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 Mar 2019 Clare Coffey
Dear Mrs Paradox where is your ladle
come rain at the parade we need a mixing deck
bring your frustrated angst and your miseries too
come project your fears, insecurities and inadequacies
we can't cure your neurosis but escapism is the outlet or you

Dear Mrs Paradox come out with your toxic mind
don't hide in the shadows for you're already a vain shadow
are your Para doxing or your Doxing paraing on Valentines day
come do some twirling and lets roll in circles like a big wheel dipper
or perhaps go to Italy and work for the Mafia where vendettas reign
This was written on the Moon by our friend Armstrong because from the moon the white clouds hid everything good about the earth and he thought its a paradox that white can be so destructive everywhere. He was also thinking about how peaceful earth looked despite the crimes and evils of mankind.
 Mar 2019 Clare Coffey
Inferiors carping
hoping dribbles inflamed
guards wait as I relax
watchers walk and wait in the cold
all on points I waste them
empty nonsense
maggots trying to derange
twenty years and more
ineffective at their costs
all I have to do
is whip out my nine
simpletons go mad
floppy limpy twigs
complex get 'em
Say no more!
 Mar 2019 Clare Coffey
Be it not me to tell a fool he is a fool

Does he know he dances naked in Red square

Caked in white ochre he twirls around like in a weaving spool

Spouting delusions nonsensically, he lays his befuddled simple mind bare

As he jumps up then he spins, sways, bends, twists, then pirouette like its cool

Be it not me to say he has a stub for a tool

For many are crazed by this affliction of what's down there

Becoming tin gods, tyrants and oppressors, in a cruel merciless rule

Heaven helps the gifted, for the thimble oppressor becomes riddled with fear

Hurling anger and loathing, envy and jealousy, whilst enraptured with the mind of a ghoul

Be it not me to give credence to the antics of a fool

Plainly, we do not dance to same tune, nor have similar tunics to wear

For even in our world of plenty, many hapless lives are shut down by a little tool

Be it with wicked slander or iron sharpened or blazing fire, smallness knows little cheer

Clothed, naked or dancing in white ochre, a stub can cause insanity not taught in Medical school.
 Mar 2019 Clare Coffey
Bony small fingers wrapped round the cup and lifted it to pale dry lips
she took a sip and lowered cup
Sat opposite I looked at a face that was once to me the most
beautiful face ever
Now for the first time in my life I had undoubted confirmation
that beauty does fade
And those that say 'beauty is only skin deep were right all along

I was never in love with her, I liked her, liked her a lot, but right
now I sat broken hearted
Heartbroken because to me God's magnificence has been defaced,
the Divine work of The Most Divine has been destroyed
How could this be, how can this happen
Is evil such a powerful force, powerful enough to obliterate the face
of an Angel.

Yes, I know the prettiest Rose will one day wither and die
Yes I know nothing last for ever in our world
Yes I know we will all grow old and die
Yes I know night turns to daylight
Yes I know we all return to dust

It hurt, it hurt, it hurt, for how can Aphrodite turn into Medussa
within the course of a year
To twist the dagger in me more, it seem as if all the changes were by her deliberate design and welcomed by her
How can one blessed as such decide I want to alter myself and look
the most unattractive I can be
It was as if Lucifer stood there, saying 'you see my power, anything
you consider worthy, proper, Holy or beautiful, I can *******, mess up or destroy'...

Small bony claws put down the cup after the final sip, internally I was in stunned disbelief, how cruel is evil, how can an Angel be
thus disfigured. Where is God, why allow this.

I was never in love with her, I liked her but never had any reason
to think we could be an item. But her beauty always reminded me of God's magnificence and induced praise to God anytime I saw her. Now the hurts burnt so deeply into my soul, that I don't believe in the beauty of humans anymore. I was shallow somewhat
Now I know only Inner Beauty matters and everything happens for a reason
Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
 Mar 2019 Clare Coffey
So it came to pass at last and sad to know a Timber has fallen
It stood in strength tall and strong for over seven decades
Resplendently toned it spread an uncompromising foliage
Masterly in domain magical in reach attaining untold grades
Humble in origins yet grew with endeavour and knowledge
Distinguishably it cut sway in tundra and in lush green glades

Son of sons of the Land held roots countenancing no crawling
It reached for the stars and danced reasons with every shades
Ran with the sun and sat with owls and vipers for tutelage
Sweeping the very highs and the lows in communal trades
In the jungle of sharks and vipers it be known who's in Charge
A Timber has fallen while the rains falls and blue clouds fades

There's now a mighty hole in the earth and rivers are swollen
Leaves scatter and branches beckon hundreds of onward bridges
Leaving best Princess, flowers and saplings for love and largesse
A notable trunk laid supine free to roam without worldly cages
Odes will enter dancing in guises and tears flow without finesse
A Timber has fallen and dirges will ring out for a man of all ages

Yemessia bows and says Adieu My Senior, we will meet again.....

 Feb 2019 Clare Coffey
I'm scared to see
What lies beyond these doors
The gate to my future
Whats in store?

I'm scared to let go
Of my high school freedom
Graduation is near
Times passing like the seasons

I'm scared to know
What reality has to offer
I'm not at all prepared
I'm like a lamb to the slaughter

I'm scared to find out
Which of my friends will stay
Who are the real ones
And which ones will fade

I'm scared to hold
All the power of my life
Making such a crucial choice
Cutting through me like a knife

I dont want to be scared
Of what I have now
I want to enjoy life
I'm not exactly sure how

I'll think about my future
And all that is to come
When reality comes knocking
By then I'll be done

Change will happen
Slowly throughout time
I'll take it as it comes
Dont stress in the meantime

I won't be scared.
i'm sorry i continued to laugh
While Your insides were being ripped
out onto the floor
That day You hated me for
i grew up and hated me more
Bravery and courage
In her gaze

She is stronger
Than mountains to face
Than any tragedy that hits
Her heart is faint,
But she will survive this storm

You realize it when you
See her
Fiery eyes.
ran out yesterday

lost you completely with the pattern in the sky

the leaves on the oak

on the mountain.       i lost you

you left the group

took off and flew

flight was not sustained

hovering over past demeanors


landed carefully

in disappointment hugging

affirming it did not matter

yet it did
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