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  Jan 2015 ruby stains
I have determined that I will stop being so selfish,
stop writing depressing poetry on myself,
stop worrying others,

and start thinking about you.

Don't worry about me,
I'm a waste of brain cells and don't deserve to be thought about anyways.
I need you to stop caring about me.
stuck with me
by green day

let me worry about you, and not about my demons.
ruby stains Jan 2015
hook-line- and -sin k er.
water {rises, festers. ;sits:
line comes up empty.
you almost had her in your grasp, but she used to be on track team as a kid and you never were athletic.
ruby stains Jan 2015
dawn breaks like fine c h
i n a. opens with hinges rus
y as age/old *cracks.
a haiku thing
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