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 Feb 2015
Loren W Ebeling Esq
In the midst of heartbreak
I find no tragedy
I look to the future
And though I feel sympathy
In truth I am eager
For the beauty awaiting me
 Feb 2015
SG Holter
The firmest handshake
I've ever felt
Was that of a woman with

Only three fingers left
On her

The biggest person I know
Is about the same hight as
His wheelchair.

His life is a richer one
Than mine will ever be.
Because he makes it so.

What worries do I have?
Yet some days are heavy.
I suppose being born

Unimpaired and staying so
Is an impairment at times
In itself.
 Nov 2014
Megan Lewis
Come to the Water

Drink springs of hope
Drink Life

Bury your fear
Bury the pain
 Nov 2014
Megan Lewis
Put that shame away
Let loose the burdens holding you down
Set aside all further distractions

Get your thinking caps on now kids
A new year is coming
And knew things will happen

If it were up to me

All I have to say

***** it all
Dr. Seuss

That's all you need
 Nov 2012
Loren W Ebeling Esq
Time marches on
and also do soldiers
and widows
and orphans
and property holders
and days become weeks
and weeks become years
and rain soaks the ground
and also do tears
 Nov 2012
Loren W Ebeling Esq
The wit of the tongue is brevity,
The wit of the mind is thought,
The wit of the soul is levity,
The wit of the fool is naught.

— The End —