doing nothing and sleeping around
although this sounds profound
it's a daily schedule, it wont change
no need to bother and engage
it'll all be over pretty soon
just look with high hopes at the moon
although dreams don't always seem to last
it's a painful blast
just hold on till it's over
till you feel emotionally sober
wishing you still had imaginary friends
now the pain never seems to end
it's all just a bitter dream
you'll wake up and see a gentle stream
although for some it seems incomplete
so it's fair to admit defeat
just another lovely day with the endless sadness
 Oct 2023
High school, 5 years
Your "best years" your best tears
Find out all your quirks and traits
Become the things you solemny hate

Start horrible habits, join a club
Your mother isn't proud, niether is the man above
Be classed to a certain group
Learn things like English and angles acute

Meet people you'll love, that eventually leave
Your first(or one of many) love that starts to deceive
Use studies as an exuse to enjoy solitude
Make your bad days an excuse to have a terrible attitude

The last days Will come, surprisingly missed
Even some of the jerks, how you always got ******
A Reunion to see your "best" ex-friends
As fast as it began, it takes longer to end
High school days
 Oct 2023
When first we met it was a treat
My heart practically at your feet
My first time, i hoped to be the one
To hear you say "im not ready" and lie under the sun

Been rejected, still hope clears away pain
Butterflies digested, yet we sing happily in the rain
Known to everyone as a warm soul
When i approach you ignore me as if I'm coal

Smiling away, your happiness drives me
Life is already a mess, emotions deprived from inside me
Funny yet, when I ignore
You ask why i act colder than before

Knowing my feelings, yet still loving the game
Loving how my every attempt is comedy found in my shame
You can't lose a connection that never existed
But i feel it for everyone who is just as persistent
Ever told your crush how to feel just to be lied to? Ever wondered why they act so cold only around you? My sincerest apologies to those who had been crushed like that.

— The End —